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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. 52 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Sorry I meant a manual save.   I'm happy with that and passing time really but I get not everyone is .

    That's OK.  I just realized that I forgot to specify that I hate AUTO exit saves in my first post.  😀

    To the OP:  I am really against having so many autosave triggers going on.  At most, the game should autosave at 30 minute intervals (and hourly would be my preference) and upon an injury or attack only.  Otherwise, players should re-acquaint themselves with the habit of making their own manual saves whenever they feel they've progressed along the game far enough that they don't want to chance losing that forward progress and whenever they exit a game. 

    As I stated in an earlier post, FO4, in its default state, tries to autosave at every blink... and it causes a LOT of corrupt file saves.  Losing forward progress is nothing compared to losing an entire run to a corrupted autosave just because your internet lagged.... or getting stuck in an never-ending death loop because the game chose to autosave at a very bad time.  Think about how you would feel if you got your 500-day characterr stuck in some janky terrain in a new zone just before the game autosaved you in that impossible position... and you had no choice but to delete the file.  It happened to me in TLD, but fortunately the game did not autosave and I was able to just forfeit my forward progress to that point.  I was grateful to redo that hour's worth of gameplay.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    I played it for about twenty minutes. Not my thing🙂. Sounds like a load of agro.maybe I've just been lucky.. maybe just an optional save  to exit. It might lessen the chance of data loss?

    Optional is fine... I'd turn it off... and vote for a manual save that doesn't eat up 1 hour of in game time (which is really what the passing time feature is - a manual save that penalizes the player by costing them an hour in game).

    I'm fine with the game autosaving upon an injury, but believe they should eliminate the autosave when going through a loading screen since it is inconsistent and, therefore, unreliable (e.g. Blackrock prison).  Those should be replaced with the ability to manually save at any time and anywhere.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Can't say I've noticed that problem.. but it's a better solution than continuous auto saves ,in my opinion anyway.   Bit late in the game to change them anyway I should think.🙂

    You haven't played Fallout 4?  I can't even begin to count the number of runs I've lost due to corrupt auto exit saves.  Fortunately, I now have that "feature" turned off... and only have to remember to turn it off again whenever I happen to reset things.  in its default mode, it was also notorious for doing autosaves at every blink... and then usually freezing or throwing up a CTD (crash to desktop) while doing them... resulting in corrupted files.

    However, it's not just limited to FO4... I just recently lost of long-time Minecraft Bedrock world that corrupted as I exited the game (during the autosave).

    I think it has an issue with uploading the exit save to the cloud... If my internet is particularly slow, it's possible that I wind up turning the console off before that save and upload is done.  With a manual save before exiting the game, it slows that double process down... i.e. the manual save to the console is completed before I start to exit the game and the upload to the cloud starts.

  4. I hate exit saves... they usually wind up corrupting the save file for some unknown reason... and I'd be infinitely more upset at losing a save to corruption than losing even a lot of forward progress due to my own failure to simply pass an hour of time before exiting the game.

    An option to toggle on manual saves for those players who want to have that privilege would be even better.  Players who feel they can't play a game with manual saving without cheesing things would still have the ability to leave the manual saving disabled... something for everyone.

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  5. I wish I could remember... it's been a long time since I've even tried to get mending up to level 5.  I remember that I did it by stockpiling cloth in CH (lots of curtains were sacrificed) and then camping out in a fishing hut with a stockpile of wood and repeatedly mending my bedroll each day (which can be done without a sewing kit BTW)... Days upon days were passed fishing and mending and tending the stove.  I did it at the end of a run where I was intentionally going to end it all on Day 500 anyways, so I wasn't trying to preserve cloth or anything else.

    Even if you are planning to survive as long as possible on your run,  I really wouldn't waste too much time looking around for a skill book.  If you do find one... great... certainly try to read it; but repairing stuff that doesn't really need repairs is still your quickest bet.

    • Upvote 1
  6. On 5/13/2022 at 5:12 PM, Admin said:

    A reminder to keep conversation respectful. Paid DLCs won't be mandatory -- we will still release content for Survivors who opt to continue playing the game without paying anything additional.

