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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. summited fine. thought there would be rifle up there but nah. did pick up an ear flap. got a thin wool sweater and another pair of jeans on the way down. then this MF happened. i was sprinting to the fishing hut at crystal lake and he got me right outside of it.
  2. alright! Summit on day 8. and the lightest i've ever been too, btw. I only weigh about 21 KG. Made it up the long rope in a single shot, which is good bc i need a fire like a fat kid needs cake.
  3. Shelfed it, so 2/3rds of the summit down. Hard part down too. Still, started freezing near the end and no more birch healing at the moment. Gonna make it through the cave, sleep for a bit and then try to dump the rope i brought with me before climbing back up to sleep. i started bringing a rope with me to make the trek back easier. Not gonna be a big problem here because there won't be that much loot to carry back with me.
  4. Day Six - spent the night in the halfway cave. Killed two rabbits and skinned them. Read my harvesting book at got to level 2. morning fire, rose hip tea and onto part 2 of summitting.
  5. hmm, that is interesting. I like that. realistically, a wolf encounter would be fairly rare but extremely hazardous. I am just determined to make a go of this because of the Dead Man element. it is damn depressing when you get yourself into a pretty good spot, decent gear and then poof. i started a new run before i had time to think about it much. Pleasant Valley start. Ok gear. got the bedroll though so i am going to attempt one of my earliest TWM summits. I believe the hacksaw is at the top. Also, i am debating on whether to rename this DMC with Tea and NO RIFLE since i've had 4-5 decent length (10-14 days) runs and no rifle in sight. Got the well-fed bonus thanks to all the cattails and now heading north.
  6. pleasant valley start. wolf tracks right there. i am a goner.
  7. i am starting to have this nagging thought...and hear me out. that i freaking stink.
  8. yuck. and that's all she wrote...
  9. spoiler alert. i did not kill this guy. not even sure i wounded him. i did waste an arrow, leaving me with just two. I am out of crow feathers. i did improve my gear with the rabbit hat and gloves so i'll be heading to HRV now. let's see what's to see.
  10. Day 15 - found a few more birch barks to make some tea. Not great but i figure i am about 60% health now. Not enough to survive another wolf attack but i can't stay here and longer. Most of my stuff is cured though which is good bc i am out of cloth and my clothing is homeless level. time to go.
  11. and so i got greedy. i carved up the one dear i was planning on. Then noticed another downed dear from a different wolf. Got his hide, 3 KG of his meat and left for my cave home with the wolf on my trail. made it back, lit up a fire and started cooking. Wolf followed me into the cave and nearly wiped me out. Took 2 bandages and 2 topical meds to stop the bleeding and infection. I do have a stim and two birch teas but i'll be using my time here to lick my wounds and try to find more birch or else this will be a really quick run. Damn.
  12. Day 8 - spent a night in the cave near marsh ridge. Even got the rope and hung it from the ledge. Killed some rabbits and got some birch. Day 9 - made it up to the milton basis. Was planning on staying here a few nights to try and let me skins/hides/branches cure so i can head to HRV with a little bit of gear. for that, i need food. which means running dear into wolves.
  13. Day and night 6 - forged it. made Hatchet, Knife and 10 arrow heads. Found the hacksaw on the way over but didn't need it because i found enough scrap, toolboxes and prybars. Heading up in big circle to Milton again. Gonna sleep in an interior cave on the way. No ranged weapons yet, because of course. Planning on hitting my cured rabbits to make gloves in Milton and then braving HRV again to hopefully get the mack jacket. Kind of a long way to go but i need better clothing bc i have struck out on skijackets, etc. so far.
  14. Day 3-5 spent in Milton looting and not finding much. Two windbreakers? anyway, i got the heavy hammer so thinking of crafting early on this run. No hacksaw yet but i found 3 crowbars, 2 of which i can scrap for 4 metals. Day 5 i spent in the little cave at the milton edge before the mystery lake cave. now onto Day six, found not much useful at Trappers other than another hammer. thick soup fog heading over to the Muskeg.
  15. On to Day 2. Made it out of HRV with a bedroll (yay). Still couldn't avoid freezing (boo). didn't lose much health though. Just a reminder. This custom is everything deadman except there are rifles and there is birch tea crafting. No healing other than tea and stims. Slept a night in the transition cave to Milton, then hit the little trailer, the church and finally the farm. Picked up a lantern at the trailer and then the heavy hammer and a crowbar (!) from the dead guy in the farm barn. Also, i have 4 dead rabbits on me and it's pretty impressive to see how quickly the wolves come after you when you've got the 3 smell scent bars full. This guy in the distance killed a rabbit, let me scare him away with a pebble and now he's back on my trail.
  16. Trying again! Hushed Valley Start. Foggy a wet afternoon.
  17. Merp died again. This is a challenge.
  18. and no rifle to be found either!
  19. Still day 7. Weather too good to pass up. I am just leaving poachers now. Can't see a thing but i am warm and snug. Can't afford to risk waiting it out in the camp and having a blizzard sneak up on me. don't hear any bear noises but there's wolves in the distance for sure. Also, make sure you check your inventory before making this trek. I remember leaving the heavy hammer all the way back at the dam. Yuck.
  20. Day 7 now - made my way through PV, radio hut then the cave entry to the damn. Spent 1 night in the cave there, killed a bunch of rabbits and didn't actually run into any wolves. Spent 2 nights in the damn because of two blizzards before heading on to the camp office. Decent weather throughout except on my way to the lookout. Been eating the occasional downed dear and lots of tails so far. Clothing, ok for day 7. Even got the chance to read a few cookbooks. I need tools though so off to the muskeg.
  21. took the river pass to get to the farm and hit a blizzard, because of course. make a sharp right turn where i thought it was and somehow ended up in the first apple orchard, not the second. No idea how that happened as i've made this trek 100 times. thankfully i realized i went right too early and found the road to the farm before i lost too much health. I did find one birch bark thing on my way down the mountain from the plane crash though. Hopefully another turns up shortly. No day time or nighttime healing.
  22. new run, PV start. Things were going smashingly on day 1 until the weather set in.
  23. Ok, time to revisit this one. It's the first time in a while that a series of runs really kicked my A and left me wanting something easier. First try again, Mountain Town start....didn't go well.
  24. interesting take on a custom. One of the problems i find with regular loper settings is that the items are generally all the same which means you have one path for survival. Stay alive long enough to get your bow and tools and then make your clothing before the real cold sets in. if you play long enough, the style can get repetitive. i end up doing the same things over and over again because they work. the low condition recovery here is pretty difficult.
  25. Sorry, a week in and these settings are not what i am looking for. I want to play with the rifle but i want a real hardcore challenge and this one wasn't that. It's not cold enough and there is too much food.