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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. 1 hour ago, jhickie said:

    I have the Hinterland logo mug and take it camping with me. It conducts heat like you wouldn't believe. 

    That's actually a good point, enamelware is great for camping.  They're lightweight, and you can set them next to the fire or even directly onto coals to heat up a beverage, cook a can of beans, etc.  Just watch out for that handle when you pick it up!

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  2. Yeah definitely brew tea/coffee separately and pour into the mug.  Another thing to consider, metal mugs hemorrhage heat very quickly.  Your drinks will cool off in record time, and as a consequence, the mug may also be literally too hot to handle after pouring your drink.  Might need to wear gloves, or use a hot pad or something.

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  3. 11 hours ago, Moll said:

    Whole idea is immersion breaking, characters are not gunsmiths and with craftable ammo, you drastically decrease need for bow.

    I don't see how that's immersion breaking; people do that in real life all the time.  Just because it's not common knowledge doesn't mean it breaks immersion, it just means you personally can't do it.  (Just like I'm willing to bet you personally don't know how to dress and quarter a deer, although I could be mistaken.)  Something like a HUD for Timberwolf morale...now THAT is immersion breaking.  Because that doesn't exist for anyone IRL.

  4. 9 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

    Or, revert to a save prior to picking up the survivor, stock up on more revolver rounds and come back and do it later.

    Definitely this.  If you complete all the side quests first, you will be much better equipped.  Even on Hardened Survivor, a full sweep of Pleasant Valley prior to advancing the main quest yields an additional revolver, 96 revolver rounds, 4 rifles, 65 rifle cartridges, a flare pistol, and 19 flare shells.  You acquire even more ammo once you can access Signal Hill, and additional flare shells and a flare pistol become available as the main questline progresses.

    Just take a break from the main quest and take some time exploring.  It's QUITE worth it.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Still hoping for a craftable blankie. Add an extra bit or warmth to a bedroll or bed, or to snowshelter or vehicle used for sleeping, if you don't have a bedroll with you for some reason.  Sitting in a car waiting for Old Grumpy Bear to stop pacing around it? [Use] blanket to give a few degrees more warmth while you wait.

    That would be neat.  It would have to be an auto-use item, or possibly an Accessory item, in order to be able to use it concurrently with a bedroll.  Similar to how a bedroll is auto-used when sleeping in vehicles.

  6. On 11/30/2019 at 12:41 PM, Moll said:

    1. I am sceptical to gun smith game mechanic. All handmade items are pictured as clumsy items, so ability to craft fireams is questionable. (Unless its some single shot pipe gun). Same with crafting ammo.

    The only thing really preventing you from creating ammo would be acquiring a primer.  Potassium nitrate deposits can be found in caves, and sulfur can be found near hot springs.  Great Bear is a geologically active island, it's entirely plausible there may be sulfur deposits to be found.  You could easily reclaim spent cartridges, craft gunpowder using charcoal, potassium nitrate, and sulfur, melt down copper or aluminum or whatever and cast your own bullets, then re-pack the cartridge with your homemade gunpowder and bullet.

    Now you CAN reload a primer as well, but that gets really tricky because you have to remove the anvil and un-dent them from where the firing pin struck.  The anvils tend to crumble, and you can only un-dent a primer so many times before the metal's integrity fails completely.  And you need something to initiate percussion ignition like mercury fulminate, and without Amazon Prime I don't know where the hell you'd get that.  So the primers would be a legitimate limiting factor on ammo crafting.  But liberties with reality are taken in many other areas, so this could be one of them.

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  7. I posted this in the Steam wish list a few years ago and it got mercilessly shot down lol.  The game does strive for realism in many ways, so there are some caveats that throw a wrench into this.  Mainly temperature--chemical glow sticks don't glow in sub-freezing conditions, as low temperatures retard the chemiluminescent reaction.  So these glow sticks would only really be useful in explorable caves and mines, or when you already have a fire going.  Any time the ambient temperature is already above freezing.  Realistically, the warmer the glow stick is, the brighter it glows, and the shorter its life.  So ambient temp would affect this as well.  That's going pretty far down the rabbit hole, but the main bullet point is these should only work in above-freezing temps.  So...spelunking basically.  And that's where this kind of crumbles.  We already have so many light options for cave exploration, I'm quite OK with skipping this wish list item, even though I would enjoy it.

