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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. 2 hours ago, RegentRelic said:

    Why would they need to add a reload kit when Will is already proficient at loading the rifle by hand. I do think though, that having away to cancel rifle reloads half way (other then putting it away and taking it back out) would a good way to improve the rifle reloading. As for the revolver  if you where able to carry multiple loaded cylinders that be nice. I would have enjoyed episode three more if that was a mechanic.

    This is a portable ammunition crafting item.  The idea as I understand it is that if you have a bullet, casing, and gunpowder, you could use this item to field-craft a round of ammunition.  And frankly it makes sense.  The ammunition workbench should be required to melt lead into bullets and mix chemicals into gunpowder, but if you already have a pocket full of bullets and a can of gunpowder in your pack...sure.  Field-craft some ammo.  You can use the milling machine to repair firearms, or a cleaning kit to keep them topped off in the field.  This would contrast that nicely.  Use the ammunition workbench for all your ammo-crafting needs, or the handloader to reload casings in the field.

  2. 3 hours ago, Dx421 said:


    I like the idea but aren't the arrows already broadheads? 

    It's not specified, but since you're banging them out of scrap metal I would assume they're just "generic pointy metal thing" and not specifically broadhead tips.  Frankly I think exploding arrowheads crafted with gunpowder would be cool, but totally don't fit the theme or atmosphere.  Broadhead arrows do, and they would serve as a nice contrast vs. the "simple arrow" we can currently craft.  Simple arrow--gets the job done...sometimes.  Broadhead arrow--gets the job done...period.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, wizard03 said:

    As the title says, we now have a mill. Lets discuss what would be some good idea's on how to use it.....Im thinking 10 scrap for a Brand new factory knife?

    Discussed in another thread, but I think it would make more sense to be able to use the Forge to craft a rough axe head and rough knife blade, then use the milling machine to refine them into a fine axe head and fine knife blade, then combine with fir firewood at a workbench into an actual Hatchet or Hunting Knife, like you can find in the game world.  Also, use the milling machine to refine Arrowheads into Broadhead Arrow Tips, which can be used to craft Broadhead Arrows that do more damage than a Simple Arrow.  This would give Interlopers some incentive to risk the cannery.

    • Upvote 6
  4. I don't have actual statistics but maybe 1 in every 100 crates or cardboard boxes has something hidden inside of it.  And it always seems to be a guaranteed spawn, so once you find it once, you know to just check that specific box every time you play.  It's never anything that's likely to make or break your run, but there are some goodies to be found.  Bleak Inlet has a handful of crates that reveal sardines if you break them open.  Other than that, it's kind of hit or miss.

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  5. Bleed-out time depends on how much damage that initial shot did.  At baseline time of day, a nonfatal shot to the neck will usually drop a deer within 5 real time minutes.  Shoot a leg or something, you might have to track it the better part of a day.

    It's also possible to do a grazing shot that inflicts damage and leaves a splash of blood, but no blood trail.  In such situations you will most likely find your arrow on the ground where you hit the deer (sometimes not even broken), and depending on the angle of the sun in the sky and how it illuminates the hoofprints, you might be able to track the deer anyway.

  6. The only time I've used a save editor was to correct for obvious bugs.  Like that time I got stuck in a bowl on the floor of the Mystery Lake camp office.  That one isn't even worth trying to rationalize, or be like "Oh dear, I guess that's the end of my character.  Done in by a cereal bowl."   I'll be the first to admit I edited that save and slid myself sideways about three hundred feet.  Wasn't worth trashing a 200+ day run, or tabling it for 2-3 months for the glitch to be fixed.  Instead I just threw my X value out by like 1000 so I fell into the void, and let the fail-safe put me back by the entrance.

    So if there's a way to allow "legitimate" uses (at least I consider it legitimate) like this, while blocking cheaters, sure.

    • Upvote 3
  7. On 12/21/2019 at 2:08 AM, JaySovereign said:

    I searched for it and ended up getting stuck up here:





    I thought we could climb the hook thing or something, but I guess not. I'll restart the game and keep searching...

    I somehow missed this post.  From this position, if you were to turn slightly to the right and follow the track to the wall, there's actually a narrow gap you can drop down, and land perfectly on the railing of the staircase.  No falling damage.

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  8. In the past I have used campfires to mark trails across the ice, particularly at CH where a dense fog can get you turned around in a hurry.  The little wood pile itself has a pretty decent rendering distance, although the ring of stones doesn't appear until you're practically on top of it.

  9. 9 hours ago, DaPepster said:

    On a related note, has anybody made a list of any of the locations where the gun smithing research books spawn...?

