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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. Day 135 made it out of Broken Railroad, albeit freezing my bolls off. Got attacked by another stupid wolf near the downed radio tower. Had to rest and recover in the little cave there, which i was going to do anyway to try an finish curing my bear hide. so now i sit, broken hearted at the homestead. Not sure right now if i want to chill here for a bit or move on to Bleak Inlet and really get down to the dirty business of living. i lucked into a deer dying by wolf hand then by my hand.
  2. Day 131 - still waiting for a break in the weather. Food stuffs are fine here and i can always make more water but i am getting antsy to move on. This is a small board after all. anyway, here's what my gear looks like. One negative to camping in each map for a while is that at this point just about all the clothes i find are ruined. My gear ain't bad but i would love one more ear flap and another thin wool sweater. Not sure of the odds of finding and repairing anything now though. I just hit sewing 4. They should make sewing 5 be able to repair ruined clothes. just sayin'. i was lucky enough to find an extra pair of undies and two wool socks along the line. i am also not big on the deerskin boots because work boots are almost as nice and lighter but i thought since deer hides are so abundant, that extra 1 degree against the cold could make a big difference down the road. I do have a bear hide curing but i am going to have to bring it with me because i don't feel like waiting another week here.
  3. I let him be. there was really no benefit to me taking him out. Plus it's not a great hunting spot. I didn't need the food, hide or guts so killing that moose just seemed too wasteful to be worth it. que sera sera. anywho, this is what i've been staring at for a little while. I want to break out of Broken Railroad (pun!) but this has been my view for a half a day. It's actually a pretty long trek from here to the forge at the Muskeg and i would prefer decent weather.
  4. Day 123 - not sure what to do here. This guy is invading my space but i have no reason to kill him. I don't need his meat or his hide because, IMO two bearskin coats are better than a moose hide cloak + bear skin coat on Interloper. still, how many chances do you get to bag a moose? figures. I spend 110 days looking for my first moose and then spot two in the last week.
  5. Day 121 - yeah, i found the rope. I think it was hidden in the basement somewhere. I climbed down and got his hide and about 10 KG of meat, cooked it up on the beautiful six burner at the lodge. Slept a night and climbed down and cut another 10 KG from him, brought it over to the little cave near the hunting stand by the pond where i found a fire stick and an angry wolf who tagged me down to about 40% health. F that guy. Cooked bear and slept in the cave that night to recover. I actually took a stim since i found an extra one to recharge my health meter and sleep well.
  6. 1 shot kill now where is the damn rope that's always in the lodge???
  7. safe enough bear hunting spot for you? but can i shoot an apple of this muther's head...
  8. you'll also notice the two unread Archery books i picked up on the way to BR. got my Archery 5 the old fashioned way, shooting as many rabbits as possible and leaving their corpses to get picked by crows. fantastic!
  9. Day 118 -made it to the maint. shed and hit my favorite wolf hunting spot (read that as -cowardly hunting spot) and hey, archery #5!
  10. Thanks! so yeah, i just kinda chilled for a while in the basin while the moose hide cured. I figured if i was in this situation with plenty of food and firewood i wouldn't be using that time exploring, i would just be enjoying life for that brief bit of time. anywho, i did sneak up to Milton and used the outdoor workbench to craft a new bow and some arrows instead of just putzing around the basin. Moose hide finally cured so i took advantage of some warm foggy weather to sneak down the rope and cross through the Muskeg to Broken Railroad. and of course, i got wolfed out of the mist with no time to shoot an arrow so condition is a little worse for wear and i need to do some repairing. Not quite as easy when you have two bearskin coats.
  11. two shot kill. up on rock here and he was stomping and ready to charge. No idea if he could have gotten me but broken ribs ain't much fun. now, do i carve him up and eat high on the hog for the two weeks to let him cure, or do i get exploring and come back to his sexy hide to complete my clothing ensemble?
  12. Day 105 - Hello Beautiful
  13. Day 104 - or maybe i'm just a smooth brain.
  14. Day 102 - finally. FINALLY hit cooking 5. really surprised it took this long. I have hit it around 60-70 days sometimes. Not saying C5 takes the fun out of the game but it definitely lessens the challenge. of course, getting the parasites on Loper is a nightmare. Only happened to me one time but it was just fat plain awful. also found my third set of combat pants at Mother's Den. Strange how some things are all over the place on some runs and nowhere to be found on others.
  15. yeah, it sure seems like the wolf AI is a little smarter, or at least less predictable than it used to be. Also, it's much harder to do the run the deer into the wolf trick. Or at least it has been for me but i am just a silly ape. On Coastal that used to be my game of choice. now those deer are just as likely to run diagonally away.
  16. Moose Overlook? i don't think i've ever seen one here.
  17. Day 94 - where the Moose at? been through 5 maps now and haven't even sniffed a moose. Usually there is one at the lower basin on Mountain Town but nada. Here's another spot i just hiked too on TWM mountain but still nothing.
  18. really? i've had bears attack me at a fire. Was probably cooking on them, so not sure if that is a factor. I've also had wolves attack me at a fire regardless of whether i am cooking or not. Not every time, because they usually stop and growl. it's happened often enough that i am leery of doing it.
  19. "How to kill a bear?" well, try to find a place to shoot from where they can't charge you and don't do anything stupid.
  20. thank you! speaking of which.... day 85 - Mystery Lake.
  21. Back at TWM - hit this guy with an arrow up top. My roster is still only showing 3 dead bears though. So is he dead?
  22. Day 61 - Cabin fever of course. was going to stay in Ash until my bear cured but i don't think it's worth making another snow shelter. I stayed a few days at the cabin on the overlook and caught some fish. Honestly, there's no need to spend 20 days in once place all at the same time if it gets tedious. I need to explore again and i've gotten enough love from Ash to move on.
  23. tough bear. Survived an arrow and a 200 foot fall.