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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. About the only way you could get around time dilation is to have accelerated actions only affect that one player.  So in the case of a hypothetical multiplayer TLD, if you sleep for 6 hours, you would wake up and the sun wouldn't have budged an inch.  However you would have spent calories and recovered fatigue as if you had slept 6 hours.

    Immersion breaking, but in terms of mechanics, doable. This would have some exploit potential, such as being able to harvest an entire moose in the warmest part of the day.  However the nights would be brutal, as there is no way to pass the time.  So you'd either have to wait out the night in real-time (which would suck), or you'd need some system where all players have to agree on accelerated time passage.

    So yeah again, doable, but inherently janky.

  2. 2 hours ago, Willy Pete said:

    Can you fire the rifle from the hip now? Haven't played in a bit but last I checked you have to be aiming tos hoot the rifle.

    Nope revolver only.  I guess stones too since you can throw while aiming, or throw without aiming.

  3. 4 hours ago, guythatlovestld said:

    im having trouble with the one where you have to start alot of fires, 1000 of them. how?

    That's campfires specifically, by the way.  Lighting a stove or grill doesn't count towards the 1000 fires.  You have to light campfires specifically.

  4. 1 hour ago, Stone said:

    Yesterday a wolf wouldn't leave me alone, wouldn't be paid off with meat.

    You have to be a good distance away from the meat--nearly to the point that the 3D model isn't rendered--before a wolf will be distracted by it.  Even then, it will grab the meat and run off, instead of standing there and eating it like the old days.

  5. This is a bit of a pain in the butt to do, but if you're low on ammo and can't afford to risk losing a single casing, unload the entire revolver from within your inventory.  The casings are automatically added to your pack.  Then reload the whole cylinder.

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  6. He's fast but takes corners like a box truck.  If you can get a tree or something between you and the bear, you can actually outmaneuver him.  I've even managed it without a tree by turning 90 degrees and sprinting a few steps, and locking him into a circle-strafe dance.  By itself this isn't much help (unless you can dart from tree to tree and eventually reach a door or car), but if you have a weapon it can buy you just enough time to get a shot off as he's turning for another pass.

  7. 3 hours ago, RegentRelic said:

    I am going to assume that hinterland is going make a region north of mystery lake. This is one of two spots that make the most sense for the entrants, exhibit C. I am pretty sure that hinterland will want us to have a moment of recognition and ah ha moment if you will, when entering this new region for the first time. It is also possible to be near the other entrants in exhibit C both places serve no real function as of yet so I think they have future plans.

    The map of Mystery Lake on the world map is rotated 90 degrees from what the regional map indicates.  The areas 1 and 2 you listed are at the top of the map when in regional view, but in world view they're actually to the east pointing towards Pleasant Valley.  But they could insert an area transition cave anywhere along the northern wall (on the left in regional view) between Trappers and the Clearcut.

  8. 6 minutes ago, haydenthebrave said:

    that solves the issue of how she got to Milton, though it does seem like a loonggg way to walk all for a hunting trip when there are plenty of viable spots almost literally on her front porch, maybe she got a tip that was where the prison bus crashed and was out "hunting" for any prisoners she could find. more plausible perhaps? 

    I don't think Molly made it to Milton at all.  Rather, I think Astrid made it out of Milton, through this hypothetical region, and arriving in Pleasant Valley.  Molly was hunting in Pleasant Valley and found Astrid near death.

    As for how Astrid could survive a couple days with her lousy starting gear....plot armor!

  9. 34 minutes ago, haydenthebrave said:

    here is also an image from the milton side of the cave connecting milton and mystery lake, you can see the lorry, and upon the hills plane. but most importantly the road connecting the two regions.

    A while ago I used the world map as a reference, and resized/rotated the regional maps to fit using rivers and lakes as points of reference.  There is actually quite a bit of room where a new region could fit, according to the orientation and scale of the individual regions.

    frankenstein map.JPG

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  10. 1 hour ago, haydenthebrave said:

    we know molly makes her way to Milton on her hunting trips and to do so shed have to pass through mystery lake.

