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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. got jumped heading out of BI to FM bc i couldn't find a damn battery to save my life. not looking good at all.
  2. ugh, something is missing.
  3. Day 110 now. spent a few days down near the fishing huts. climbed up to the lighthouse and found nothing useful, as usual. rambled my freezing self up to the cannery. sprinted to the trailer. slept one hour and then peaked out, no wolves. braved it up the ladder and around. and then an aurora hit. Yay! made it into the cannery on my first night. flared gunned the dirty cannery wolf and spent an hour watching him run around with my flare stuck to him. joy.
  4. All told, not doing so bad. rested up in the ravine and got my health back up to about 95%. pretty good considering where i was a few days ago. debated a bit on where to go next. I want the climbing gear but that means a trek back through Pleasant Valley, TWM just to get to the beginning of the new map. i decided to head on over to Bleak Inlet to try and make some bullets and repair my gun. Right decision? who can say. i will add that i made it down to the radio station on BI without much incident, stayed in the lookout and even picked up a cooking pot. made it down the rope. I brought one with me even though there was one at the lookout (doh!) stayed a night in the lonely cabin at the top of the map. waited on good weather and decided to make the trek to the cannery workers cabin and the fishing hut there. I made it just in time. This actually might be the best BI weather i can remember. The wind is usually an absolute killer.
  5. wow, passed 100 days and didn't even realize it. now at day 103. so i made it back through FM, stayed 1 night in mystery lake and then again at the dam. Thought i left a cooking pot there but did not so now i have to make water with stupid cans. i need to start recovering health or else what is the point. I have used 2 stims already, although one was a total waste bc i ended up getting jumped the next day. looking to spend some time recovering in the ravine. Should be birch there, maybe a deer and definitely no wolves. made it there. here's my army of birch. let the healing begin!
  6. made it to the forge. Never seen so many deer and wolves all in one spot. there are 3 downed deer within reach. about 5 wolves though.
  7. back to muskeg. really hurting now.
  8. had to finally use a stim. Got me back up to 50% health. heading out now. got wolfed again.
  9. ugh, there's a real sense of irony when you go out hunting for birch bark tea and you end up getting wolfed. up at the hunting lodge area on BR. didn't find much of use except a few more rifle bullets. certainly no underwear. gonna try and head out of here today, back to the Muskeg to make more tools. strange, i have never run out of sharpening stones before.
  10. so close. There's a wolf on my tail now. Can't sprint yet. Always save your sprint, btw.
  11. slept a night in the cave at the top of the map on the muskeg. Weather is holding so i am now thinking of going all the way to broken railroad. i am scared though. I've been caught in a surprise blizzard on BR before and RIP. it's just such a long trek to the maint. shed. still, i am barely maintaining on cattails and cream of mushroom soup. It's crazy what you will do when you are hungry. a
  12. well, it did. Just barely though. I had to dip into my meager food stuffs in order to complete the coat but that's fine. I slept a night in the cave overlook and picked up another book there. Cool. the plan now is to grab the heavy hammer from where i left it at the Lake/Muskeg tunnel and then if A. bad weather, go to the forge at the muskeg and make myself a new knife and hachet or B good weather, make it all the way to broken railroad.
  13. here's where i hit cooking 5. got about 8KG of venison from this guy. The plan is to keep the rifle in the cave, head on up to the office and hope that sustains me enough to craft my bear skin coat.
  14. barely getting by with fishing. Definitely not in the +column. new strategy needed.
  15. Day 83 - Mystery Lake. if i don't start catching some big fish soon this story is going to end much quicker than i thought it would.
  16. so one of the things that 's challenging about staying on one map for so long is that you forget the stuff you did on the other maps. I made my way slowly back to trapper's and did not find the other bear hide. it's at the camp office. I did however find 4 wolf cured wolf pelts and plenty of dried guts. so instead of huffing back to the office, i decided to stick around and make my wolf coat. took 3 full days of course but i got it made. unfortunately, i didn't catch any rabbits and had to eat up much of my stored food stuffs. I am now down to cattails, chocolate bars and some odds and ends. still, it is really nice to see only one down arrow on my temp. it's a nice day and no wind but that is something i haven't seen since about 20 days. on to mystery lake.
