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Everything posted by Ghurcb

  1. That's an overreaction if I've ever seen one... First off, you can still play with your old saves using steam time capsule option. Second, we've all been warned about it in numerous updates both here and on various stores like steam. And third, do you really think Hinterland "wiped" the saves just for the fun of it? In order to make development faster, they needed to separate story mode and survival, and apparently that entailed making the old survival saves incompatible. If they could, I'm sure they would keep our saves.
  2. Okay, let's wait for a hotfix together...
  3. And so comes to an end day 183 of my survival run... bandicam 2022-12-05 23-59-29-420.mp4
  4. There's about an hour left before Tales from the Far Territory expansion pack launches. When it does, it's gonna be 12 am where I live, so it kinda feels like anticipating the coming of the new year. Right now my character is in the Pleasant Valley. But I think I still have the time to come back where it all started. Mystery Lake. That's where the whole game started, right? So, I'll climb the lookout tower, fire up the stove, come outside, and just wait looking at the sky. A sunset, or a sunrise. A beautiful aurora, or a thick fog. That's how I'll meet not the new year, but the new age in the development of my favourite game. And when the bells ring twelve, I'll exit this moment, and start downloading the update. While it downloads, I'll be watching the update video. Then I'll play around with the new survival features for 15 minutes and go to bed. Far Territory can wait until tomorrow. And after all, buying stuff on steam from Russia is a complicated task, and I don't want to lose any sleep over it. Overall, I'm sure Hinterland won't disappoint. I love this game...
  5. Hm... So it's definitely longer than 10 minutes. But how much longer? I'd guess, in order to warrant a "holy crap", it has to be at least 20 minutes long.
  6. But they are gonna be added in one of the free survival updates, not the expansion pass. Frankly, I don't see the need for improvised cramp-ons, if devs wanted to add a way to lower your chances of getting a sprain, they could make it so that you (for example) can't get one when you're at <50% of your carry capacity. If improvised cramp-ons are gonna be as good as the normal ones, that would likely discourage people from exploring ash canyon.
  7. But they already lower the chance of getting a sprain. I think, in this announcement by "avoid" Hinterland mean the same thing. I do wonder, though, how will the improvised cramp-ons be inferior to the ones from Ash Canyon? Maybe, they would break faster? Or make you unable to run?
  8. I've no idea who Les Stroud is (probably some survivalist?), but I looked into this topic and as it turns out, everything that I said is correct. Fresh snow is 20 times less dense than water, so in order to get one cup of water, you'd have to eat 20 cups of fresh snow. You'd have a bit more luck with settled snow, as it's only 5 times less dense than water, but being more dense it would cause hypothermia even faster. And that's what it boils down to, if you eat snow, you freeze from the inside. And to combat hypothermia your body would have to accelerate a lot of processes, which would increase your water consuption. Ironically, eating snow to avoid dehydration, has a potential TO CAUSE dehydration.
  9. Here's my take on the trader idea. It probably won't fit the way survival is right now. And this is good. Tales from the Far Territory is supposed to feel different from the base game experience. Tales, shimmer fog, radio, item variants, and trader are intended to set the Far Territory apart from the rest of Great Bear. I always thought that Wintermute lacks freedom. In all but one episode you're bound to one region. I'd really appreciate a certain mix of survival and story, where you're free to explore the world and have to survive on your own, but you still get to meet interesting characters who would give you new objectives to follow. This is why I'd prefer for trader to be an actual person who you can see, hear, and maybe even contact remotely on radio. If it will be a trading post where you leave your stuff and come back to find somethig else in its place, it's going to feel unfinished, as if Hinterland didn't have the time to make new models, animations, and record new voicelines (like how in early versions you'd harvest wood through a menu instead of directly interacting with sticks and fallen tree limbs). I want for TFTFT to feel different from the rest of the game. But I'd also like to be able to turn the DLC features on and off (preferably, separately).
  10. "I'd eat snow if the hypothermia wouldn't kill me." - Will Mackenzie The snow has extremely low density. A bucket of snow would melt into a cup of water. And you WOULD NOT eat a bucket of snow, mainly, because it's cold. In a survival situation thirst is preferrable to hypothermia.
  11. Can you even delete an account here? I tried to find this function, but I can't.
  12. Does anybody know why jeffpeng's account is now marked as "guest" in all their posts/replies? It's just that I've never seen something like that on Hinterland forums before. Was their account blocked, or did they delete it on their own? They were like... a regular here, right?
  13. Yeah, I get it, but at the same time I feel like being able to hunt every living thing in the game greatly improves the immersion. Like the upcoming ptarmigans, who you can pluck and harvest for meat. I am sure, these birds will feel much more real than crows specifically because of this distinction. If bullets would pass through foxes without harming them, they would feel fake. But I think that hunting foxes should be so difficult, you'd rarely try it. They should be very cautious, and if you get close enough to shoot one, it would hear you and run away. You'd only have a good chance of hitting it, if you use a decoy, so most of the time when you run into a fox you wouldn't even be tempted.
  14. Wow, never thought so many of my suggestions would be confirmed to be added into the game IN THE SAME UPDATE.
  15. Okay, so Hinterland are adding cougars, does, and a new bird type. No boars, though. I guess, I stand corrected. Can't wait!
