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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. Day 8 - made it to Trappers and finished off my rabbit hat and gloves. Even picked up another thin wool sweater on the way. Not doing too bad. got a bunch of stuff curing now. Need to find me a hammer to make my tools though.
  2. long story short, i headed up to the gas station with a wolf on my tail smelling like a bloody mess. I tried to find the prybar by the little porta potties and the car near the station...nothing. wolf still wolfing me so i had him tail me into the wood lot where there was some deer and he got distracted and chased them. Victory one. i had some time so i tried the old prison bus and victory #2
  3. Day 5 - made it back to town only to find my hides just about 60% cured. i can either chill a few more days and eat up my food reserves or risk the gas station, where i have no prybar. I did pick up the hacksaw though so score! busy hiding from wolves now. i must smell i I must smell like breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  4. I got a wolf behind me and grizzly in front of me so i wasted some time collected tails down in the little canyon. when i came back up, it was foggy because of course it is. didn't hear the bear again though and i really want to head forward and sleep in the cave for the night before heading back into town tomorrow. my expert tracking skills tell me that i am zigging and he is zagging so i should be ok.
  5. AM Day 4 - got my cooking 2 from reading a book and Well Fed bonus from all the cattails and that generous deer. which is timely because in the church i got my rifle. Heavy and heck and no bullets but it's something.
  6. Made it up the hill no prob and as i neared the church i heard that familiar sound of a deer going down by way of wolf. found him on the road in front of the church and chased him a way with a stone. Lit up a fire with one of my trusty books. So much meat but it takes soooo damn long without a tool. still, gotta do it. 8.5 KG. hopefully the weather doesn't shift and blow my fire out...
  7. Day 3 - spent the night at the farm. Picked up some 50% cans of food, a thin wool sweater and a down vest to go under the mack jack. Not bad. got the mag lens in town but no other good items. taking advantage of decent weather to head up to the church now. pea soup fog. Gonna make it up on memory.
  8. Cooked a ton of rabbit and made gallons and gallons of water. Nice that there were matches up on the counter. It took about 9 hours to do all the skinning so Day 2 is pretty much a wash. found some decent food items too. Maple syrup and ketchup chips mostly. Enough to get through today and tomorrow for sure.
  9. Still Day 1 - Made it out of the plane crash and into the town. Stoned a bunch of rabbits and also used rocks to chase the wolf away after he killed two for me. found a Mack jack in the credit union safe but as soon as i step outside, i've got hounds on my trail. going to chill at grey mother's tonight and harvest my 6 rabbits and let them cure there while i explore the map tomorrow. also, no crowbar to be found so the gas station is out of reach now.
  10. Day 1 - Mountain Town start. Stuck down near the plane crash of course. cold but not freezing yet. oh, i also am making this run without checking any loot tables. If you don't know what they are, you can find the information all over the place. it's not really cheating but once you find one decent item on Loper, you can use them to determine which maps have the other items and what their locations are. This run, i would like to be pleasantly surprised. Hopefully, there's a bedroll around here somewhere...
  11. ok, time for a new challenge. Not trying to be mr tough guy but vanilla Loper, while still a challenge has run it's course with me for a while. I wanted to up the challenge a bit because the starve day/sleep heal mechanic just doesn't work for me anymore. I wanted to trade that in for something as close to "real" as i could think. So i am doing Sleepwalker level 1, as indicated in this link. It's very much like interloper but no sleep heal. You can heal slightly during the day though and i can birch tea as well because i don't want an early wolf hit to destroy me. However, there's plenty of danger, plus the awful cold. I allowed myself the rifle because it's certainly plausible that you could find one in the great north. and keep in mind, the item decay is massive and on the low resource settings there is not gun cleaning possible. If you find a rifle, great but it'll be at 30% condition and you might have to go all the way to the Inlet to restore it. i turned off intestinal parasites because why would predator meat cause that but not deer? I mean, if the meat is cooked, it should be eaten. I also turned off cabin fever because it is stupid and unrealistic. Maybe if you could set it to 50 days stuck in a cabin or something but you can't.
  12. so i didn't die there but something worse happened. I got bored. Once you hit cooking 5 then survival is only really threatened by some dumb fall or repeated attacks. Or stepping on a live wire in the dam which i have totally done. gonna start another run on different settings to up the challenge again
  13. here's the bloody aftermath. really glad i made it to the cave. damn timbers followed me right in though. I picked up a book near the body on the ledge before dropping down and i was able to light up a fire as soon as i got in the cave which helped fend them off. all in all, not bad considering they had me dead to rights in the middle of nowhere. Time for some sleep.
  14. Damn it. Gonna run out of arrows before i run out of timberwolves.
  15. and then this happens.
  16. so yeah, scratch that plan. I though what if i go to the cannery without the stupid code from the antenna building and i can't get in. Then i freeze my balls off or get timberwolved for naught. so i decide to make it out from where i came up, through the muskeg. i wait till the afternoon when it is moderately warmer, then take the shortcut by the little frozen pond through the mountain.\
  17. Thinking of going to the cannery soon if the weather holds tomorrow. for the record, i HATE the cannery with the fire of a thousand suns. I lost a nice Loper game there by freezing to death while waiting for an aurora and the door to open.
  18. Thanks! ok, day 144 on BI. been surviving in the bear cave for a few days and then hiked up to this cabin and stayed a night. Some expired cans of food there and cloth but nothing else. I do wish i had done the Ravine to BI climb before so i could have roped myself up to the radio tower but that's on the list for later. The weather here is the pits. This day has been the only manageable one so far. Every other day has been a freeze your nuts off in 20 minutes kind of day.
  19. Bleak Inlet is a map i am not in love with but i don't hate. There are some decent shelters and once you kill the bear, there's a nice little living space cave with easy access to fishing hut. but it's always too damn cold and windy to get an outside fire going. I had to let my healthy drop <50% just to harvest that damn bear.
  20. Day 140 Bear time again. Skinny guy though. Just 26 KG.
  21. Day 138 - Blink Inlet anybody else not pay enough attention and end up walking on sketchy ice, not hit the run key soon enough and freeze their nuts off?
  22. So i had this great idea to kill some time on FM by heading up to Poacher's, killing a bear and getting his skin curing on this map while i move on to Bleak Inlet to explore a bit. too bad it's a pea soup fog kind of day.
  23. Day 136 - kinda stuck in Forlorn Muskeg limbo right now. Not too much interesting to do here. Explored a bit, got a little meat to eat, etc. the problem is that even sleeping outside but in the homestead i still can't make it through a regular night without some kind of fire, much less through a blizzard. i did pick up a firestarter book and hit F5 though. took forever considering i started out at F3.