    I did a sweep of the already-looted world in my current game and while I was able to find quite a few supplies for crafting gunpowder, I only found two books so far. One was somewhere in the Bleak Inlet itself (I forget where exactly), and the other was in Mystery Lake, that little passenger car near the Train Unloading area.

  10. Been about a year ...maybe two...but I've heard that before.  I have seen bears spawn there before, and when they make terrain changes, sometimes that bear spawns below the ice.

    Edit: Wanted to add that's a dangerous one, because the bear can attack you THROUGH the ice, if you're in the wrong spot.  So it's best to vacate the area once you hear the sounds of a panicked bear, before he can recover his senses.

  11. Assembling and disassembling ammunition to raise the skill makes sense to me because you're literally practicing the thing that the skill represents.  Same as catch-and-release fishing being used to level Ice Fishing.

    What doesn't make sense though is the simple act of melting lead to craft bullets leveling the Gunsmithing skill.  I spammed out 500 bullets over a few days to level it to 5 without crafting a single round, then instantly jumped right into crafting perfect ammo.  I think to align it with Archery, we should only get a skill point when you craft or deconstruct an actual round, not just forge the bullet.

    • Upvote 2
  12. I am always in favor of more crafting options.  And I think it would be pretty cool if while we can continue to craft improvised knives, hatchets, and arrowheads at the forges, if we also have the option of crafting components which must be refined with the milling machine, and then allow crafting of much higher quality gear.  For example, craft arrowheads at the forge, then use the milling machine to upgrade them into Broad Arrowheads, which can then be used to create Broadhead Arrows that deliver double damage compared to Simple Arrows.

    Edit: THAT would give lopers some incentive to risk the Inlet heehee

    • Upvote 1
  13. 19 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Lol! I love when I don't have to dare you to do silly things, you up and volunteer to do them yourself. :D 

    My game plan is to do a world sweep and scoop up all the coffee and Go drinks I've left behind in every zone, and transport the lot of it to that mine.  Then do the same with MRE's, birch bark tea, and get just a stupid amount of water too for good measure.  Then the first aurora I get, carry it all down into the mine.  If I play it conservative and only chop up one thing per aurora, I should be good.  And with all that coffee and birch bark, I'm confident I can survive at least a couple weeks without sleep.

    Yeah...yeah I got this.

    Edit: I'm like the Deadman aficionados in one way-I will do something crazy once.  I don't do it regularly, it's not my usual thing...but I will try anything once.

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  14. Oh another little factoid I just remembered, the hitboxes for small objects shrinks if you drop it, then transition away and back into an area.  For example matches, if you drop them then try to RMB them into a new location, they require a lot of empty space around them.  However if you drop them, exit the building, go back inside, and then try to RMB, you can position them right next to each other.

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  15. On 12/24/2019 at 12:41 PM, turtle777 said:

    crafting certain items (e.g. bearskin coat, bearskin bedroll) is FASTER by using fishing tackles than using a sewing kit. 

    Actually bearskin cloak, bedroll, wolfskin coat, and moosehide cloak all require a knife or hatchet.  Deerskin boots/pants, rabbitskin hat/mittens, moose satchel, and improvised head/hand wraps though, yeah you can craft them 20% faster with fishing tackle vs. sewing kit.

  16. Just now, stratvox said:

    You should take the hide, at least. Repair materials for your boots and pants are hard to come by in Bleak Inlet, at least so far for me. 

    Wearing Mukluks.  I have dozens of deer hides in other regions, hundreds of scrap leather, and a couple thousand scrap cloth....  I ain't hurting for resources lol

    • Upvote 1
  17. I've noticed that Timberwolves don't actually hunt deer for food, they simply hunt to kill.  I didn't witness the kill, but I found a 100% frozen deer carcass up by the lookout tower.  I did not shoot this deer (Fishing 5 = easy eats), but the interesting thing is that unlike deer dropped by Wolves, this was not a Ravaged Deer Carcass. It was merely a Deer Carcass.

    Edit: And I am 100% positive it was not a placed carcass.  This was definitely a deer that was once alive, and is no more.  It also despawned after a few days.  (I was swimming in salmon, didn't need it.)

  18. 3 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Went into the lower Mine before we knew the boltcutters for the Medical Locker was a bug, looking for them. Never thought of checking the fuse boxes. Not sure if there will be anything there, because...  (Wintermute Spoilers ahead, don;t look if you don;t ant to know):

    Oh good call.  This is a "destroy everything" run.  I'm going to have to work out the logistics of how to break down everything down there, AND escape....  Probably gonna involve leaving a lot of emergency rations, and breaking down just ONE thing per aurora, so I don't get trapped, and then spending all my remaining time outdoors just so if I DO get trapped, I can afford a bit of leeway before CF prevents me from sleeping.

    Hmm...this might be my toughest caper yet.

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