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Everything posted by UpUpAway95

  1. I actually like the way it is... forcing the player to make choices relevant to the areas of the map they are planning to travel through rather than expanding it to allow us to pack (and/or wear) everything around all the time. Things are also going to change somehow when the travois and the safehouse mechanics get into the game. Regarding the rifle holster, a lot is going to depend on which rifle a person wants to carry... probably essential if wanting to use the new heavier variant, but not really useful if wanting to use the lighter one.
  2. This game is starting to need its own version of Buffout (from Fallout 4)... something you can eat that gives you a temporary strength boost.😀... or maybe grilled radstag.
  3. I did pick up on the buried cache at the airport (like you) as well as one other location so far. That location was close to the SE shore of Shoulder Lake (a chopper). Not sure if the radio would activate if, by chance, you have already cleared it. From video's titles I've seen (Lithar on YouTube), I believe there should be 4 locations in Forsaken Airfield (at least he has 4 videos with an appropriate title). I haven't watched them all (just the first one since I was having trouble getting the hit box on that buried cache to show up); so I cannot say where the other 2 signals are audible. For the chopper one, I did not start picking up the signal until I was off the runway and east of it a little ways.
  4. Another thought as to why it might not be happening to me is that I tend to play in very short sessions (because of my old, tired eyes) and quit out of the game frequently (almost with every sleep save or other save I can get). Perhaps it's a performance issue similar then to my "delay spawn" of a bedroll in Freewater Cave.
  5. No worries... just asking. It's not a bug I've experienced yet; but it doesn't mean it's not happening. Carcass hit boxes for me at least are always appearing, although a few times I've had to move my cursor around a bit to get them to show up (i.e. they haven't always been center on th carcass). I think @Leeanda also said she had a moose where the hit box didn't appear right away, but appeared a day or so later when the meat was almost ruined.
  6. Are you absolutely sure you were in range? No blood at the scene generally means you didn't even wound the bear. Are you sure you were trying to harvest a sleeping bear?
  7. At the maintenance shed, I generally see 3-6 (which I put off to being 1 spawn group if only 3 or two spawn groups if more than 3) Out on the lake in BRR (where I have a clear view), I've never seen more than 3 spawn in at once (and, yes, I've watched them form many times). Of course, all of this is based on personal observation, so I could wrong. The Wiki certainly disagrees with me regarding the regular wolves: T-Wolves (from Wiki):
  8. I believe how the "spawn chance" settings work are to determine how many of the possible spawn points within the region are active and how many are not active. I don't think it controls the number of animals that spawn in a pack or herd. I think that is more just random chance. One cannery spawn point for T-Wolves is always active (unless spawn chance is none) and I believe there are 3 possible spawn points close by (although this still needs some more observation). The wiki says they can spawn in packs from 2-5 members, but the only place I've seen a 2-individual pack is by Pensive Lookout; otherwise 4 or 5 seems to be a good average on all settings. With 6, I would guess you're seeing 2 three-individual packs. For regular wolves, they don't seem to spawn in numbers greater than 3 for any individual spawn point. Of course, all of this may have changed with the update.
  9. Not a bug. T-Wolves were only introduced in Bleak Inlet and in Blackrock (i.e. where the ammo forges are located). In Wintermute, they also exist in Pleasant Valley, but they aren't found there in Survival mode. No doubt, someone has made a mode that circumvents that. @SuperStriker16T-Wolves are on a separate setting both for spawn rates and for morale (since, for them, it is a pack behaviour mechanic). You will still only find them in Bleak Inlet and in Blackrock.
  10. One thing that would make it easier to provide snapshots and videos to HL is if they added a means to make a trouble ticket directly. As it is, I have to take my screenshots/captures into my One Drive account, then download them from there onto my PC, and then make the ticket from there. If anyone on Xbox knows of an easier way currently, it would be appreciated as well. (Half the time my one drive doesn't want to sync as well... don't know why).
  11. The first sentence is where @Leeanda's experience and mine in passive mode varies a bit. I have been attacked by passive wolves by merely aiming a gun at them while eating and still a distance away. However, I did not record what my wolf fear, detection range and meat scent settings were on when those events occurred. I have also been attacked by wolves in passive by simply getting too close to them when stressed (one wolf that attacked me in that way was, at the time, very nearly dead from a wounding shot I had given it quite some time before; that is, I had been following its blood trail for awhile when is disappeared behind a rock and when I came up to the rock, it attacked from behind it meaning it had probably momentarily paused in its limping like they sometimes do so that I caught up to it). Of course, HL is continually making adjustments to wolf behavior and that attack was a few years ago.
  12. Wolf fear may indeed have an impact on how easily a wolf will go into panic mode when, say, a rock is tossed at it. Hip fires from the revolver have a great chance of scaring a wolf off, but aimed missed shots are more likely to provoke an attack by a wolf. Of course, you can't hip fire either the rifle or the bow. Bears and moose are most likely to attack regardless of settings (i.e. including passive) if they can locate you and track to you when you miss a shot. The best way to take pot shots at animals is from locations where they have difficulty tracking to you. If an animal, in any setting, cannot possibly reach you, they will run off for a short period.
