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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. That bedroll thing has been around for about as long as I can remember.  The first time I noticed it was back when the game only had 3 regions, and I had just carved up an Old Bedroll in one of the logging camp trailers, went looking for things to repair, and discovered that while I couldn't repair my clothes with that cloth, I could repair the bedroll I spawned in with.  At the time I figured it was only allowed because the cloth had come from a bedroll, so it was..I dunno more compatible or something.  But later realized the game makes no distinction from where you get your cloth.

    One thing that caught me by surprise about two years ago was that you can craft certain things in less time by having a toolbox in your inventory.  For years I had just been planning my day around it taking 90 minutes to craft an arrow, then someone dropped that bomb on me and I was blown away.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, StoneyWolf said:

    I second that!

    Timber wolves on interloper are 100% pointless to interact with you'll just waste resources for nothing in return.

    To be fair, on Interloper, there's no reason to bother with BI at all.  It's not like you have any firearms to craft ammo for.  And while the milling machine is a nice touch, there's enough scrap metal in the world that it is totally not worth making the trip to BI to repair a tool vs. just forging a replacement.

  3. Well...personally I wouldn't mind a fire axe, that served as a superpowered hatchet allowing you to chop firewood in half the time, but weighs 3kg.  However it would also double as a melee weapon that, if you time your swing just right, interrupts a wolf's charging leap and instantly kills it.  However if you miss your swing, you're fighting that struggle with your bare hands.

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  4. I've spent the past few game days breaking down everything at the cannery, and couldn't find anything.  That fuse box looking thing in the control room just after you climb the initial rope looks hella suspicious but there's no option to interact with it.  I've checked all the equipment and haven't found any sort of "open door" or "tie rope" thing anywhere.  Wondering if maybe it's some sort of remote control, I went back to the pensive lookout and echo one radio tower looking for maybe some kind of switch or secret key, broke down everything, and nada.  Even inside the cannery workshop, although I did find a couple neat goodies by breaking things down, nothing opened any sort of shortcut.

    Both during the aurora and otherwise, I might add, just in the event something becomes interactive while powered, but not during the day.  I'm starting to think the "shortcut" is really just that rope climb down from the pensive lookout tower.

    On the plus side, I've been re-using the same 12 revolver casings for a couple game weeks, since I'm parkouring the cannery so often I just keep reloading the same shells.  So at least I can confirm the casings don't wear out.

    Edit: I think I'm gonna start shooting things.  Maybe that's the key.

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  5. 1 minute ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Congrats @ajb1978! I know that has been something you have been itching to get done for some time now. 


    Well done!  :) 

    Oh man this made my whole week.  Finally!  Now I've grown quite attached to that guy, so I don't think I'm going to delete this save...maybe ever. But I am going to take him back to the Bleak Inlet and see if we can figure out if there really is a workshop shortcut, or if the "shortcut" was just referring to the rope climb down from the lookout and everyone just took that to mean something else.

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  6. 4 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    I haven't seen a single one in two playthroughs.

    Maybe they're just super super rare, and I was lucky enough to get rabbits, and unlucky enough to get moosed in the face.  Or maybe I had a bugged game, dunno.  I'm not going back to check!  That style of play is not really my speed.

  7. 1 hour ago, Fuarian said:

     because I dare you to eat mouldy food and try to not get sick. It makes no sense how we can eat all this low condition food and not get sick.

    Well in reality you can eat moldy food and not get sick.  It's not advisable of course, and you really should cut the moldy bits out, but I mean I've eaten moldy bread before, not noticed it was moldy until I was like halfway through the sandwich, and didn't get sick.  Also, don't forget that penicillin is a kind of mold!

    In life, as in the game, it's all in how lucky you are.  (And in how much moldy food you eat.)

  8. On 12/15/2019 at 4:48 PM, MarrowStone said:

    I enjoy how they force you to actually let go of some resources while at the same time being pretty straightforward/consistent in their mechanics.

    It is possible to evade them, just not as easy as regular wolves.  I was able to evade a pack by sleeping the night at the forestry lookout at BI.  They hung around for quite a few hours but eventually gave up.

  9. On 12/15/2019 at 11:08 AM, jeffpeng said:
    • There is no prey wildlife whatsoever. No rabbits, no deer. Haven't seen moose, but I've seen bears (one awefully close). I would suspect fishing also doesn't work (needs confirmation!)

    Definitely rabbits and moose, didn't see deer but I wasn't really on the lookout for those.  I only know about the moose because I was unlucky enough to get moosed straight away on my first attempt, as I was leaving BI, so I just scrapped the save and started over.  I forgot how far they aggro on Interloper settings.  And found rabbits in Milton, which is where I got my hat and gloves.  I actually was not on the lookout for deer so I don't recall if I saw any or not.  My plan wasn't to try for long-haul survival, but to power through as quickly as reasonable.

  10. I kind of wish I'd taken better notes..or notes at all..but I just completed this challenge.  Notable milestones: Finding an Improvise Hatchet at the Poacher's Camp, being nearly dead at the Maintenance Yard, e-stimming myself up to about 60% while making the ascent to Milton, spending a few days in MIlton dodging wolves and sewing up my gear, stoning bunnies, getting Well Fed, mittens and hat.  Tackling the HRV grave site in one push (there and back in a day).  Getting wolved as I was leaving Milton, took the doggo out with that hatchet. Retreated and spent another couple days repairing crap.  Finally throwing caution to the wind and burning through the final grave sites, ending in DP by the Riken around day 20-ish.

