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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. BR day 1.5 Clothing jackpot! "ruined" snowpants that were still repairable. plus a mack jack. boom. no matches though.
  2. Modest equipment but decent weather. i hate hate hate this long trek to the maintenance yard.
  3. Broken Railroad - Day 1 - had to drop a bunch of stuff plus a billion cat tails but am ready to start.
  4. FM Day 50 - time to get moving. This time i am bringing my boots with me. There isn't really anything else worth taking at this point. sucks about the bedroll. I am also wondering if i should have brought my one pair of snow pants a while ago. They would be pretty helpful.
  5. FM Day 32 - more than a minor inconvenience but this sucks. Got jumped by a wolf who ruined my regular bedroll. it was at about 95% condition and i have a high degree of protection bc of the moose hide cloak. Now i am stuck with the bear skin bedroll and i seriously doubt i will find another normal one that isn't ruined. derp. it's amazing how you take that kind of thing for granted.
  6. FM Day/Night 30 - not sure if it shows but that's 2 sets of wolf legs and arms. Pretty good killing spot.
  7. FM day 28 - spent a few days up on the marsh ridge curing some rabbit skins. Not much going on up there, certainly no deer or moose. on the way back, i hit up poachers and this guy was too good to pass up. i'll need to repair the bear skin bedroll before i head to the next stop for sure. That BS Bedroll is really proving invaluable. There are a few caves on the muskeg but all the crafting is done in one spot. With some decent animal clothing and the BS bedroll you can just chill throughout most nights with no fire. This is incredibly valuable when matches are limited.
  8. FM Day 21 - fast forwarded a few days, not because it was a slog but that it was pretty exciting for the first time in a little while. there are just so many wolves and they always seem to be blocking the way i want to go. like these jerks here. i am always finding that i have to take the long way around things. so far i have been moderately successful getting my situation in order. i already toured the map and picked up a bunch of ruined clothing that i can harvest for cloth, plus an extra bedroll that i harvested. i did get one extra 12 pack of matches which is huge. Since i can't bring the firestick with me to the next map i have to try and conserve so i can bring the full 12 wood matches with me. Same is true with the sewing kit. I only have one and it's already down to 75%. I certainly didn't find one anywhere so i'll be making deer skin pants with fishing tackle, which is not ideal. ran into wolf trouble all around the board but i finally crafted my moosehide cloak. I am going with the extra protection and wind bonus from the gear below as opposed to the slightly warmer temp from the Exp Parka. Also, i can't risk that losing too much condition. I have to make sure to keep any items on the "bring with me" list in proper order. here's my current gear.
  9. FM Day 6 - this screenshot doesn't do it justice but i 4 arrowed this fella and got the last one in him as he was charging me and all up in my personal space. also got jumped 2 more times by wolves and my clothing is really suffering. Gonna need all the animal hide apparel i can get i think.
  10. FM Day 5 - the below has been my last 4.5 days. Me either killing wolves outright or getting jumped and chasing down their corpses later. This is why i chose to bring the sweater over the 2nd Exp parka. My only problem is with cloth. There just isn't enough to sustain clothing. I did luck into a ruined bedroll which will help. i also got somewhat lucky with my clothing loot. I found both mukluks and insulated boots in the safe as well as a firestarter, which is good because those matches that are always there on the workbench weren't there. I got a hacksaw and hammer too so i forged a knife and hatchet. Even though i might find those around, i've learned you've got to have at least one of those for wolf protection on Stalker.
  11. Forlorn Muskeg - Day 1 stinks to drop all the gear again. at least i didn't have the option to keep headwraps or sexy underwear. It's nice being super light on my feet again though...looking at the bright side. i thought about keeping those insulated boots that i found but the step up from them from decent work boots isn't that amazing. I also thought about taking my second expedition parka, which seems pretty obvious. but i've got 50 days and an outdoor crafting table. and every clothing item i find now is ruined. so i brought that cowichan sweater. Let's see how things go.
  12. BI Day 50 - cruised through the last few days in the little cave above the delta. gonna head up through the passage to the muskeg now. time to move on
  13. BI Day 24 - ok, one of the problems i have with the game is that if i take a few days off of playing i totally forget where i put stuff. for example, i have a bunch of raw meat at the Pensive Lookout tower from a dead deer and a bunch of timberwolves. Last time i played, i knew i was going to be spending 4-5 days up here living off that meat. I was going to sleep through the night, collect firewood and use my cooking pot to make enough water and steaks to last a while. went to play today and no cooking pot. Not in the drawers, not on my person, nowhere. I must have left it at the little cabin by the falls. I climb down there, but can't find it. I light up the lantern to look, and voila. too bad that's not mine. i mean, good on me for finding another one and all but still. so i grab it, climb back up and then...*chefs kiss* time to cook
  14. BI Day 21 - made my way up to the little cabin in the top right quad of the map. Gonna calls this place home for a little while. it has the big advantage of many sticks and big branches that just aren't found anywhere else on this map. I never realized how few sticks fall here. climbed back up to the tower to gets some old dry guts and a deer pelt i left from day 1 or 2. and i found the below. Never knew this was here.