    We have always worked to make TLD accessible for our community, and we will continue to do so. 

    Forgive me, but that's still pretty vague... my specific concern rests on the status of Perseverence Mills in Survival Mode.  Will that region be added to Survival Mode free of charge in order to keep the map complementary to Wintermute through to the end of Episode 5? or will it be part of a DLC/Season's Pass (now that HL is indicating the two modes of the game have been effectively separated from each other?

    I recognize, of course, that it is not "mandatory" to buy DLC at any time; however, keeping survival mode complementary to Wintermute through to the end of the story is something I would like to do.  So, should I be budgeting to pay for it or not? 

    Also, please note - I'm not angry or upset either way.  HL has done, to date, a stellar job in developing I game I absolutely love.  The addition of DLC won't change my opinion on that.

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  7. 9 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

    Oh, I'm not saying, they should make The Long Dark 2. I'm good with The Long Dark we already have.
    I've been simply wondering what would people like to see changed if it was announced. You know, something too wild to expect in a simple update.
    Like this, for example

    Adding depth to snow would require Hinterland to remake ALL THE MAPS, change the way snow is generated, change the way character moves through snow, and a whole lot of other stuff that I know nothing about. But if it was a sequel, they could actually spend their recourses on all this, because TLD2 would need to be different enough from the first game, and because they wouldn't be burdened with limitations that TLD has right now.

    ... and all I did was answer your question with my personal and honest answer... without passing judgment on anyone else's answer or your original question.  If they do decide to make Long Dark 2... I'd like it to be a version riddled with their own creative ideas.  Snowdrifts would be a great enhancement to TLD 1, but what if their plan for TLD 2 is for it to take place in a highly urban area... or in the jungle?... or in a post-apocalyptic Canada that's become so arid that snow never falls?  As I see it... the possibilities are, quite frankly, endless... and I'm willing to go wherever they want to take me.

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  8. My wish is that HL moves onto a totally original concept... a totally different game.  They've done a great job with TLD... and that is precisely why I'm even more curious to see what imaginative and creative ideas are brewing in their own heads rather than mine.

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  9. 6 hours ago, Carnivale said:

    Sadly, starting a new game is not an option for me, at least not right now. My current playthrough has lasted for 120 days, it's my longest game so far and I kinda want to see for how long I can survive.


    That's an option, I might try it sometime in the future. Right now I've been sleeping the nights in one hour increments to check if an aurora has appeared. 

    Absolutely understandable.  I honestly don't believe there is any way to trigger an aurora inside a particular run.  It's just plain old RNG with the percentage of probability being controlled by the setting I  mentioned.  Your best bet is to just continue to wait during the nights by the door and ensure that you don't sleep through any aurora opportunities (since sleep duration is something that cannot be cancelled).  As you noted, the aurora frequency percentage chance can only be set in a custom game when you start you run (I'm still an advocate of having an option to enable changes to the difficulty of a run in progress - a toggle on the starting custom menu to either lock in difficulty or unlock it; but, so far, that idea doesn't seem to get much support from the fanbase here.)

  10. 7 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    I should've said the last three runs! All maxed but made no difference.  Even in one that had all the weather settings on the lowest. 

    Bugged or not I'm not entirely sure .  

    But the animals on max does indeed have the opposite effect and not just on interloper.

    I would say bugged then.  Before I took this last break, I was doing a run in Blackrock only and had bumped the aurora frequency to high... and there seemed to be auroras almost every night... noticeably higher than on a previous run where I had set them to medium.  It is a "chance" setting, so just pure luck also plays a role in skewing the results, of course.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Murpharoo said:

    It's cheating but you can pass time for 10 hours overnight while watching / listening for an aurora to crop up ready to cancel the passing time if you hear / see an aurora.

    If no aurora appears then quit to desktop before saving and rinse and repeat....

    I wouldn't call using two legitimate features of the game (passing time and canceling passing time) as "cheating."  The same can be accomplished by sleeping during the day and staying awake at night (which is clearly a strategy that's not cheating). 

