Semple Fi

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Everything posted by Semple Fi

  1. Perhaps the claws will be of use for a new crafting item
  2. The only purpose in TLD is to not die. Outside of that, perhaps piecing together the ghosts of Great Bear’s past. So that they are not forgotten. It sounds like you’re already surviving, just not enjoying it. Looting a dead world with the clock always ticking against you isn’t as romantic in real life…. Perhaps your view of McKenzie’s purpose is greater than that? In story mode maybe…
  3. Sometimes when you can’t find matches, flares show up. Light fires with the flare and start cooking water or anything that will give a warmth boost (or food); and use the remaining flare time to search dark corners. Getting to ML, CH, or PV via WR; you’ll find some sort of good loot and a lot of cattails. Also, get to the flare gun in the bottom of the ravine early. There’s also lots of cattails there, deer hide x2, and no wolves. Harvest meat after starting a fire close to the deer to keep up health and purify water at the same time. I go straight to ML after spawn, then to the Ravine, then CH, then hopefully DP if I’ve found metal and a hacksaw.
  4. Make the cube a mini-game!! I’m not sure what the achievement would be…. First one was a word processor, aka, electronic typewriter. @Ghurcb that’s a really cool idea! It would require some more voice acting but WOW… imagine the additional depth of immersion with that!
  5. It definitely opens up a huge world of gameplay, and if it’s in the spirit of TLD… I’M ALL IN!!! I assume the current rating is due to the language, and hopefully it stays no worse than that. Even with rival factions, I would think it can still be adjusted accordingly. As you know, I’m not into the Zombie or warfare aspect of any game… plenty of those all ready… but I think your idea would add a lot of depth to gameplay.
  6. No matter what people believe as of the last 15 minutes, YES, in many ways youth has lost its innocence today. I won’t get into a tirade because this isn’t the forum to do so…. But no apology needed. You are not wrong in that assessment.
  7. looks like Vancouver BC is a great template for that. Underground railway and postal systems plus high and mid rise buildings. But looking at Victoria BC… it’s got castles, underground tunnels, mid rises, on an island….. That might be the way to go!
  8. Perhaps use Seattle as the template. Not quite Canada I know, but it would fit the bill. Especially with the underground city that’s still accessible in some places. I’ve been to Victoria but I don’t remember much in the way of “sky scrapers”. Cool city though
  9. Never thought of the kayak option, realistically that should be something that could be salvaged in multiple areas like DP or CH. Opening up some sea travel would be awesome though!
  10. @Ghurcb yeah I would love to get the spear added, that’s been on the community wish list for a LONG time! Why legs? @Leeanda Like, what happened on the mainland? What’s the best comparable city in Canada for that?
  11. I was thinking about this earlier today actually. If TLD were more of a continuation of the Wintermute group… I.e. digging more into the original storyline that we get as we piece together the history of Great Bear. We have so many characters and hints of other NPC’s through the mementos. If Great Bear was inhabited for the storyline, albeit sparsely, how about a time based storyline where characters slowly die off the longer you survive? Or have some NPC’s become more resourceful as time passes, basically “last man standing”. They would use resources and have to forage the same as you, which leaves less resources over time. I’d also like to see some things that really just seem to be missing from a settlement, even a rural community like Great Bear. Where’s the hospital? Where’s the Fire Department or other city infrastructure? Perhaps, instead of an entirely different game to incorporate NPC’s and such, maybe a future DLC? @Admin 😊 But it would be awesome to play as Molly, or Jace, or Jeremiah, etc. and get to experience the collapse of Great Bear and the beginning of The Long Dark in a Wintermute 2.0. But from their perspective.
  12. How have I only just now found this thread???!?!! @Bearimpaler101 it doesn’t matter how much mustard you put on those wild corn dogs… they’re always nasty! 🤣 I’ve been told to harvest cattails while they are still young, stalk is more tender. Also, do you have flint and steel and know how to use it? Better than matches or lighter IMO
  13. And that’s why I couldn’t wait for the switch and just purchased the Steam version! 😀😅 @UTC-10 Perhaps it’s an intended design over time to simulate increased snow accumulation? @Drakias How about making it a craft-able Swedish Torch? 3-4 pieces of cedar or fir, fishing line, and 2 plugs.
  14. Nice implementation of in-game dialogue! ✌️😀
  15. Uhhhhh, agreed!!! Enough with the Zombie games! There’s already plenty of zombies playing video games anyway! 😂 Per Hozz’ comment, I’m in the minority as well. IMO; I think that’s just a generational/societal shift in general though. And we likely won’t win over anyone to our understanding, that didn’t agree with our viewpoint already. Too used to loneliness…. Yes!! That’s why I love this game! 🥲
  16. A lot of this sounds like real life… Can’t have your cake and eat it too. Buying a car, you might get all the features you want - but not the color. Purchasing a home in the neighborhood you want with all the amenities built in - but not in your price range. Using mods to make the game stupid difficult - but can’t get achievements. Making your own challenge “settings” and having the commitment to break down any other firearm found - or making HNTRLND do it for you… And so on, and so forth.
  17. Seems like that should pop up on your App Store icon as an available update - or, when you launch the game to play after the update has been posted to the App Store you should be prompted.