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Everything posted by Duskfountain4

  1. I can confirm the quartering issue and sticks disappear . It's not everytime but he/she is correct
  2. No problem. Thank you. Long dark is definitely my favorite game, just trying to make admin aware of bugs. If I got paid for all the hours I've played this game I could probably retire!! Lol
  3. I've had this happen several times. Cook a new item (venison stew etc). Then rest and it's poof gone. And no I didn't eat it. Again, on custom game play
  4. I've had this happen several times. Cook a new item (venison stew etc). Then rest and it's poof gone.
  5. This used to be an option to sort your cooking items by weight. Since the new cooking expansion it seems no longer there.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I checked a cache known to have them and it was empty making me think so. I didn't know caches could be empty. But thank you for the responses
  7. I just checked a known location to have them and nothing. Playing custom interloper with pistol on. Anyone else found them on custom? Thanks
  8. Yes I have. Didn't have a problem until after the newest update. I'm playing on custom interloper if that helps. Edit: I think it happens more when you take an item (meat, gut etc) from then carcass the attempt to quarter.
  9. I've had the quartering do the same. Sometimes no meet bags. Also has anyone had cooking items vanish from their in inventory? Cooking oil seems to vanish
  10. Thank you. I haven't found any either. Been to many maps on custom (pre update) sandbox.
  11. What about in new custom after the update?..
  12. Same with Xbox. You can't place the bearskin bed roll or use it in a car to rest.
  13. I've also been playing on custom interloper (and have for years) and there is no key. Yes, I checked the spots multiple times. This is my second sand box also since last update.
  14. I'm a huge fan if the game, been playing for years and: It just dawned on me that having the option to cut cedar or fir logs in sections (rather than the whole brach for an hour or so) would be a good addition. Could give the option to cut one section at a time for reduced time and calories.
  15. As title says, the option to harvest looted revolver ammo is no longer available. Im on a custom loper with revolver turned on. Xbox one.
  16. On a tangent here, im not finding ANY batteries in cars on custom loper setting. Anyone else have this issue?
  17. I apologize if there is a previous thread about this but I'm on custom survival mode, Xbox one and can't interact with items, cook etc. Any help? Backer 164...
  18. Totally agree, ammo should be rare but more items to craft them (casings, etc) should also spawn on loper loot.