    However, it still doesn't make the aurora appear more frequently.  That's controlled in the difficulty settings (as shown in the custom menu)... unless it's currently bugged (which is what @Leeandaseems to be implying.  The aurora frequency setting is probably also affected (and potentially blocked) by the other weather-related settings (e.g. frequency at which the wind shifts, etc.)  From playing around with various tests of combos of custom sets, I have found that the game sort of throws hissy fits if too many of settings are set to the max at one time.  For example, setting all animal spawns to Very High seems to result in fewer moose and bear spawns than when the "normal" loper settings are used... which is counter to what the settings should be doing.

  12. 48 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    I should have been clearer - that was a suggestion.  True, it does not indicate direction, but it's a start.

    Another idea is to perhaps have a game option that will put a red haze over a portion of the screen where the wolf is? (e.g. light up the left edge of the screen if the wolf is to the left, upper-right corner if the wolf is there, etc.)

    Yes, that could work... similar to several FPS games I've played.  It would be then applicable to keyboard users and controller users alike and potentially easier to add than controller on/off vibration support (which is apparently totally absent in the current menu).

  13. 1 hour ago, turtle777 said:

    Accepting that making everyone happy is impossible  

    Accepting that some people will always be grumpy, offended or disappointed, no matter how carefully you try to avoid it  


    I'm sorry, but you misunderstand Canadians.  We do accept that some people will always be grumpy, offended or disappointed... and we continually apologize for it. 😀

    • Upvote 3
  14. A solution (if you're willing to play a custom game) is to turn up the frequency of auroras to their most frequent setting in the custom menu.  Of course, this disables any feat progression while playing in a custtom game, but you may find the trade off well worth the diminished aggravation.  It also makes the game more hazardous in some ways since it increases the likelihood of getting caught out at night when aurora wolves, etc. are about.  I do sympathize with you though and have always felt the mechanics that rely on aurora events to be more of a detraction from the game than a positive addition, particularly in survival mode (i.e. opening the doors to the two mills and using the elevator in the mine in Coastal Highway).

  15. 3 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

    This only applies to those who play with a controller - but have the controller vibrate?

    I play on an Xbox One console and have never turned off the controller vibration  (in fact, I see no way to turn this feature on or off in the TLD menu).  AFAIK then, there is no way to set it to vibrate in such a way as to signify an imminent wolf attack, let alone to let the player know which direction the attack is expected to come from.  I haven't played with subtitles on for quite some time, so I turned them on for a quick test.  I never saw any text appear when wolves barked at me.  At any rate, even if a text showed, the game would not tell the player which direction the attack may be coming from.

    As a general supporter of as many accessibility options as possible, I think something should indeed be added to help hearing impaired players.

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  16. For the most part, I just leave the stuff I gather in MT and HRV in Gray Mother's house... make a note of what's there and only go back if I really need it.  It's often handy to have a supply to tools and such already there if I want to go back to hunt, etc. later in the run, since it saves me having to bring in those items from my main base.  That is, I can go in lighter and carry out more hides and saplings.  As for the route - more often than not, I'm using the route through Forlorn Muskeg, since I'm also likely to be wanting to use the forge.

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  17. On 5/7/2022 at 12:15 PM, Leeanda said:

    Well I think they're there more as a guideline ,after all they are pretty much the only thing visible in a blizzard. I'd rather look down when I'm walking than up at the lines.  

    Too be honest I've walked on a few in my youth and they do kinda have that same problem.  Yes it's a bit of a headache and it would be nice if they were smoother. At the moment though I'm hoping the Devs will sort what's left of these weird bugs out. Maybe when they're done  they'll have time to sort this out too.

    Yes, walking on railroad tracks IRL pretty much has the same problem.  Riding a horse close beside one is downright dangerous (based on first-hand experience).

    Minecraft has an option to turn off "head bobbing" entirely - so perhaps this is a way HL can address this issue for those who get headaches from it rather than having to individually change every hitbox for every railroad tie in the game.

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  18. I know I'm a bit late to this party, but I honestly haven't been focusing on TLD lately.  I am also honestly disappointed reading this... to learn that Episode 5 of Wintermute is not expected before the end of this year and that, in all likelihood, Perseverence Mills with be a DLC that needs to be paid for in Survival Mode... rather than the main survival mode game remaining "complete" and complementary to what appears in Wintermute.  To me, as a result, both game(s) will seem incomplete for quite some time to come.