  17. made it through the night there and chased the wolf away before sprinting down the hill, to the little frozen pond where i arrowed the two rabbits. Slept in the nice cave above town. Even found a gunsmithing book which is cool for when i need it. now i am at grey mothers. i chopped up some cloth to repair all my clothes. I'll need to make it all the way up to the trailer tomorrow. hopefully the moose hide is cured now but i doubt it. at least i will have food. honestly, i can't believe i don't have cooking 5 yet. I've made so many teas just to keep warm. one thing that is "fun" about this setting is my gave of food poisoning roulette. what's that...18% condition dog food? sure, i'll eat it. i did get the FP a few times...most fun was 0% condition maple syrup. i didn't even know that went bad. at the very least, i try to play FP Roulette before bedtime. And presumably with a bathroom nearby.
  18. hah, you are spot on with the fire power helping with moose and bear. bc bullets are so rare though it's still required to make a bow and arrow which is find with me. They call me robin hood in some parts. Also, since recovery is set to 0% (except birch tea and stims) a wolf attack is absolutely killer. being able to walk around with the rifle in hand and aiming quicker than the bow really helps. Even just one that you survive drops your health down to a level that would take about 10 teas to get back up to 100%. I just found 4 birch barks on a quick trip from my cave to the church and it was like finding a winning lottery ticket. The only thing is, after healing, i dunno maybe 8% from them both, i still lost a little because of the damn cold. so i do like this setting. The cold is still your biggest enemy. I am damn glad i chose the +2 cold fusion bonus as a perk otherwise i would be a sunken ship. so instead of carrying my bear and moose skin back with me to a safer spot, i am just going to let the moose hide cure to make my satchel. Other than the rifle that's the one item that will really open up this run for me. I do see a looming problem on the horizon though. I'm down to 15 bullets now and my rifle condition is dropping. I could find another one but it's condition would probably stink. There are no rifle cleaning kits either. i know that if i survive long enough i'll have to make it on over to Bleak Inlet to repair it and make some more bullets. That's a problem for another day though. for now, i climbed down to the plane wreck in the hopes of finding some loot. I have 3 stims too and i am fighting the urge to use one but to me, those are only break glass in case of emergency type stuff. now i wait in the cave. It's a crappy cave too. I'll need to keep a fire going all night to survive. brrrrrrrr.....
  19. Day 66 now. here's my cave home at the top of the map on Milton. Killed that wolf right before he nipped my nuts. i even found another birch bark so i could make 1 tea and heal a wee bit.
  20. Thanks! So i caught my first break of the game, feels like. the mysterious signal fire was at the easy location on the left side of the map. Was able to get up there, recover the mackinaw jacket and some other stuff before heading back down. was going to explore a bit while my bear hired cured back in the mountain town cave but thought better of it. My clothing is only giving me +21 when everything is at 100% and it's just too damn cold to be outside for very long. but...i caught break #2 I made my way back into the milton frozen lake and my sweet moose was back. I climbed up the fallen tree and took my shot. had to chase him up the hill a bit and then down the other side but i got it. the weather actually held for several hours and i was able to cook up about 25 of his 40 KG and got his hide. here's the aftermath.
  21. well, that sucked. I outsmarted myself. I see that beauty but i have no way to store 40KG of meat so i start gathering stones. I need some place to store all his stuff while his hide cures. blah blah. so i duck into the HRV cave and start collecting stones. Got as many as i can and head out, and of course that Moose is gone now. I did a quick pivot and went up to look for the bridge bear and he's there. I rifle him. Nothing. Then i arrow him and stick him real good right in the head. I even got a nice screen shot of me hiding like a coward in one of the bridge cards while he walked on past with my arrow in his neck. Too bad our power went out and i lost it. anyway, the arrow and the rifle shot did not kill him. I had to come back one more time and it took another 4 rifle shots to finally kill him. got his hide and a few KGs of poison bear meat. I also ran a wolf into a deer and got my stone storage thing right in the middle of the road by the frozen pond. But i can't stay here any longer. I am just treading water. On to the HRV.
  22. let's fast forward about 10 days. I almost got jumped again heading out of mother's the next day so i escaped into a house and decided i needed a safe place to rest up and lick my wounds. To me this means the cave down in the Milton valley. great spot for wound licking. got enough birch down there, cattails and even killed a wolf to make it about 4 days. Got my health back up to 60% which is where i am at now. made my way up to the ranch and stayed a night there and then again at the church. not great gear. the plan was to head to HRV in search of more birch, but not before i would make a beeline to the bridge in milton to see if the bear is there. I could use warmer clothes bad. on the way...i see an old friend.
  23. Day 48 - made it to wolf town fine but then got jumped right by the post office. Gonna need a whole lot more birch bark to get through this. 75% health gone in 5 seconds.