    I've no desire to repeat this. Ever.  Screw this challenge.  I play this game to relax, not to add stress.  I did it, I'm done, it's retired.  In the bag. Adios.

    Edit: I'm going to start up a nice easy Pilgrim game, to earn the 3 new badges.  I've earned the right.

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  11. Sorry but I disagree with this as well.  Trigger discipline is a very real thing.  If you're carrying a weapon, your finger should not be on the trigger until you are ready to fire.  Weapons with a hair trigger are just as prone to accidental misfire as bumping LMB on your mouse.  So the idea of trigger discipline carries over into TLD as a very real consequence of being careless with finger placement.  I will carry a revolver out and about as well in game, and after a few misfires of my own I learned to just keep my index finger over RMB instead of LMB, so even if I do accidentally bump it, no big deal.  This is the gaming equivalent of resting your index finger on the trigger guard. Just think of it as an extra layer of immersion!


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  12. Flashlights.  Always keep one at the ready during an aurora, and if you are approaching a blind corner or cresting a hill, pre-emptively turn it on low so you can instantly react with RMB to blind and scare away any lupine ambush.  If you have one or more flashlights, travel during an aurora is actually safer than any other time, because you can reliably scare away wolves for free, provided you either give the flashlight time to recharge, or swap out for a fresh one.

    Only thing you really gotta watch out for during an aurora are aurora bears.  They can pick up your scent and initiate a charge from very far away.

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  13. Require that you fill an Accessory slot with it.  I for one am a huge proponent of additional Accessories, so that we have to be a little more judicious in what we equip.  Current state it's a bit of a no brainer.  Moosehide satchel and ear wrap, every time.

  14. 6 hours ago, Ahatch said:

    But how are these wolves versus arrows , might be a lot tougher hitting a running moving target. 

    Don't let them know you're there, and you'll have a chance ;)  I have no desire to try this in practice but based on what I've observed, if you get the drop on them and avoid alerting them to your presence, you should be able to pick them off one by one no problem.  They apparently don't react to stealth kills.  If they DO detect you, prioritize getting to unreachable territory.  The way those guys buzz about, attempting to hit them would be a waste of ammo. That said, while they do zip about, they each individually have a tendency to hold their ground for a second or two.  If you can get yourself perched somewhere unreachable, that can present you with an opening to plug them one at a time.

    But without a revolver, I wouldn't recommend engaging them on the ground.

  15. So I finally looted the entire game world of all its batteries, sulfur, and stump remover.  I'm gearing up to go on an ammo-making marathon, and objective #1 is to clear the cannery of hostiles.  I armored up in my toughest gear and headed out armed to the teeth with revolver, rifle, bow, flare pistol, and pocket full of rocks for good measure.  I went in crouched like a snake, pulled out the rifle (why not), lined up a perfect shot, and BLAM.  First wolf was hit nonfatally, and fled.  The ones behind him...kept on walking unfazed.  Lined up a second shot..BLAM...another one takes a non-fatal hit, and runs off.  The third one likewise showed no reaction whatsoever to either the rifle reports or the deaths of his comrades.

    A: I'm impressed Timberwolves can survive a direct rifle hit without perishing.  B: I'm disappointed that they have zero regard for their own mortality.

    The same fate followed all the other timberwolves in the area.  I mean I know they're supposed to be tougher than regular wolves...but apparently they're also monumentally stupid.

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  16. 11 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    I've never actually tried to create "Pilgrim light"

    Oh I went on both ends of the spectrum.  I started a Pilgrim Light game with everything tuned as easy as I could possibly make it, then went to work and left the survivor standing there in the cold.

    He was still alive when I came home.  Not in good shape mind you, but very much alive.

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  17. 1 minute ago, jeffpeng said:

    While certainly off topic.... is it even possible to make it easier than Pilgrim? I mean .... significantly easier?

    Totally.  Wildlife is not hostile, but jack wolves to high and wolf fear to high.  You won't even have to hunt--wolves will be reliably taking deer down for you left and right, just bonk 'em with a stone, and claim the kill.  Turn time of day multiplier to 4x, and all 4 subconditions decrease 4x slower.  (Unless you do something to accelerate time.)  You can turn your 4 subconditions to decrease far slower too, which compounds with the time of day multiplier.  You can tune loot tables to generate even more loot than Pilgrim.  You can disable sprains, broken ribs, food poisoning, etc.

    I mean pilgrim doesn't have hostile wildlife, but the other variables are actually tuned pretty moderately.  The game can get a LOT easier.

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  18. 10 hours ago, Starcraftz01 said:

    2. If you loop past the door at the ranger tower there is a hook with a climbing rope hanging from it.

    I'm gonna have to triple-check that place because  my thought at the time is it would totally make sense for them to hide a rope somewhere around up there...but I went over each location at least twice and was positive I didn't see anything.  Well..either it's not a guaranteed spawn, or my trip all the way to TWM was a waste.

  19. Congratulations!  I'm still at Level 1 Gunsmithing, and haven't done a thing since unlocking the workshop.  I'm prioritizing mapping the region and gathering supplies, then I intend to grind the crap out of it.  I found one book, which is currently laying on the bed at the nice house in the cannery housing area.  Probably read that first, then craft up what I can from the found supplies, then finish off my schtick by harvesting ammo and re-crafting until I hit Level 5.