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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. It'd be fun as a Challenge mode.  You're tasked with rescuing X many survivors in Y amount of time.  Like go to Pleasant Valley, find 3 survivors, bring them to the Community Center.  Go to Mystery Lake, find 3 survivors, bring them to the Camp Office.  Go to Mountain Town, find 3 survivors, bring them to St. Christopher's Church.  Boom, challenge complete.

  2. 24 minutes ago, acada said:

    Wait a second. There is goat way UP? Recently I promoted myself to goat when I got down from the tail section without ropes. OK I am going to demote myself again to human.

    You'll sprain your everything if you attempt it on a standard experience mode, and will likely suffer falling damage here and there as well.  But yes....yes it can be done.

  3. 11 minutes ago, kristaok said:

    When my kills land on the arrows I just count em as gone. :/ Also I've seen an arrow of mine just yesterday roll a bit from the wind, thankfully I was able to get that one. 

    I haven't lost an arrow in this way in...ever...as near as I can recall.  I've had arrows stick in deer that end up wrong-side down in the snow, and those arrows I write off as a loss sure. But arrows that hit, kill, drop to the snow, and get landed on by the deer they just killed...that's a new one!  Poop.

  4. 7 hours ago, mariafbb said:

    yes and yes

    still 9 IDs ... ;(((((

    Odd, I've never had a problem with it.  Sometimes I miss a person and have to go through the bodies a second time, but I've never had it register 9 ID's when I already had all 10.  I would suggest reloading from an old save and try the mission again.

  5. 35 minutes ago, mariafbb said:

    well I am also missing something 

    dunno what.

    I have 10 IDs if I count them in my inventory

    but it doesnt let me get Gwen,


    any advice is most welcomed 


    Did you grab the passenger manifest from the pilot V. Singh, and the insulin from Dimitri's luggage?  You need both of those in addition to the ID's before you can diagnose/transport Gwen.

  6. I have a length of day multiplier set to 4x for my current run, and I've recently confirmed that there is no passive condition recovery while time passes normally.  If time passes due to an accelerated event, like harvesting a carcass, chopping firewood, or simply passing time via the radial menu, then passive condition recovery (including a birch tea bonus) happens normally.  But if you're just out and about walking around, it does not.

    I tested this by letting my thirst hit zero, then passing 2 hours.  This resulted in me taking a 4% condition hit due to dehydration, as expected.  I then drank a cup of birch tea, and allowed 2 game hours to pass in real-time.  (This took 40 real minutes.)  My condition had not changed.  I then drank another cup of birch tea and passed 2 hours using the radial, and my condition was restored as I would normally expect.

    I did submit a support ticket, but wanted to put this out there for anyone else that might be playing with longer days, that might be adversely affected by this and not have noticed.

  7. If anyone can find a storm lantern matching the one in the game, let me know.  I can find kerosene lanterns that use a mantle, and can have an optional flint/steel mechanical striker attached to them.  But lanterns with a mantle have the mantles hanging from above--the storm lanterns in the game clearly have an open flame burning from below, as you would see with a conventional wick-based lantern.  I've never seen a wick-based lantern that feature a mechanical striker.

  8. 1 minute ago, jhickie said:

    Ahhh.. so close! Didn't see the bridge. 

    When I have 50-50 odds, I'm usually going to choose the wrong one lol.

    That's me at league trivia lol.  If it's an astronomy question, and I know the answer is either Saturn or Jupiter...it's the opposite of what I pick.  Even if I try to Murphy's Law that mother and intentionally guess the wrong one...I'm still wrong.

  9. 2 minutes ago, jhickie said:

    Can't help myself... must attempt to guess location... cannot resist...

    I'm pretty sure this is PV, but I can't figure out if this is the barn between Three Strikes and the Farmhouse, or if it's the barn across from the main road near Heartbreak Bridge. If I'm going to guess, I'd have to say it's the one between Three Strikes and the Farmhouse.

    The one near Heartbreak Bridge.  You can see the bridge in the background, mostly occluded by fog.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, jhickie said:

    I found that new cave on accident in a blizzard and it saved me! I believe it was added with Episode 3.

