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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. ok, will spare the gory details but my first few runs did not end well. They also didn't begin well either. I started over and this time took the Firemaster and the Cold Fusion perks. Some say why bother with cold fushion on the interloper weather settings bc who cares about +2 degrees when it's -50. that's fine and dandy but on DMC+ settings the beginning of the game is all important. You have to stave off the freezing until you can get to shelter and some basic clothes. anyway, i did get a decent start and found ok clothing. Even got the hammer and mag lens, but no hacksaw. Which means harvesting everything by hand which is brutal. i picked up the bedroll and made my way up through the damn towards mystery lake. currently holed up there with very little left in the way of food. not sure i can afford to wait out this damn blizzard.
  2. Phew took a few weeks to play through the new map. I like it but always climbing is a wee bit harsh. OK! gonna try this again. Gonna try to make this a somewhat realistic run. DMC settings with only birch bark crafting plus the lowest daytime healing possible. No sleep healing. So not quite Deadman, obviously. I also want to survive 20+ days on each map to keep from camping. and give me a rifle too dammit.
  3. Ok, i basically stopped played my existing deadman game because i hit the 30 days and only had a slight interest in playing it out as long as i could go. While playing it i thought of a few ways to make it "better", i.e. a little more realistic. You should be able to recover from injuries somewhat. The problem is that the nightime healing factor, even on Loper is just too rigged. It's basically no problem to starve all day, eat a rabbit and some tails at night and wake up to full health. so scratch that. i am playing with the regular dead man code (8MHI, etc.) but i am turning on the rifle and birch bark tea crafting. i want the rifle to switch things up a bit. Since it is so heavy and ammo is scarce, you still have to be judicious with shots. i didn't want to follow the same pattern of, spawn, get some clothes and then make a harrowing journey to a forge for arrows. Plus, it isn't like you start out with the rifle anyway. and birch bark is fine because you still have to find and cook it and it only heals you 4-5% anyway. On regular DMC you're scared to go out in any kind of weather because if you freeze a little bit, that 10% lost isn't coming back. I also wanted to give a shot to playing with the calorie perk because that rabbit thing was useless like a third nipple. Gonna try playing this run until i get cooking 5. in my experience, once you hit that just about all needs are met and you can manage long term survival pretty well and the smart play is to make a home and start turtling. At least that's what i would do if i lived on a remote Canadian island. started on Coastal and got a little gift at the beginning.
  4. Dalos

    Run DMC

    on the bright side - DMC4 = 30 days
  5. Dalos

    Run DMC

    DMC4 - day 29 - pretty stupid to do this when i am almost at 30 days but since i killed that bear, I thought it was safe to go up to the little cabin at the top of the map near the camping grounds. hoping for cattails. I did get cattails and some coal as well as that dead deer but i got caught in a blizzard coming back and had a wolf chasing me. i did make it back fine but the bigger problem is that it appears i have fished that hut dry. I fished for about 8 hours and only pulled two an one of those was a damn minnow.
  6. Dalos

    Run DMC

    DMC4 day 23 - i mean, at least he fell close to the fishing camp but really? no chance to start a fire up there so i got a fire going in the hut and then hot coffee'd my way to 2 bear steaks, hide and 4 guts.
  7. Dalos

    Run DMC

    working on something here... !!!!!!
  8. Dalos

    Run DMC

    Finally ended up at the Tooth. strange because i started walking aiming left. used that landmark to make my way back to hut #1. fire, lots of coal, and then this. I swear i started tearing up a bit.
  9. Dalos

    Run DMC

    down the hill towards jackrabbits, i stoned a rabbit on the first try because i am an assassin. Firestarter, sticks, tea for 150 kcals. chopped up rabbit, kept warming and heated more tea for the trip back. and more soup. i swear i have been walking for 10 minutes in real time.
  10. Dalos

    Run DMC

    Next AM, left early. it's freezing but nice and sunny. here's my food stores. i've been drinking all my teas for calories. Gotta make it back and catch about 1,000 fish. i prefer salmon.
  11. Dalos

    Run DMC

    gas station would have been an insane trip. i briefly thought about powering on to jackrabbits and then to the fishing camp but then i remember i do not do stupid things on these settings. i exchanged wolf grows on my heels for a bear snort when i hit the first island. slept here right on the floor for the night eating almost all my food. Next AM, not one single usable item in the whole cabin.
  12. Dalos

    Run DMC

    yeah, i made it past that by running. and then lighting up a torch near the cave and then running again. I skipped heading back to the church bc those guts wouldn't be cured anyway. made it through the transition mine back to Crumbling. No wolf issues. picked up the deer skin, 2 guts and 3 birch saps i left there the other day. i need to get out of here today. i slept two hours in the basement bc i was tired. make it back to Coastal to find pea soup fog. i can either try to make it to the first island with the bear, or head right and try for the gas station hoping there is food in that one.
  13. Dalos

    Run DMC

    that's where i have to go, and it has to be done right now. I also can't run bc it's calorie death. that bear is headed directly in my path and there are wolves howling.
  14. Dalos