  15. BI Day/Night 16 - made it all the way back to the Cannery, found awesome insulated boots in the little safe and........got jumped by Los Lobos before i could head up the rope. I was frantically trying to drop stuff, including the worn old fashioned parka but didn't get it down fast enough. Then i had to fend some more off before i could head my sprained ankle because apparently you need ankles to climb ropes. still, made it back up to this home base and even crafted some gunpowder during the nightly aurora. I may craft some bullets for the rifle i discovered back on the other side. So far i only found one cartridge. There's no food here and i learned my lesson a long time ago on Stalker to never try harvesting a dead wolf in the middle of wolf country so i'll be going back to the shore cabin near the fishing hut tomorrow to live there for a while.
  16. BI Day 10 - flush with plenty of bear meat from cooking on that beautiful five burner stove i changed my plan from camping out there and fishing to exploring a bit. I don't need to go to that little cabin in the North East quadrant yet so i took the secret mountain path to get above the Delta. I camped out a night in the little cave there then headed over to the top of the map where i saw this gent. I do have plenty of food, but then again it's now pretty far away and because of the omnipresent winds, it takes forever to walk around this map. so i got him but now i need a place to cook and store all of him. And to decide if I really want the Moose Hide cloak afterall.
  17. BI Day 8 - things are looking up. This gent was generous enough to give me my arrow back an the expire pretty close to the fallen lighthouse. I quartered him and was going to bring him back to cook in the little fishing cabin but then remembered the lighthouse has a six burner stove. cookin'.
  18. the BS bedroll loss stings because with that i think i could sleep outside the cannery in the little protected area and stave off cabin fever for a while. things were looking a little "bleak" (heh) but then i stumbled upon a hacksaw and a knife in the cannery and some stuff i could use to repair my equipment. Also, gauntlets and then these... too bad they are actually ruined beyond repair. argh.
  19. BI - Day 4 part 2 tried to take advantage of the aurora to get inside the cannery quickly. got jumped right outside before i could get to the trailer. Had to heal up with 2 bandages and 2 shots of peroxide. got inside the cannery late at night and still got jumped by this creep. got him, but sacrificed my bearskin bedroll, my wool mitts, my hat and my shoes. But i'll be eating timberwolf tonight.
  20. BL Day 4 - this place is kicking my butt so far. no tools, no matches found. Just a bunch of flares. Found some decent clothes items but am hesitant to repair anything because cloth is so rare. Can't cut up old bedrolls without a knife either. the weather stinks too. it's freezing and windy. and when it's clear, yuck.
  21. BI - Day 3 yeah i forgot my stupid can all the way back at the radio tower. got hypo scare while going back for it in a blizzard. Fool. at least it had some potable water in it.
  22. BL Day and Night 2 - made it to the radio hut and looted the few cars for another flare. The hut gave me a few ruined food things which i can still eat (cooking 5) and the dream score of another expedition parka. I might have preferred some good pants though. anyway, i arrowed a deer on the way to the hut and he had the nerve to die in the windiest spot on earthy. I did get his hide and 9 KG of venison but timberwolves kicked my A on the way back to the tower. i did get one of them though and skinned him and got his 5 KG of meat. I just finished cooking them all and also found a cooking pot in the lookout which is fantastic. Didn't see it on my first walk through there. Now it's aurora time. Got some food to burn for a little while, although i can't take it all with me down the rope, which is my next stop. Also, no idea where there's a workbench. I assume in the cannery but i don't remember. and what are those crazy lights in the distance, a forest fire?
  23. BI Day 1.5 - killed a few rabbits at the top. was going to cook them in the cave on the left but then i remember that my fire options are limited. I have 12 matches plus a few flares i just picked. Not great for 50 days in one map. so against my better judgement i make a run for the tower holding raw meat, rabbit skins and guts. For some reason the timberwolves run away from me. it must be the 250 day stench. I do pick up an old fashioned parka in the tower but no matches. A few books and some herbal tea though. i make it to the tower with no problem and hook up my rope to the climbing spot. Which is great because i didn't need to lug that one down here after all.
  24. Bleak Inlet Day 1 - ok, confession time. Even though i have many hours devoted to this game, i really haven't spent much time here. Typically, if i spawn here my first goal is to GTFO as soon as possible. I know the basic layout and all but i have no idea what kind of loot will be offered. Truthfully, i knew i was going to tackle this one later in the challenge and it's the first time i am wondering how much of a struggle it is going to be. I do appreciate the cattails and rabbits once you land on the map. However, i don't appreciate the cold. it's strange being cold again and having to warm up with tea after not having to do so for days on end.