    It was.  I suspect it was added because unless you cheese Episode 3 and do all the side missions without progressing the main storyline, you can find yourself woefully underequipped for the weather.  Say you've started Fallen Star but don't have all that sweet side-mission loot, you're gonna start freezing right around the time you reach the Derelict Cabins, assuming you chose the overland route. If on the other hand you chose to take the river...right around that same spot you'd be up a creek without a reliably sheltered location.  So bam--new cave, complete with a neat little pine needle bed.  Right about at the halfway point to where you'd get to your next major shelter areas en route to the crashed plane.  Enough for a quick fire and nap before heading out again.

  11. 1 hour ago, ManicManiac said:

    Pleasant Valley weather is pretty effective at slowing me down. :D

    Yeah that was not a a fun region to map.  I ended up just committing to a nomadic lifestyle.  Even though Molly's is a central location on the map, the map is large enough that it's STILL a lot of walking.  Only to have a mapping run cut short by a blizzard or eight.

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  12. 6 hours ago, Willy Pete said:

    Is something getting lost in translation here? To get over protein poisoning you would just need to eat any other form of food. Be it deer, bear, wolf, fish, whatever. All it would do is prevent you from eating rabbit for a while. I'm not advocating anything other than that.

    I think you must have a vastly different play style because I hardly ever farm rabbits.  Maybe very, very early on to score some pelts for a hat and mittens, and then to get a few spares for repairs.  Otherwise the calorie to weight ratio of rabbits is some of the worst in the game (only fish are worse), and even if you set up a ridiculous amount of snares, the amount of time and tool wear spent harvesting 5-10 rabbits at a time just isn't worth it.  I know I can't speak for everyone, but I think at most people use rabbits to supplement their diet and a means to craft/repair their hat and mittens, not as a staple that serves as the basis for a diet.  You're way better off leveling Fishing and getting food that way, because not only is there no processing time before you cook a fish, you get lamp oil on the side as well.  This kinda seems like a lot of effort to address a problem that doesn't exist, at least not to me.

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  13. I really don't want to have to start micromanaging nutrient types.  About the closest thing to that I would support is some kind of "getting sick of eating bear every day" system, to force you to mix it up and trap rabbits, hunt deer, fish, etc.  Similar to cabin fever, if you eat the same thing too much, you get sick of it and can't eat that thing anymore until you have something else for a while.

    But even that's pushing it.

    • Upvote 4
  14. 59 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    I'm still reasonably confidant that you found a wolf kill where the wolf's feeding was interrupted for whatever reason.

    I've got a hypothesis that stems from hearing wolf howls during a blizzard, but never encountering any actual wolves.  I think the wildlife might still be out and about, just invisible and otherwise unable to interact with the player in any way.  But maybe they can still interact with each other.  There are timberwolves that spawn in when you talk to Father Thomas the first time.  There are also some deer on the north end of town, which could get close enough to hypothetically grab aggro from a timberwolf patrolling Thompson's Crossing. So I'm wondering if one of those hypothetical invisible not-yet-in-play timberwolves may have killed the deer.

  15. 1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

    For me what was happening was that a wolf would fell a deer, and a bear would happen to wonder by & spook it off the kill before it had a chance to finish "ravaging it." 

    Interesting, but the nearest bear is the one way back in the birch forest that wanders out to the barn and back.  He never comes in the direction where I found the deer.  I thought maybe it was a timberwolf attack, because timberwolves don't actually stop and eat a deer.  They just kill it and go back to their patrol, leaving behind a non "ravaged" carcass.  However I hadn't advanced the main story to the point that Timberwolves start to appear...so there goes that theory.

  16. So this is interesting... I'm replaying Ep 3 again, and completed the white stag side mission.  Loaded down with a bunch of stuff I started making my way back to Thompson's Crossing via an extended and serpentine route.  I made a detour to avoid a bear, mag lensed myself a fire in that unmarked barn way south of the farmhouse to warm up.  Got on the road, headed east over the bridge, then north right through the thick of the wolf pack outside the red barn to nab the Forest Talker cache in the unmarked barn north of it.  Then east through the birch forest, nabbed some birch bark, then finally headed south again intent on completing my journey back to Thompson's Crossing.

