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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. HRV Day 22 - climbed down to the valley cave to see what's up. pretty dead down here. Just one deer and not even a wolf to harass me. I don't think i've ever found a moose around the moose overlook either. not much reason to stay here more than a few days. lots of wood to burn though.
  2. HRV Day 11 - gotta get this big brute without him having a chance to break my ribs. It's a great location to harvest but not to hunt. i usually like to shoot from a fallen tree or something like that but i don't know if i can do anything safely here.
  3. HRV day 5 - finally got this guy. Chopped him up and got every bit of his 40 KG beef. oh, i also found another cooking pot near the snowshelter. This is helpful as i totally forgot my one can in the transition cave.
  4. HRV Day 3 continued - this is a tough bear hunt. there's no escape plan other than an abandoned snow shelter up the hill a little bit. Don't think i would make it there. there's been a lot of sneak up, have him lurch towards me, and then i sneak away. All day like this.
  5. HRV Day 3 - there are a few things i can't stand and one of them is not having a homebase. i need to decide where to set up shop, rock cache, food, water, etc. i thought that maybe i'd have to revert to the whole interloper starve during the day thing but there really are a lot of cattails around and game too. Also, i can't afford to not have the +5 bonus because there are a ton of rocks to climb and i weight so much by default. i also hate bear tracks and a bunch of knotty hills where you can't see more than 10 yards and you might stumble upon an angry one. I need to kill this guy before he 10%'s me.
  6. HRV Day 2 - so not going to say that i found everything to survive in the first two days but well... turns out i got the easy signal fire location. Along with the satchel, which i don't really need i also found a regular hatchet, some cans of food, a 97% firestick, a mag lens and another sewing kit. i did break one arrow killing a rabbit though, so a little negative. spent a night in the little cave up top. not sure whether to head back around down the rope i already climbed and go down again Many Falls vista to the moosey overlook and valley cave. or if i should go back to the lonely cave, see what's there and wind back up around to the empty cave at the top.
  7. HRV 1.5 - yep, a really good day so far.
  8. HRV 1.5 - first wolf kill. sure hoping to find a tool of some sort so i don't have to harvest everything by hand.
  9. HRV 1.5 - too foggy to see where the signal fire is. i head right and found some stuff. i had a feeling i would score a cooking pot and that makes a TON of difference. also picked up those peaches, a can opener and another 12 matches. so far a good day.
  10. HRV Day 1.5 - yeah, i didn't do all that. weather was fine but decided to light an 8 hour fire in the cave with my lit torch, went left, only picked up 7 catails, one rabbit and .7kg deer carcass. Cooked them up and made water all night. then woke up to this.
  11. HRV Day 1 - found 1 flare and a bunch of coal in the transition cave. was hoping for matches. oh well. Limited gameplan for now. I really don't know much about the cave system but i do know there's loot in it. I think for now i am going to attempt to drop left and pick up cattails to avoid starvation and then head up the one rope to the right to where the satchel might spawn. long term, i feel like my best caves for living are the one at the very top of the map on the lower level or the one up near monolith lake.
  12. MT Day 50 - used the last few days to finish up my bear coat and more arrows. i think i have 28 of those now. Time to dump 90% of my gear and head on into the home stretch.
  13. MT Day 48 - hey big butt
  14. MT Day 37 - spent the last few days doing stupid stuff like killing wolves just to try and get some crow feathers for arrow crafting. Didn't work here or here or here or here. i even tried cutting out some innards to make it more delicious.
  15. MT Day 30 - got stuck in a blizzard while chopping wood. Also got lost in a blizzard. Took forever but finally made it back to home base cave. My guy has a poor sense of direction. going to cook the remainder of my meat and then chill here for a while till it's time to prep up for the River.
  16. MT Day 29 - got my second bear skin yesterday. Took about half the meat as i still have moose and bear from before. gotta cure this one and i should have time to make my coat to bring with me. This is good. I have been hoarding wolf skins just in case i didn't get the second bear skin. I will also be making as many arrows as i can to bring to HRV.
