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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. shot him with an arrow then turned and ran like heck. He chased me onto the bridge then mercifully fell off. He's down there somewheres...
  2. it was wolf # 3 that got me. MF.
  3. Day 45 - Ash Canyon - made it through some bad weather to Angler's den and spent the night. Cabin fever should be a ways off but we shall see. Weather here is pretty much the same as TWM. -30 temp and -15 wind. ran into some wolf trouble while climbing up the long falls.
  4. Day 40+ now. Pretty much camped out at the climbers hut on TWM until my bear skins cured and i made the coat. got pretty lucky with fish and food. I let the well fed bonus expire and then started eating again a few days before the coat was ready. Packed up my snow shelter and headed on to Ash Canyon. Never been there before on Interloper.
  5. Day 35 - way to get cocky.
  6. ok, for the uninitiated, here's how you dispense with a bear on interloper. make a bow and some arrows or get a flare gun. find bear. get to a place where there is a fallen tree you can hide up in. Lure him in close with your sexual wiles. shoot him. if he dies right there, you're blessed. most likely he will run. find a place to chill keep checking your sandbox journal. watch for bear deaths. heat up some tea and go looking for him. pray he doesn't fall on a deep mountainside.
  7. i am here to kick ass and chew bubblegum...and i'm all out of bubble gum.
  8. ok, better to be lucky than good. It's Friday eve here on the East Coast USA and i may be having a few vodkas. i was just going to collect some cattails at the little frozen water area at Eric's falls but then i saw that guy. i was gonna lure him over to the fallen tree where i could cowardly hit him with the flare gun. but the SOB just stopped walking toward me when i got too far up the tree. when i came down close to draw him in he booked toward me then ran away. i followed him like a dunksi and he charged me. I raised my gun and leveled his hairy A. better lucky than good.
  9. Day 23- summit success. not sure how much decent swag is up here on interloper though. hopefully a lot of flare shells and a nother thin wool sweater.
  10. oh, here's my gear. Got the combat pants on PV and the mack jacket and work boots in the lockers right when you go from crumbling highway to DP. Who says all containers are empty on Loper?
  11. day 22 - made it back through PV and slept in a cave to avoid cabin fever. Then climbed up to the mountainers to make some rabbit gloves. Also did some fishing in the crystal lake hut to avoid the fever. Need a ton of wood though and i have very little. I needed to make the TWM climb before day 40 so good joss there. Time to go make the climb.
  12. Longest Interloper run i've had was 280 days. At that point, i got bored. I was surviving life but not exploring or enjoying life. Time for another shot to make one of those long ass Loper runs where everybody says "holy hell". and i got tired of running the deadman settings. Even with an added rifle and the birch tea it was damn hard. I will try that again someday sure. So here i am on interloper day 17 i think. Good start in PV, ok gear. Made it to Coastal and then DP to the forge. I never make hatchets but this time i did because i need something to fend off wolves. a couple things. Yeah, sure, Deadman is way harder than Loper but it's not exactly easy. I tried to keep the well fed bonus on Loper as long as possible but i simply ran out of food so i let it expire. After that, things got easier. However, once you start accumulating gear, you get heavy. and then you get slow. and then the wind picks up and you get even slower. also, even though the custom weather settings are the same on Loper and DMC, it is way harsher sooner on Loper. I am at clothing +17 now and i'm still freezing during a blizzard in the climbers hut on TWM. That never happened on the DMC. So cold is your true enemy on Loper and the wolves are maybe 75% as bad as the DMC. Not great, but slightly better.
  13. Day 15 - F it. i need a break from this. I'm just going to do the longest Loper run i can manage.
  14. what i need is right there. I am down to 1 cattail, 3 coffees and a can of 31% alpo.
  15. the real nasty about these settings is the fatigue. Want to cross a map? you better plan on having 2 sleepovers. and yeah, the hunger setting is brutal too. It makes you do things like heading into Scruffy's cave because your hungry, not because you need any gear.
  16. trying one more time. Decent start. Got some ok equipment. on my way to craft in DP. Stuck here.
  17. TWM - there's usually one just down the slope when you enter from PV but before the little rabbits. Also, there can be one near the container by the bear cave and the wing? Both areas have trees you can climb and shoot from. Mystery Lake, right outside the damn where the cattails are. Also, at the little cabin right after you pass the stream. Broken railroad - near the hunting cabin by the frozen pond. Muskeg - at the top of the ridge near the Mountain Town entrance. Also, sometimes near the cave where you come from Bleak Inlet Mountain Town - near a frozen lake by the entrance to HRV. Also, where the cattails are at the bottom of the map as you head to the Muskeg. Fallen tree there you can shoot from. Desolation Point - had one bounce me at the bridge near the lighthouse. Only saw him there in one game of many though Pleasant Valley - near the fishing hut. HRV - at the big lake at the top of the map Happy Hunting
  18. Yeah, made it to the forge, crafted hatchet, knife, arrowheads. Used my new knife to carve up some deer carcasses to avoid starvation. all good. made it back to mystery lake in ok weather but got jumped by two wolves on the way to trappers. first one brought me down to 50% conditioning and the second one finished me off. booooooooo!
  19. Day 4 i think. not starving yet but getting awful close. Made it through the lake and just briefly stopped at the cabin to warm for 1 hour. weather ok, so on to the muskeg. I need a knife like Paul Hogan in the worst way. gotta get to the other side and make a roaring fire before nightfall and fatigue sets in.