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Everything posted by Leeanda

  1. Thank you... It was after that phase though... But I do seem to get weird one off bugs .. That same run has been really laggy as well.
  2. It was thick snowfall all night,and most of the next morning.... I know it's a bit touch and go as to when you can read but in my experience that's usually only when it's a cloudless night.. I definitely heard it ,but it was very quiet..
  3. I was spending the night in the car on the road leading to forsaken,during a very thick snowfall. Yet I managed to read a book through most of the night until roughly around 3am.. I did get out the car briefly and could've sworn I heard the Aurora ,very faintly .. I'm wondering if there was an Aurora in forsaken and because I wasn't too far away from the entrance that that's why it allowed me to read. Just out of curiosity though I tried mapping but it said it was too dark.. Anyone else noticed something like this?
  4. Yes everyone is different.. they've said themselves please be patient .. I was just agreeing with them,not telling anyone what to do.. Personally I just can't see that making snide comments ,and I don't mean you specifically, is any good for anyone.its not going to make a difference to the game
  5. It hasn't been cancelled it's been delayed..it happens with a lot of companies... They've always delivered as far as I know, and I trust them and am more than happy to wait,however long it takes.. Patience is it's own reward.... Plus it gives me time to fully appreciate the new areas .
  6. Lol.. well it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world ๐Ÿ˜
  7. They definitely need something... Sweat blood and all the other stuff doesn't smell good at all.. actually they should already put the predators off lol
  8. You could.. or even take an extra 1-2%clothes damage from the extra dampness... Yuck lol... They need deodorant in this game.
  9. Well I suppose it will at first but sweating cools you down sooner or later..with that much loot on your back I'd say sooner.. but still at least a temporary warmth bonus maybe๐Ÿ˜Š
  10. No worries.. with all that glimmer fog you'd definitely have noticed them ... I want to get the last missing note from somewhere in blackrock before I finish the buffers..
  11. Sorry I didn't mean new cairns... I meant notes... Went off topic a bit ...I'm half asleep today and my brains wandering๐Ÿ˜
  12. I've been trying to get them all for three years but somehow never got past about 80, so as I'm going for my first 1000 day run Ive made a real effort trying to find them... I got to 130 + and then had to resort to maps... Broken was the only one I couldn't find one for.. yours is a big help, and I'd missed three there so I'm there at the moment .. Still got some buffers,and notes to find though... I'm a bit curious about the notes . I had them all except one til tftft was launched...are there really over 20 on the new maps?
  13. No they're only in the lower regions..if you mean the regular prepper caches?
  14. Thanks ,that's a great help.. ๐Ÿ˜Š.
  15. Well good luck ,they had it coming I reckon..๐Ÿ˜
  16. Does anyone know if there's a cairn map for broken railroad?
  17. Lousy luck with the weather.. A few days of fish should help keep the scurvy away..
  18. Lol.. still it could come in useful somewhere..๐Ÿ˜
  19. Oh well that is very odd. I suppose it not being there before could've been the bug.. but at least you've got whatever was lost.
  20. Is it the first time you've been there since one of the updates? If you've lost items because the Devs have removed containers etc then that will have your items in it . I found two after the tftft was added.
  21. I did try round that area but that was before the update that changed it . ... Give him an arrow for me,he's a grumpy bear๐Ÿ˜