    Run DMC

    DMC4 - day 22 i take back all my anti snare talk. I snuck out of the ship in the middle of the night with a torch after forging a bit to find two dead ones in my snares. Thank goodness. I have about enough food stuffs to make it through two more days. spent the night and early AM forging, sleeping and making water. I got the hatchet, knife and 14 arrow heads. here's my food situation. Clearly i need to make it back to the highway.
  15. Dalos

    Run DMC

    DMC day 21 - ok, no more bitching. It's been three weeks and i still live. I got nothing from my snares but i did get some nice stuff in the ship and the whale plant. No ace clothing but i got enough food to fill up my stores a little. some new crackers, some old candy bars and some more pork and beans. I have really lucked out on only getting food poisoning one time so far. Most of my food is less than 50% condition when i eat it so if at all possible, i try to eat the really poor condition stuff before bed. and it's interesting on these runs how you get inundated with unlikely stuff. for example on one of the earlier DMC runs in this thread i ran into more cooking pots than i knew what to do with. Another run it was whetstones. this one....books.
  16. Dalos

    Run DMC

    i did cut up that deer (.8kg better than nothing) but still had to stone that jerk at the center of the screen.
  17. Dalos

    Run DMC

    there was one rabbit the next morning. i am pretty annoyed with this rabbit snaring perk. i would never use it again. For one, snares are pretty damn effective anyway and two, if you are going to use one of your previous feats on something, it better make a big difference. the firestarter one is invaluable. i don't know how anybody gets a good start on loper without it. if i have to do this run again, i think i am going with the 10% calorie thing.
  18. Dalos

    Run DMC

    Day 19 part 2. this is me running from a stinking wolf holding the rabbit he just killed. you'll also notice three empty snares that better have something in them tomorrow morning.
  19. Dalos

    Run DMC

    DMC4 - day 19 well, i didn't mess it up thank goodness. i scared that wolf away with the flaregun and then lit up a fire. The weather held and i was able to cook up 4 steaks and chop up two for later. i used that meat to eat enough to read my fishing book to get fishing 2. i had the cured rabbit guts that i brought with me and i made up 3 fishing tackles, opened the fishing hole with the hammer and caught about 8 fish over 2 days. i did not explore coastal highway much, just kind of survived. I need tools so that means Desolation Point. on day 18 i made it to the crumbling highway where i cooked up the dead deer at the top of the map and skinned him too. Along with the 3 birch saplings i have all of them curing in the basement. i got chased into the cave by a wolf but i survived by lighting up a quick firestick fire. I didn't have much wood but made it through the rest of the night with no fire. but then a blizzard hit the next AM and i got stuck in this cave for hours and hours. I read a lot which is nice, but i also ate a lot. all of my deer meat is gone and i didn't pick up any new food.
  20. Dalos

    Run DMC

    DMC4 - day 13 made it to Coastal highway using a flare in the transition. Picked up another stim (yay) and no food (boo). made it all the way to jackrabbits and got my lone snare laid before passing out from exhaustion. woke up to wolf central. but where there are wolves, there are opportunities. don't don't don't mess this up.
  21. Dalos

    Run DMC

    pretty easy time of it getting through PV to the left. i booked past that bear you see and did get chased by a wolf by the broken cabin but i hid in the little car and slept for an hour. i thought about staying in one of the caves for a night but it just isn't worth the calories. Even if i stone and kill two rabbits, that just buys me another day. Got to think long term. Right now everything is calories, calories, calories.
  22. Dalos

    Run DMC

    ooh, almost forgot another big reason to do the TWM climb. flare gun. and it even had a full load of shells too. bang
  23. Dalos

    Run DMC

    DMC4 day 14 - i had at least 48 hours until my rabbit guts were cured so i went up to the wing area to open that container. just one can of good condition pork and beans and more coffee and herbals. but i did find a deer carcass. I campfired up and cooked him on the spot. between that and two more stoned rabbits on the way back, i was able to get enough food to stay at the hut and not have to dig too deep in my reserves. i also built a snow shelter just for one night because i'll need to keep the fever at bay as long as i can. i've decided to head down to Coastal. There should be a stim in the transition cave. I also like my chances of fishing there better than Mystery Lake as well as setting up a bunch of snares at jackrabbit island. bye for now and ever TWM.
  24. Dalos

    Run DMC

    Thank you! i really like keeping this log. it actually adds a bit to the experience of the play through. After 2500+ hours with this wonderful game, gotta keep it interesting. i made it down off the summit and all the way back to the hut in one fell swoop. in fact, i made it back much quicker than i thought i would and those 4 rabbits i skinned are still not ready yet. I am going to need a bunch of guts to make fishing tackle. Not for here though. I don't want to start to fish until i find a book and get fishing 2. otherwise, i'll end up just snapping all my tackle. i don't want to stay here and i sure as heck don't want to head through pleasant valley with a bunch of uncured guts and pelts on my person. that is the immediate problem. Should i stay or should i go now? the long term question is where to head next. i got great clothing but need a reliable source of food and of course i need some crafted tools. The answer is either Coastal highway or mystery lake. Coastal is the easier trip but i know mystery lake has the mag lens. Coastal also has the easier forge trip through Desolation Point. However, mystery lake and the muskeg has cattails.