    Save it for the modding community when mod support is introduced. :)

  8. 11 hours ago, Hawk said:

    If HL were to make changes similar to what you suggest, they would also need to reduce the possibility of getting sprains, IMHO.


    Agreed.  And inform the player more precisely what their sprain risk actually is, and when the dice are rolled.  Exploration is a huge point of the game, and punishing the player that severely for playing the game correctly is a great way to piss pretty much everyone off.  So if sprains are made so severe that they cripple you for two game days, then they should be as rare as dysentery.

    (And I've been playing this game 4 years now, and never once had dysentery.)

  9. Oh and please...pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease...PLEASE put Cairn #1 back.  That is literally the one thing I am missing in an otherwise 100% perfect completionist run.

    100% of everything explored.  Every container looted.  Every destructible object (items in my safehouses get a pass) broken down.  Every map completely filled in, no smudges.  All 13 notes collected.  All 71 buffer memories recorded.  And then....

    ...164 cairns discovered.  This is important to my mental health.

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  10. Timberwolves do less damage individually, even on Hardened Survivor, but as a pack can overwhelm you if you choose to stand and fight.  A single black wolf can easily be the death of you, depending on what difficulty or experience mode you're playing.  Timberwolves don't surprise you, as you're alerted to their presence several seconds ahead of time.  Black wolves on the other hand...well I think at some point we've all rounded a corner or crested a hill only to have a wolf like right freakin' there two feet in front of you.

    Evading black wolves is just a matter of walking away, breaking line of sight, or finding some obstacle to disrupt pathing and then crouch into stealth mode.  Timberwolves do not quit when you break pathing, and continue pacing about the area until you actively drive off the pack by throwing things or shooting.  I stood on a fallen tree for like two minutes waiting for the pack to give up, and they didn't.  Also, and this might be because story mode is scripted, but I once outran timberwolves in Story mode and went inside the community center...and the entire pack was waiting for me the next morning.  And of course in story mode the back door is locked so I had no choice but to face them head on at point blank range.

    That little ambush notwithstanding, overall timberwolves are not more or less dangerous.  It's just a different sort of danger, requiring a different response.

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  11. 46 minutes ago, RegentRelic said:

    I would appreciate it if either episodes for and five were much harder or if there was a harder difficulty setting from hardens survivor.

    I don't know that the game needs to be made "harder", but personally I would appreciate if Hardened Survivor does more than simply alter the amount of damage you sustain from wildlife attacks.  I loved the fact that Hardened Survivor changes the starting point for one of the side quests in Ep 3.  I wish that carried over into other quests as well.  For instance, when diagnosing the survivors condition, it would be nice if Hardened Survivor required that the player do more to treat them than just give them water.  Maybe splint broken bones, treat infections, suture a gash, etc.  Yes, one survivor does require insulin as a macguffin, and another also requires a bandage...but that's consistent across all three difficulty modes.

  12. 1 minute ago, sierra 117 said:

    Don't really want to speculate too much on that one, could open up a load of new crafting abilities.

    I'm wondering if this might be the ammo crafting that was on the old road map, back when such a thing existed.  Being able to craft rifle or revolver ammunition would indeed fit the bill of making the game more viable in the long run for most players.  Those of us who've been around since the beginning can survive quite well without weapons of any sort with fishing and "chase deer into wolf, scare away wolf" shenanigans, but that is definitely not "most people".

  13. 20 hours ago, Noble Rotter said:

    You could also hack up Fir Limbs with it too, but not Cedar Limbs unless that has been fixed.

    There's two limb sizes for each.  The normal sized ones that respawn can be broken down with a hacksaw.  The larger ones that are placed objects and do not respawn still require a hatchet.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Dr. S. said:

    One other thing. Do you actually have a sewing kit on you? The new interface defaults to a tool that you don't necessarily have in your inventory, with no indication, other than the missing craft button. For example, I'm crafting a bow in interloper, and it always defaults to a knife, even though I don't have one.

    This.  I was able to replicate the issue by having all the needed crafting items in my inventory, except any means to sew them. All the crafting components show white, but the "begin crafting" button is missing.  If you pick up a sewing kit and click on the workbench again, the button is present.

