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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. I haven't played Episode 2 in a while but did you actually take the rifle?  I don't think it automatically enters your inventory after the cutscene where he talks about Spence and the spear.  I haven't played Episode 2 in a while so my memory is a bit fuzzy on specifics.

  2. 31 minutes ago, KinoUnko said:

    A TW pack covers the span between the rope and the long bridge road. usually 3 to 4. A large boulder just past the burnt down cottage gives good vantage point above the road to survey the open span and you can easily spot them most the time.

    You can also take the long way, by crossing the Raven Crossing bridge to the east, then swing north to the little isolated cabin near the Lower Raven Falls, then head west and straight to the rope.  That path has been clear of wolves from what I've seen.  Of course you have wolves up by the lookout to contend with, but at least it avoids the majority of trouble.

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  3. It's pretty solid, but is lacking one critical element: A workbench.  The closest one is the cannery.  That said though, since the ammo crafting station is right next to it, you can methodically pacify the cannery and then just replace that ammo after you use the workbench.

    That outdoor six-burner stove at the collapsed lighthouse is hands down the most efficient cooking station in the entire game.  You get the advantage of 6 burners, AND the advantage of outdoor fires lasting longer.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Alexg said:

    I’m replaying the story and In the mission best defence after the Jeremiah cutscene I went to check the rifles condition and it’s no longer in my inventory since that cutscene thought it might be intentional because I’d read somewhere that you end up finding a new one In the hunting lodge but there wasn’t one there and I keeping finding rifle rounds every where Is this a glitch? When I first replayed the redux I still had the rifle 

    Are you playing a time capsule game?  The current version, Jeremiah gives you his rifle during the main questline, and you find a broken bear spear in the hunting lodge instead.  At the end of the main questline you keep his rifle and he keeps the spear.

  5. On 1/4/2020 at 11:27 AM, Ice Hole said:

    What I noticed right from the start of the EP update was the sound level increase of foot falls based on inventory.  Battery was the first thing I went for to place into inventory.  Then I grabbed another and the sound of the foot falls went noticeably louder.  Do not try and grab more than three otherwise you are stopped in your tracks. 

    Yeah when I went to loot Milton of its batteries, I stupidly lugged them all back to Paradise Meadows intact, then harvested them all at once.  That took FAR longer than if I had brought a hacksaw with me and simply harvested the battery from the safety of the car I had taken it from.

    Incidentally you don't need to harvest every single battery in the world.  By my calculations based on the amount of gunpowder I found and crafted on a custom game with loot tables cranked to the maximum, I can craft 500 additional rounds and that's it.  So that works out to 14 batteries needed to make full use of all the gunpowder in the world.  Probably fewer on a low-loot game.

  6. 5 hours ago, manolitodeespana said:

    Not gonna ask how long it took you to drag all fully fueled lanterns up the rope from PV/down from summit to the hut.. :) 

    Just two trips. Drop clothes, climb up, drop lanterns, climb down, get dressed, climb up, go to the hut and rest.  And they weren't fully fueled, I did a bit of fishing and filled them on site. 

  7. The wolves in Episode 3 aren't the same wolves as 1 and 2.  The black wolves in 1 and 2 are solitary, more skittish, and on Green survivor will flee more often than not.  (Come to think of it I don't know that I've ever been attacked on Green..only Capable or Hardened.)    The wolves in Episode 3 are Timberwolves, and when traveling as a pack their morale is much higher than solitary wolves.  They attack even on Green Survivor, and as was stated above you have to break their spirit before they will leave you alone.  A lone Timberwolf in my experience will always run away from you, mainly because you just killed all his friends and he's learned his lesson.

  8. I made the climb up and returned to the hut in under 4 game hours using a bajillion stims and coffee.  I did that so I could see what the mountaineer's hut looked like from the summit when you have 14 storm lanterns going at once.  Then I just goated my way back down, and all of the lanterns were still lit when I arrived so it was definitely under 4 hours.

    Screenie taken at the summit, because it was neat.



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  9. 10 hours ago, JAFO said:

    Yep.. it is a kind of short(ish) range thing.. I've never pinned it down, but as I mentioned above, I'd estimate it's maybe 20 or so metres range..

    Sounds about right, at least from a visual appraisal.  The mechanic seems to be more to prevent players from abusing cars to get the drop on wolves/bears.  i.e. enter one side while crouched, exit out the other, and the critter is magically oblivious to your presence.

