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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. 3 hours ago, stratvox said:

    So, like Pokemon Go, but if you encounter a bear or a moose, you just get to take a beating from them?

    It was a surprisingly detailed dream tbh, but moose didn't exist yet.  Basically just like Pokemon Go you walk around the real world and major hotspots were lootable locations.  You would see wolves represented on the map on your phone, and if you got close to one you could hold up your phone and see the wolf superimposed over the terrain. Then you line up the crosshairs on your screen with the digital wolf and tap the "fire" button to take a shot with whatever weapon you had equipped.  The dream didn't involve a wolf struggle or bears though, I just remember shooting the wolf in AR, and looting the local businesses for food and clothing.  Not a complete game idea, but again as dreams go, surprisingly detailed.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ahatch said:

    So as a "retirement home" for lopers would assume that I had a 500 day run going and perhaps level 5 archery etc. So Camp Office is the likely choice since there is nearby fishing as an alternate food source. BUT in terms of wolf safety going to give a nod to the good ol Carter Hydro Dam and it's fenced in yard. There is a rock ledge on  which can be used to deal with the usual wolf spawn by the trailers in safety . Quick access to the Ravine so Birch bark tea and the mentioned deer spawns along with rabbits. Also not far from  Bear Creek Campground which can serve as a stop over heading the fish camp to restock on lamp oil if needed. 

    Not a loper fan personally but I would have to agree with this sentiment.  Proximity to the Ravine is huge.  Set up a stupid amount of traps, like 30, and you'll be swimming in rabbit meat.

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  3. 4 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

    The pack did follow me to the pier.  After I was done, I picked them off from the safety of the pier.

    If the shortcut was located in the cannery proper, you would still need to deal with the TWs to reach the fabled shortcut, no?

    If it were within the perimeter of the fenced-in area yeah, that would be borderline useless.  But on the other hand if it were a climbing rope that takes you directly to that segregated area of pier that the wolves can't reach, that would make more sense.  You could either sneak your way in and out, or charge in fast and loud and just wait out the aggression indoors.

  4. Don't have a screenshot to show for it but the other day I shot a deer in Pleasant Valley, followed the blood trail/hoof prints, and they just stopped in the middle of an open field.  The next day there were crows overhead, circling an empty spot of ground, so that deer was completely buried.  Not even a clue as to its location if not for the crows.  (I was more upset about the loss of the arrow than the deer.)

  5. Pretty sure this is the new normal.  Wolf pathing AI was improved recently to allow them to enter fishing huts without a door, or the Mountaineering Hut.  Basically it improved their intelligence from that of a newborn infant to about a 2 year old, in terms of their ability to get to you.  They no longer treat tree limbs as "aww gee, he's slightly above ground level, guess he's off limits" and now will come after you.  They also seem to remember that you exist even after you get to an unreachable area.  I had a wolf retain aggro for a few minutes after I shut the door, instead of instantly resuming his patrol.

    Now on the other hand, if they attack you THROUGH the door, or through a wall, that is definitely a bug.  That was an issue shortly after the errant pilgrim release, but they added in some line-of-sight logic which should have fixed the issue.  Still, I don't make a habit of hugging the wall if there's an aggroed wolf right outside, just in case.

  6. 3 hours ago, peteloud said:

    I am now about to give up with TLD until the timberwolves are revised.and updated.  I can't be bothered with the hassle of fighting them.

    Well they're only in one region, so that hassle is easily avoided by not visiting that region.  If they are added to the rest of the regions in their current state, well...that would be different.

  7. 10 hours ago, RegentRelic said:

    Maybe they got up and left or, were dragged off by a bear.

    Just want to clarify for anyone that may be new to the game, this is a joke.  This is not a thing that can happen.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    That is not the Workshop the survivor is walking towards...but it is a building located after the vast majority of the platforming to get back to the Workshop.

    The fact that the survivor is walking towards that specific building doesn't mean that is a shortcut to the Workshop specifically.  I mean I found a climbing rope in that building, which fits the bill of being a clue in the context of the "shortcut" being a way down from the Lookout.  Nothing I've seen indicates a shortcut to the Workshop specifically, and I've Spider-Manned alllllll over this place six ways 'til Tuesday looking for one.

  9. 12 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    Yes we're talking about the Cannery...I made sure to clarify that with him.