  17. MT Day 16 - one shot for this guy. Hit him on the little pond near the transition cave. Of course, got totally jumped by two wolves heading back to my cave home. Didn't bring my bedroll with me bc too much weight so they did not have a chance to destroy it.
  18. MT Day 9 - climbed down to the plane crash hoping to find something useful. Did get a firestick but i have plenty of matches. I don't think i will bring it with me to HRV. if it was at 90% maybe i would think about it over the bearskin coat, if i can get it. anyway, just chilling in a blizzard and finally got mending 5. that took forever.
  19. MT Day 4 - starting to formulate an end game plan for HRV. i would like to bring something i can repair with no workbench. My gut says the bear skin coats gives me the most bang for my buck. In order to do this, i need to two bear skins. There's only one active bear in Milton. Therefor, he has to die and die early enough so that he will respawn. i had to head all the way back to the basic to get my bedroll but i did. Marched back up to the bridge, passing a moose at the little pond. Emptied 3 arrows into this guy because i wanted him to fall right here where i can store the meat in a trunk. step one complete.
  20. Milton - Day 2.5 damn it. Can't say i struck out today because i found plenty of matches and a mag lens but i was seriously hoping for a bedroll i could repair. It stinks being landlocked to the bearskin and worrying about it getting destroyed by some mangy wolf. also, all the useful clothing i found was ruined. no socks or undies for me. I found another good sweater but that's about it. found this guy though. Huge help. Too bad i have to save it for the next map, but at least i have it.
  21. MT Day 2 - maybe my way up the ropes. Didn't too much useful or unexpected in the farmhouse. no matches. I did find a fisherman's sweater and fleece cowl that were repairable and a fishing tackle i can use to repair in stead of my 50% sewing kit. do sewing kits degrade? usually i find more of them than i know what to do with but i haven't gotten one in a few maps. Got a hunting knife and crowbar which are invaluable. Tonight i sleep in the church and tomorrow (weather permitting) i make my way to grey mother's and then the gas station. Hoping for matches and a repairable sleeping bag. i did find a ton of ruined food though.
  22. Milton Day 1 - slept a night in the cave and woke up to 100% fog. can't really explore down here and don't want to waste time. I found 50 stones and made a cache in the cave but am now heading up to the little farm to get cloth and hopefully some tools.
  23. Milton Town - Day 1 - i'd imagine that for anyone that's read through this, the map plan should be obvious by now. Complete all the other stuff and then end up in Hushed River to end it. The big choice for that will be what to bring since cloth will be scarce and there is no crafting table. But for now, i am going to worry about Milton. I took the snow pants with me, because they are awesome. so i've got handgun, bow and arrows, exp parka, bear bedroll, insulated boots and cowichan sweater. back down to 12 matches, a flare, some cloth and bandage, 2 food items, full stomach.
  24. Broken Railroad Day 50 - I will spare you the gory details but let's just say i ran out of stuff to do around day 8. A moose never showed up but i did hunt and kill a bear at some point. Between that and all the wolves there was plenty of food. There was plenty of crates to break up, even without a hammer or hatchet so i had no problem getting water. this is good because there was never enough coal to forge anything. so basically, i spent a while fast forwarding time and avoiding doing something stupid like falling off a cliff or stepping on a live wire during an Aurora. the last few days have been spent repairing my clothes and crafting more arrows. on to the next.
  25. BR day 2 - went down the ravine and found a dead wolf and deer, some cattails and a few other items. Killed a wolf on the way back to the shed. BR Day 3 - hiked up to the Lodge and found some reparable items that made the trip worth it. No extra undies or sockies though. Also, found a hunting rifle and a pocket fulla shells. killed a few local wolves and as i was cooking, i took one more look around the lodge with a torch and was able to find an extra book of matches and a firestarter (27%). Will still have to conserve fire but a big help no doubt. With the combat pants, snow pants and mack jacket i'm in a new position where i don't actually need to craft very much at all. I also lucked into a hunting knife and crowbar. no hatchet though. There isn't enough coal to forge anything, plus...no hammer. I do have a hacksaw but it would sure be nice to easily break up all the crates in the shed. that might be my plan tomorrow.