  16. I like mods and I can't wait for Hinterland to put out the modding tools they promise. Seriously, I'm as mod-positive as one can get. Never played neither Skyrim nor Minecraft without mods (for both of them I have 100+ mods installed). But the Fox Companion is not what I'm looking for. I want a fox to be a new type of animal, not a sidekick. And the idea of having a fox as a pet who helps you hunt sounds a little too video-gamey. Foxes are wild animals, and even a dog, if untrained, wouldn't help you too much in a survival situation. And unless an animal is just a part of ambiance, I think it should be huntable. But I would welcome animals that you'd be discouraged from killing, as they might be more useful alive (or at least, their loot isn't worth the trouble). That's why when I suggested adding calves and cubs I said you shouldn't be able to harvest their pelts. No need to hunt down the little ones. Leading you to rabbit growths and rabbit stashes is the best utility for foxes I could come up with that doesn't go against the down-to-earth vibe of TLD.
  17. New teaser image just dropped. This time from Steam. This is an example of "item variants". I suspected that could mean different skins for your tools. Feels nice to be proven right. This is Vaughn's Rifle, so I guess all of the item variants would have some story behind them (like how in predux there were Jeremiah's knife and rifle).
  18. With all of the speculation going on right now about what sort of "fauna" Hinterland are going to add in the Tales from the Far Territory, I'd like to present my idea for a new forest animal. It seems like the wildlife in the long dark is overwhelmingly hostile. Timberwolves, bears and moose want nothing more than to see your lifeless body. Boars and cougars that are being suggested by the community don't sound very friendly either. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next update, even the rabbits would start to attack us. I wouldn't want foxes to pose any danger. Sure, any animal can hurt you when provoked, but generally, foxes are scared of people. And if one were to attack you, it wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as a wolf (and you fight those regularly in TLD). No, I'd like foxes to be harmless creatures, who still wouldn't mind stealing a rabbit you killed. Observant and agile, they would be nearly impossible to hunt in the same way you hunt dear of wolves. I can even imagine them dodging your aim, once they become aware of you. When you aim at a wolf, it tries to flank you, but its path is predictable and you can easily line up your shot. But foxes would do anything not to have the end of your boom-stick pointed at them. So, how do you hunt foxes then? You'd have to use decoys, a rabbit, a fish, or a piece of meat will surely make a fox lower its guard. No, it won't come anywhere near you, but it will become careless enough for you to take a shot. But you better be quick! Once a fox grabs your decoy, it will run away to safety. Why would you hunt them? A fox's fur could be used for a long warm scarf. I do feel like scarfs are not treated fairly in the long dark. I can't recall a single time when I'd leave my home wearing two hats, but going outside in winter without a scarf? That is not a good idea. Still, in TLD scarfs are an inferior type of clothing, which can be fixed with this addition. The relationship between foxes and other animals is simple. They hunt rabbits and avoid everything else. If you find a fox running through the forest, it might be smart to follow it instead of pulling out your gun. It will either lead you to a rabbit growth, or to its den. I suspect, with the new animal spawning system, rabbit growths will become more random, and thus, harder to find. If you're quick enough you can flip the script and steal a fox's kill by scaring it off with a stone when it kills a rabbit. Fox dens are little holes hidden between rocks, or under the trees, inside them, you can find some rabbit carcasses. You shouldn't expect a lot of meat to be left, but the guts and the pelt might still be intact. What do you think about this idea? I'd love to hear your suggestions for how foxes could function in the long dark.
  19. That's a great idea! One of the reasons why I don't like interloper is that it lacks content. Sure, not having a gun is challenging, but it makes three skills and a few items you do have completely useless. I'd rather have a variety of options for firearm spawning behaviour. Something like NORMAL-LOWERED-ONE-NONE for each gun, instead of yes/no that we have now. It would also be great if there was an option to disable ammo boxes (or limit their spawn to safes and prepper vaults), because I feel way too confident walking around with a full revolver barrel and 70 rounds in my backpack. If I had to search the locations for single rounds, they would feel more valuable, and fully loading a rifle would feel like an accomplishment.
  20. Okay, maybe it's not all that obvious... And maybe I'm wrong. It's just that with the addition of acorns, boars seem like an obvious pick. And if Hinterland were to add mountain lions, I'd rather have them be stealthy hunters. Boars would be easier to implement in that regard. Also, I can see some obvious uses for boar hides (leather armor), while I'm not sure what special characteristics the clothes made of cougar could have.
  21. Now that it's obvious that Hinterland are going to add boars to the game, I'm wondering what they will be used for. Boar hides are tough, so they might be useful for protection. Boar hide gauntlets, maybe? Perhaps travois is made out of it?
  22. Personally, I'm not in favor of adding new UI elements on top of existing ones. I think this problem could be better solved by closer tying your character's ability to see and the amount of light in the environment. The light level indoors is only linked to the time of day (and maybe weather?), so it's fairly predictable. The different boundaries could be set for different houses (maybe even different rooms), making it about the same level of dark when you can't read/sew/etc anymore. Of course, there would still be a gray area of "it's dark, but is it dark enough?", but at least it would make more sense.
  23. Hm... On the TFTFT page acorns were listed as a part of free base game enhancements. And while there will be oak trees in the new regions, the old regions don't have them. Of course, Hinterland could add oaks to base game too. Alternatively, you could find the acorns near oak saplings... BEAR SPEAR CONFIRMED Yes, this is a bit of a reach, but I do have a feeling that the bear spear is one of the unannounced features. Hinterland promised to add it a long time ago, and abandoning such a great idea... is not a great idea.
  24. I think it's a consistency thing. Like, when you pick up an item you get to see it up close, read the description, check its condition, etc. So it would be weird if in this rule there was an exception specifically for stones. Personally, I just double-click when I pick them up. Of course, there wouldn't be much use in this UI element otherwise. Yeah... And with the new cooking system, we'll probably have to interact with those menus more, so they should definitely be looked at. BTW, what do you all think about this idea? There weren't any responses to it (which is totally fine), but I'd like to hear if you think it could be changed or improved in any way.