  15. This is one of those things that yes I would like to see it added at some point, but I also acknowledge that the return on investment is very poor.  It takes a LOT of work creating a fully rendered and animated 3D character model for every possible clothing item, and it also introduces some problems like....how do you accurately show someone shooting a revolver while wearing rabbitskin mitts?  Short answer: You don't.  So you'd have to do something about that, like decide to not render mittens and instead just assume the character takes off a mitten when you draw the weapon.  Or implement some thing that only allows you to fire a weapon if you're bare-handed, or wearing gloves or gauntlets.  Thrown flares, torches, and stones would be usable with mittens, but that's it.  And another rabbit hole is do you change up the 3D model's condition depending on how damaged it is?  Wet or frozen?

    It's a great polish item, don't get me wrong, and I'd enjoy it.  I just think there's better uses for that dev time.

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  16. In any given run there are between 2 and 4 mag lenses in the entire world.  But yes, ML and MT are the only regions where you're guaranteed to find one every time.

    In ML, check the abandoned lookout, the camp office upstairs and downstairs, and Trappers. 

    In MT, check Grey Mother's house, Paradise Meadows farmhouse, post office, and St. Christopher's church.

  17. 1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

    I'm not sure I know that you mean... I've seen absolutely no change in the stamina system's behavior for literally the last few years.

    That's because they necroed a 3 year old post.

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  18. 5.1 surround sound.  Take an hour fine tuning the speakers and intensity, and you get some top notch directional audio.  You can tell left, right, front, back... the only negative is that the subwoofer is tied to the front channels only, so if you're facing a waterfall, SUPER loud.  Turn around, the waterfall turns into a kitchen faucet.

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  19. I really don't know how to explain it, so I'm just gonna say yes it's trial and error...to an extent.  There is a science to it but I can't exactly translate it to words.  It's just more a thing you get a feel for with practice, like "yeah that log looks like it'll be safe".  Log bridges are always safe--at least for now.  Logs that are perfectly flat on the ground or embedded in the ice, like the ones you see in the Muskeg to act as footpaths over thin ice...those are NOT safe.  The ones that protrude upwards at a weird angle, like the broken tree by the creek where the moose spawns in Pleasant Valley, that's a prime sniping point.  Actually just bagged a moose from there the other day.

    As a general rule of thumb, any position that is A: high enough off the ground that the animal can't make physical contact with you, and B: there's no obvious way to walk to, is going to be safe.  Drop down from above, goat your way halfway down a near-sheer slope, etc.

    3 hours ago, Dominique said:

    What I wonder is whether it is the path or the line of sight. In my example, the wolf couldn't see me if its field of vision is vertically restricted. Another example. Having an issue with another wolf, I crouched into he Trapper's Cabin derelict barn low end  and it stopped chasing me. 


    Yep there are a few locations like this that you can find as well.  The barn at the Spence homestead is another, but the small shed just to the east of it is not.  I haven't tested this in about a year, but the little roof overhanging the red barn in PV deters bears, and presumably wolves as well, although I usually just enter the barn itself for cover.  The enclosed porch on the PV farmstead is another safe haven, and actually counts as "indoors".  There's a bear that meanders by there on occasion, and that porch makes a perfect hunter blind.  (Ironically the actual hunter blinds seem to amount to jack squat.  I've been attacked by wolves in them before, and unlike a log that you can just drop off the back end, in a hunter's blind you're cornered.)

  20. I really don't know how to explain it, so I'm just gonna say yes it's trial and error...to an extent.  There is a science to it but I can't exactly translate it to words.  It's just more a thing you get a feel for with practice, like "yeah that log looks like it'll be safe".  Log bridges are always safe--at least for now.  Logs that are perfectly flat on the ground or embedded in the ice, like the ones you see in the Muskeg to act as footpaths over thin ice...those are NOT safe.  The ones that protrude upwards at a weird angle, like the broken tree by the creek where the moose spawns in Pleasant Valley, that's a prime sniping point.  Actually just bagged a moose from there the other day.

    As a general rule of thumb, any position that is A: high enough off the ground that the animal can't make physical contact with you, and B: there's no obvious way to walk to, is going to be safe.  Drop down from above, goat your way halfway down a near-sheer slope, etc.  Also if a wolf is currently tailing you, you will know immediately if you get into safe place, because they instantly go from their "growl and stalk" mode, to "wander aimlessly" mode.