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  10. The only reason a shotgun would be added is if it addresses some concern we don't currently have.  The revolver was only added because it was a deterrent to timberwolves.  And the revolver came first so they could tune it and iron out the bugs, before releasing the threat it was designed to deal with.  (Imagine the backlash if they released both at once...and the revolver was bugged.)   So we have two defensive weapons: The flare pistol as your guaranteed get-out-of-jail free card, and the revolver as a way to respond to multiple threats.  We have two hunting tools: The lightweight but trickier to use bow and arrow, and the heavy hitting (and just heavy overall, really) rifle.  And we have distraction/deterrent tools, like thrown rocks, torches, and flares.  A shotgun firing slugs would basically be the same thing as the rifle we currently have.  There's a reason the Lee Enfield 303 was so widely mass-produced: It is extremely effective at killing things.

  11. 39 minutes ago, MarrowStone said:

    Squib loads sometimes don't even exit the barrel and you've got a real problem on your hands if you dont clear it and fire again...

    When I saw the broken rifle in Ep 3 I was kind of hoping they would introduce the possibility of a catastrophic rifle failure due to a squib load.  Because yeah...that's a thing that can happen if you fire without clearing the blockage.  And imagine how freaky that would be the first time it happens.  You line up a shot, pull the trigger..thunk.  Chamber another round, pull the trigger, KABLAM your rifle literally explodes in your face, instantly ruined, and you take damage on top of that.

  12. If you watch the Errant Pilgrim release video, at 3:14 you can see an example of the rifle misfiring.  It kind of goes "pthink" instead of "BOOM" and doesn't actually inflict any damage.  Did you hear anything that may have fit that bill?  Were you aiming at animals or just shooting the snow?  

  13. Just had a thought--introduce dysentery as a possible consequence for eating 0% food.  Right now, maybe you eat some bad fish, and you feel like crap for a day.  If you're in good health already, you don't need to treat it.  Just sleep it off, deal with being at low condition the next day, and the day after that you're fine.  No medicine required, strictly speaking.

    Eating 0% should carry a risk of serious food poisoning, in the form of salmonella dysentery.  Now you're faced with something that requires medical care or you will die.  And it uses content that already exists in the game.

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  14. 4 hours ago, MrWolf said:

    Thanks for the info.  I've never been able to reproduce that behavior, I'll check again next time I get a chance.

    It's kind of a rare situation, but Milton or Coastal Townsite are your best bets to replicate the situation.  Any time where you're within detection range of wolves, but they don't see you because you're crouched, and you enter a car while crouched.  They'll come trotting over to investigate the sound.  And if you exit the car before they are sufficiently far away, that sound will send them trotting back to investigate all over again.

  15. 19 minutes ago, MrWolf said:

    Does anyone have first hand knowledge of wolves reacting specifically to car doors?

    Yep.  They react to car doors in much the same way they react to stones hitting the ground.  They go from passive patrol to active investigation, and once they reach the source of the noise, they resume their passive patrol.  Basically if a wolf is already pretty close, that sound will bring them right to you.  But if they're already a safe distance away, they won't hear it.

  16. On 12/30/2019 at 8:45 PM, wizard03 said:



    This is actually bleak inlet and not coastal highway, and it marks the TW spawns


    That is Coastal Highway.  The prominent central island is Misanthrope's Homestead, and the boxed areas are (in order from north to south) Coastal Townsite, random unmarked patch of road, and Waterfront Cottages.

  17. Wait until the sun has fully risen and/or carry a light source.  Interiors can be quite dark, and there are occasionally valuable items to be found hidden in shadowed corners, so if you're searching a new location always have some form of light equipped.  Lantern, torch, flare, even a match if you're in a pinch.

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  18. 1 hour ago, KinoUnko said:

    while most reloading ingredients are readily available, primers are not. Most appropriate available material for making primers are match heads.


    Agree with the concept from an intellectual stance, disagree strongly with game implementation. Primers are indeed a requirement for ammo crafting in the real world, but then what do you do about the nitty gritty details?  What about hammering out the dent in the metal?  What about metal fatigue?  What about the anvil in the primer?  Even if you skip all the technical details and jump right to the percussive chemical, a regular match head wouldn't work. You'd need at minimum a strike-anywhere match.  And not only are these not in the game currently, they're not even all that common in the real world.  Strike-anywhere matches can be bought, but because of the safety concerns, they're pretty fringe items.

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