    The reason behind that whole explanation is to make it abundantly clear I had been outside for hours, and at no point had done any hunting.

    Halfway between the birch forest and Thompson's Crossing, I saw a dead deer in the middle of a wide open field. Upon investigation, I found that it was 42% frozen, but was not a "ravaged" deer carcass.  Meaning it hadn't been felled by a wolf.  What's more, it had a full 9.1kg of meat, both gut, and the hide intact.  It was as if I had shot it myself....but I hadn't.

    Has anyone else encountered something like this?

  17. That wouldn't really be DLC, that would be a whole new game.  Not only would it require entire new models and textures, it would require retooling the weather system and subconditions, as well as swimming mechanics or how to handle water that isn't freezing cold.  Tropical conditions, being cold wouldn't be too big a concern, but heatstroke definitely would.  With hot and humid conditions, you'd blow through water insanely fast, and would need to find ways to keep yourself cool, instead of warm.  And of course, running around naked means that you're more prone to injury from the environment as well as animal attacks, not to mention you'd get wicked sunburn.  I could go on but yeah...totally different experience.

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  18. On 2/25/2020 at 11:43 AM, MarrowStone said:

    Maybe the "dampen camera" option is bugged or simply not enough 

    Dampen Camera turns off the sharp sideways roll when you have a sprain, it doesn't affect the subtle figure-8 pattern your view makes.  Frankly unless I'm standing perfectly still and deliberately looking for it, I don't see it.  When I'm walking normally and glancing about for threats, it's unnoticeable.

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  19. 6 hours ago, acada said:

    I am pretty sure the revolver is not harvestable item by design.

    OP is referring to the ammo.  You have the ability to harvest revolver or rifle ammo, to separate it out into its component parts, with a chance of failure proportional to your Gunsmithing skill.  The idea being if you have a handful of rifle casings, but no rifle, you can break rifle ammo down into a bullet, casing, and gunpowder.  Then use the bullet and gunpowder with a revolver casing to craft revolver ammo instead.

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  20. When the telephone rings in the Hunting Lodge, and goes quiet the moment you get to it...I feel like that is a missed opportunity that could be seized by having Mark Meer record a few additional lines of dialogue.  Foreshadowing

    the one-sided radio contact Astrid receives from Will at the end of Episode 3

    , it would be awesome if Will could hear a conversation between Molly and Astrid...but the handset is damaged and they can't hear him.  But Will gets a little extra boost of morale knowing that Astrid is indeed alive.

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  21. On 2/17/2020 at 7:27 PM, Glflegolas said:

    The gun sways too darn much... and I've been playing for 155 hours.

    When you first raise the rifle, it is pointing directly straight ahead, and your aim is dead on. Then the sway kicks in.  So the trick is to raise the rifle, aim, get your target centered on the screen.  Then lower your aim...then quickly raise the rifle and fire off a shot in one smooth motion.  Don't give your aim a chance to go off-center.

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  22. Time dilation issues--that's the core problem.  The only way to make this work in practice would be to have the player that's doing the time-accelerated action lose fatigue, thirst, hunger, etc proportionate to the action they are performing, while the sun in the sky does not move an inch.  Meanwhile the other player is entirely unaffected.

    Totally immersion breaking, but it would enable cooperative play.

    I personally would not be interested.

  23. 15 hours ago, Hotzn said:

    In the end, there is no alarm clock available in this game.

    I've said in the past that a wind-up alarm clock would be great.  Like if you go to sleep, you always sleep until you are fully rested.  Unless you have an alarm clock in your inventory, at which point the game plays as it currently does.  But for all the sense it makes, you'd have people crawling out of the woodwork complaining how it ruins the game, they're never playing again, blah blah.  Happens every time some major new thing is added, before everyone quiets down and learns to deal with it.

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