    Again, that's not the workshop specifically.  The Cannery is the entire complex consisting of multiple buildings.  Sorry just with how much time I've dedicated to poking around the Cannery, I'm just not sold that there's any sort of shortcut to the Workshop specifically.

  10. 11 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    Here is the Tweet where he specifically states there is a clue in the update video (I'm DamianMcAnders on Twitter)

    But does he specifically state that there's an unlockable shortcut to access the workshop after you've navigated the obstacle course?  Everything they've said so far seems to point to the rope climb leading down from the radio tower, and there is indeed a clue to that in the video.  (The rope hanging on the outside of the lookout tower.)

  11. 28 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    I can't imagine HL making a shortcut for a 1-minute trip.

    Well ordinarily no but in this region it would make sense, since it's impossible to run the course without catching the attention of the wolves in the area.  So unless you deal with them ahead of time, you'll end up having to deal with them after you leave the workshop, unless you're willing to completely wait them out.  Putting a back way in would allow you the option of slinking in undetected, and making your way back out without a confrontation.

  12. 20 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Just a thought, not near BI or a workbench right now (and I have no rope yet, lol), in PV looting. But once I get some rope and am near a workbench, I 'll see if I get a new recipe. Maybe someone can check the milling machine workbench? Just a semi-random thought.

    Checked--nada.  I did another sweep of the area and found a rather interesting outdoor office I had somehow missed the first 2,037,837.7 passes through the area however, right around the corner from that first rope climb.  Makes for a much nicer "wait for an aurora" spot than the truck in the center of the yard, that's for sure.  But unfortunately, no rope tie-off points anywhere that I can find, no aurora-only interactives apart from the milling machine and that keypad, and no new crafting recipes.  Edit: I even precariously made my way out onto that crane thing in the middle of the last warehouse prior to the workshop wondering if maybe there was a way to lower that.

    I would be absolutely 100% certain there is no shortcut, if not for that one tweet.  And even then I'm wondering if Raph maybe just saw the part about "drop down" and the "You can" meant "You can drop down".  As in, just walk off the pier.  That's your shortcut out.

  13. I have what I'm now convinced is a false memory of finding a candy bar glued to the back of one.  Probably happened in a dream and I mistook that memory for reality.

    Sorta like when I dreamed about The Long Dark Go, during the Pokemon Go craze.

  14. Yeah...I've noticed this as well and I have my "rapid clicker" AutoHotKey script to help out, but I know all too well how much this sucks if you have to manually click that many times.  (Repeatedly picking up hundreds of sticks off the ground served as my impetus to write it.)

    Also I've found some "Lost and Found" boxes in some humorous locations.  Like I get it, I understand the logic behind why it spawned, but having five stones in a Lost and Found box sitting near the rail tunnel in the Ravine transition zone seemed a bit extreme.

  15. 17 hours ago, sourjellybaby said:

    I have completed the stocking up of supplies in the community hall and rescued one of the survivors.  However, the other 2 survivors are now not showing on my map.  When I did visit survivor 2 thanks to an online screenshot, the camp fire was there but no survivor.  Anyone know what is going on with this?

    Maybe you visited the same one twice, and didn't recognize it because you approached from a different angle?  Try firing the flare pistol into the sky.  If you don't get a response, that survivor is already rescued.

  16. 42 minutes ago, DirtyMadcap said:

    OK.....thanks.  My first time.  He followed me all the way to the HRV cave from there.  Hoping things reset on region transition?

    I can't say with certainty that it won't help, but I can say that in the past it hasn't.  I've had bears glitched below the terrain for real-life months, until the next release updates the terrain.

  17. Any time I'm fully expecting something to happen, and it does, I usually jump.  The anticipation makes it worse IMO.  Like that steep hill in PV that lets you walk up from the Heartbreak Bridge all the way up to the Signal Hill access road, I know every time "this is pretty steep, I might get a sprain on this one..." and right as I near the top, even though I know it's like a 90% chance that it's gonna pop a sprain any second now...the moment it hits I always jump.


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  18. Probably spawned below the terrain.  That kind of thing happens, and all you can really do is submit a bug report, then get out of the area as soon as you can.  Although rare, sometimes the bear can attack you even though it's below the terrain and untouchable by you.  All of the risk with none of the reward!