  13. As far as I can tell, the effect of lower or raising wolf fear is not all that noticeable. They just don't have an "intermediate" behaviour like the wolf in the video (i.e. where it is yielding... showing a desire to simply avoid the player, but not panicking... which is what I expected from it when I first started playing. In modes other than passive, wolves will usually go into a stalking behaviour if they detect the player at enough distance where they don't immediately go into attack mode. Detection range and meat scent settings seem to have a greater impact on this than wolf fear.
  14. I agree... that's why the bug in Forsaken Airfield was so notable to me... I knew I had not been there before and had so chance of having harvested anything, yet all the trees seemed to have no acorn spots under them that did not already look harvested (that is, until I got right over the spots and found a hit box on some of them). On the topic of regrowth... no, I have not noticed any that have regrown yet... but I'm not doing runs that are exceptionally lengthy either. I can say for certainty... if they do ever respawn, it is on a much longer respawn timer than birch bark.
  15. New one - I am able to harvest some cat tails (along the shores of Shoulder Lake in Forsaken Airfield) twice (that is, immediately after harvesting the stalk and dropping the head, I can repeat the process on the exact same plant to get a second stalk and drop a second head). It's only after this second harvest that the plant disappears as it normally does.
  16. I have heard of that issue... am very surprised though that I have not, as yet, encountered it when it comes to harvesting carcasses. Closest I have come is probably my signal issue I described on my thread where I got to the signal source point but had could find no hit box until I returned during a subsequent aurora.
  17. I also think @Leeanda has probably the "most realistic" setting - passive, detection range "close,", wolf fear "low." This is still not totally realistic since there is almost no chance of aggression and the animals still "tuck-tail" and run away whimpering... as opposed to the "casual saunter" away demonstrated in the video (which is more in line with my experiences with wildlife). A non-passive setting with a "close" detection range is also not a bad adjustment to the "medium" one used by the standard settings. It makes all the wildlife a little more oblivious to you (i.e. going about their normal business) until you get close enough to "surprise" them... then they attack. Unfortunately, the setting also makes the deer and rabbits more oblivious to you... making it easier to kill them.
  18. As a general rule... after shooting a bear and beginning the bleed-out process, check your journal every hour or so as you track it to determine when the bear dies. Once it is dead, try to get to the carcass quickly to avoid the meat decaying to 0% (at which point you can no longer harvest the carcass). Another tip, don't destroy any cloth bedrolls you find... you can take some of the wear and tear off your bear bedroll by storing it and using a cloth one until you get a hide to repair it... or you can harvest that bear bedroll and remake it using the same hide you get back (just takes a lot more time than a repair).
  19. I wouldn't yet. Give your settings a fair try to see if you enjoy them first. As Raph says, you're playing "on your own terms."
  20. Not sure whether they've kept up adding new locations as new regions were added to the game. I did my achievement years ago when the overall map was much smaller. One area of difficulty was mapping the icons for transitioning from one region into the another... be sure to map these from both sides of the transition and make sure the "double-arrows" appear on your map. IIRC, there were other issues in Milton where, for example, the water tower was moved (I'm sure this was fixed) and a completely irrelevant location in Mystery Lake (not sure if that requirement was removed or not).
  21. Excellent video. It would be nice if HL could program in a "realistic" wildlife behavior setting in custom... something that provides a potential for aggression if the player responds to the situation poorly yet doesn't make the animals out to either be psychotic killers or irrational "afraidy-cats" that tuck tail and run away whimpering in fear.
  22. Perhaps they can replace the muddy sludge mark with just a little bit of piled up snow to denote that the acorns have been harvested. I don't mind the way they've marked unharvested acorns in most areas, but the ones in Forsaken Airfield look already harvested until you get up close to see the hit box for harvesting them (actually they look worse because the smudge is blacker in color before harvesting them than after).
  23. Faithful Cartographer can be a bit tricky... at least it used to be very finicky about exactly how you mapped some of the icons (which may have been since improved or even changed after they brought in the polaroids). After two failed attempts to get it from long detailed mapping runs of around 500 days, I finally followed the list on this website and just bee-lined for each of the icons and mapped only those things... got it in a run under 50 days. Hopefully things will go smoothly for you.
  24. As far as I know, yes... unless they've changed something more recently and disallowed achievements in custom runs (but I haven't heard about anything like that).
  25. AFAIK, some achievements are still available in custom runs. Achievements related to Wintermute are not, of course, available in Survival runs whether or not they are standard. Feat progression is not available in custom... so you wouldn't be able to earn the Efficient Machine feat in this run; but you could get the Centurion Achievement (survive 100 days). ETA: Feat progress, BTW, can occur over multiple standard difficulty runs. Therefore, you could earn efficient machine by surviving 100 days in 5 different standard difficulty runs or even surviving 1 day in 500 different starts.