    I understand that it has been difficult and certainly HL (the company) has to do what it must to ensure that it remains a financially viable entity... still, I am disappointed and I hope HL understands that from my POV.

    Also, the confusion over Season's Pass and Subscription, to me, is understandable.  On the Xbox a season's pass is essentially a subscription to gain access to a library of games that the player is never given ownership of and when the season's pass expires, access to those games is cut off.  Thankfully, HL is indicating here that there will be an option to buy completed DLC packages outright, but it does sound that release of these will be delayed from when the Season's Pass gives players access to that content.

    Finally, to Raph... I wish you happiness and success in your next endeavour.  Keep up the great work!!

    • Upvote 5
  19. Honestly, I can't remember... one mauling blends into another and all I really remember is the close up facial animation (great job with that, HL).  I focus on giving all of them as wide a berth as I possibly can.  I remember most the bear I managed to escape... I walked out of the Desolation Point processing plant rather unawares... and the bear was right there... startled me and I somehow jammed the controller such that my character backed right into some of the debris in the yard and the bear couldn't reach me and turned and walked away.  It felt like a victory... even though I had no way to get out of the situation I was in and eventually had to give up on that file.

    • Upvote 2
  20. 31 minutes ago, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

    I was thinking the other night, randomising the number of matches found in a box could also make things more interesting in that regard.

    It still commits the Loper player to going to the location where they find matches first... and then going to one of the hammer spawns... and then going to the forge, which is a boring, repetitive pattern after you've done it several times.

    The stated starting premise in this game is that your plane has crashed in the Canadian wilderness.  IRL, if a pilot is in a plane crash, one would have a means of starting a fire (along with appropriate survival gear) with them in the plane (it's aviation law here in Canada).  That's why I find it particularly immersion breaking... and once you memorize where that first match is found, it's not particularly interesting or particularly more challenging than starting a custom run where the starting gear puts matches in my pocket.  A low-probability of starting a fire with natural materials without matches combined with totally removing the guaranteed nature of any match spawn locations would be, IMO, much more interesting.

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  21. 6 hours ago, James Hickok said:

    No one should be antagonized by the way they play any game period. But by my exp playing TLD on Pilgrim or Voyager is not as fun as looper simply bcoz the game is so easy it gets boring because there is no challenge in it what so ever. My first run was Voyager only to learn the maps before i go into looper. I played for 250 days and at the end of the run i had so many guns, ammo, clothes and other items that there was no point playing longer, no actual challenge. I could literally cross the world without starting a single fire (unless blizzard hit).

    Looper tho is fun fun fun and scary sometimes so many things can happen and when u feel comfortable the game will want to kill you and by the time you know it ur in trouble (most recent close to death: day 481 i accidentally eat rancid uncoocked wolf meat and got food poisoning and parasites which is bad on looper and it demands 20 days of curing with reishi or antibiotics with ur health and stamina going lower each day to a point you cant climb or travel longer distances, didnt have any reishi on me or biotics and was in desolation point with reishi harvested in almost all of the regions stored in main base 3 zones apart + blizzard hit - managed it by a thread) and that is exciting.

    I encourage all players to try looper but if you like playing Pilgrim is ur choice and its fine.

    Personally im starting a N.O.G.O.A.(basically super hard looper mode with no health regeneration) run for even greater challenge.

    See - That's why I've said for ages that Custom is the way to go.  If the standard difficulties are "enough" for people, that's great for them and even lopers wanting an even greater challenge can tweak their games by going to runs like N.O.G.O.A.  The fallacy here used to be that people kept stating that Loper is the highest difficulty in TLD.  The truth is that any difficulty can be made more challenging or more interesting in a wide variety of ways through the Custom menu.  Any difficulty that seems too daunting for individual players can also be tweaked in ways that enables them to at least try it out.  All those codes can be shared with friends for personalized competitions (like the recent All Your Bases tournament). 

    I would love to see HL expand the Custom menu further to give us even more variety.  (Rhetorical and facetiious slogan - no offense intended:  If you're not Customizing, you're just Loping.)

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