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Everything posted by Bearimpaler101

  1. I am to I've once checked percentage in peaches and seen 7* and I eat it by accident
  2. Dumbest death to me on recent episode 3 run I saw a bear on my way to the crash and thought I'm bored let's kill it ( I was on a rock that took all my temperature to get up it was like 50 feet rifle and now right into the bear and it floated onto the rock and nearly killed me I was alright until (since I was on the edge of the rock) fell and died of massive internal injuries after falling vomit spawned me after the bear mauled me in the air and the
  3. Sorry autocorrect it was spelled *weird name not word and btw sito not stop
  4. Yes I named it a word name and stop I don't know how to respond
  5. I say the best clothing for hunting is moose cloak ballistic best ski boots etc. But for foraging get warm lightweight things like mackinaw jacket and will shirts and that sort of thing generally speaking I usually have wolf coat if I have time to cure the stuff until I find expidition parka I don't play interloper though when I've tried my parents tried but failed to help because the would say save your stim for when you really need it when I'm dying of cold in Hibernia processing cuz with the bed I had not enough good clothes to warm up
  6. Witch bridge the mule bridge or the one to the power plant or witch one
  7. Not journalists biomarkers and I started on green survivor but I just did episode 2 and and i t was way more fun with wolves attacking and I didn't even need to use my 2 stims 😁😁 and I got attacked by 7 wolves in signal to noise in forlorn musket in one day
  8. I find when there are loads of wolves that are everywhere pop a flare marine one if your close to shelter save your journalists for bears and timberwolves and flares for wolves and rifle sometimes when it's one wolf btw if a moose sees you at the bricklayers retreat run in exactly the opposite direction get the bow and kill the moose for no reason with the bow or rifle 😊😊
  9. I got up and grabbed all the stuff at the campfire I sprinted over the hills wolves howling in my wake I found a mysteriously green campfire and saw I map I was in ml and I grAbbed the stuff and got going to the local trappers cabin got bashed by deer a bunch looted the house with the rifle from the campfire in hand I bravely oof and another deer new knocked me into a cave and I fell through down and up some rope climbs and got pushed by a deer to the green fire in mt and then I smelled hellish flames and some beast ran at me I ran faster and teased it and then a deer trampled it and the deer pushed me through another cave and turned left at a turn I was in hrv and then I went to the campfire and I was on the plateau above it doh the survivor said before giving in to will and popping a flare for rescue it had been fun
  10. I say the most useless thing is stim (jk) but I think it is the marine flare is sucks it lasts about as long as my pizza on Fridays and I think that if the timberwolves are going to be hard make only marine flares scare them not normal ones
  11. I am having an insane amount of trouble with as the dead sleep I even made my mom go starkers by showing her the secret mountain path glitch she said it was patched but we still died of a wolf in the muskeg an I've gotten the first grave once and then went and got the stim in the br ravine and then I got attacked by a wolf immune to marine flares in the maintenance yard and died of cold in the maintenance shed its insanely hard tips are appreciated