    That's a very long distance to travel to hunt especially if you're carrying everything back by hand.  There's also a number of road blocks in the way of that theory, so I really don't think that's the case.  The most direct route is through the collapsed dam where the only way through is to use an elevator that isn't even receiving power.  Will has to flip the breaker in order to enable the elevator to make a one-way trip to the lower dam.  And we know that happens after the radio transmission from Will that Astrid hears, so we know it was impassable when Molly found Astrid.  So from Molly's side, she can't get to Mystery Lake via the Dam until after Will came through.  Not to mention the fact that the elevator quits working after Will uses it.  So that rules that route out.

    One could argue she reaches Mystery Lake by way of the Raven Falls Ravine...but no one in their right mind would make an unnecessarily dangerous tightrope walk across that damaged section of trestle when they have ample hunting opportunities MUCH closer to home.

    As the only roads leaving the region are completely blocked, and the two paths by which she could get to Mystery Lake are essentially impassable, she wouldn't be making it to Milton at all.  What seems to make the most sense is that there's some as yet unknown region connecting Milton directly to Pleasant Valley, bordered by Milton to the west, Mystery Lake to the south, and Pleasant Valley to the east.  Most likely Astrid passed through this unknown region and entered via the Long Curve.  And since we know Pleasant Valley is prone to geographic changes due to earthquakes, it's completely plausible the road by the Long Curve was blocked after Astrid made her way through.

  11. In most regions the aurora will appear on average once a week.  Of course you can get it two nights in a row, and you can go a couple weeks without a single aurora, depending on RNG.  But the average is once a week. 

    Pleasant Valley is an exception.  The aurora occurs remarkably less frequently there, on account of the frequent blizzards.  Try collecting all the buffer memories sometime--the disparity between aurora frequency in PV and vs. other region is overwhelming.

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  12. The best part about 4K is you can pick out wolves from like 4 times as far away.  Sure, they might show up as a single black pixel, but if that black pixel is moving you know it's not a rock.

  13. On 3/23/2020 at 6:46 PM, Willy Pete said:

    Thanks for getting that for me. Thought nerf was a proper word.

    It is.  Nerf is a reference to the Nerf toy guns that shoot foam darts.  To Nerf something is analogous to replacing live ammo with foam darts--it makes it markedly less effective.

  14. Honestly, I wouldn't ever use this.  For defense, the revolver is perfect. 1.5kg and can fire off six shots in rapid succession.  For guaranteed scare chance, the flare gun always succeeds.  And carrying both a revolver and flare gun combined weighs less than 3.5kg, even when fully loaded.  I can see no reason why I would carry around a 3.5kg weapon that only has two shots, ruins the hide and meat of whatever you hit, and isn't even a guaranteed scared scare.

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  15. On 3/11/2020 at 8:14 PM, DsnowMan said:

    The biggest challenge I will face is the no rabbit and deer problem.

    The funny thing is when I completed this challenge, I actually DID find rabbits in Milton.  But I've gone back and done a few throwaway attempts, and have never again seen rabbits.  Near as I can figure it was some sort of memory glitch, because when I first spawned in I fell through the ice due to still being unfamiliar with Bleak Inlet.  I trashed the attempt immediately, loaded up a throwaway Ultra-Pilgrim custom game to familiarize myself with the delta, then started the challenge again.  And boom, rabbits.  But I've tried doing that again deliberately and have never been able to replicate it.

  16. Use the clothing accessory slot.  Have water freeze when left out or stored in your pack, but if you opt to "wear" a bottle (or two) of water in your accessory slot, that indicates you have that bottle stored under your clothes.  In this state it will thaw if frozen, or remain liquid if already melted.  So in this way you would be able to have up to 2L water ready to drink at all times, but would have to strategize how you want to use your two slots.  Satchel and ear wrap?  Satchel and water?  Water and ear wrap?  Two bottles of water?

    As for making plastic bottles appear out of thin air...meh.  I can overlook that, same way I can overlook the messy disaster that attempting to refuel a hurricane lantern out of a jerry can would be.  I mean without a funnel?  There's no way you wouldn't have a huge puddle of fire hazard on the floor.

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  17. 4 hours ago, peteloud said:

    I find this draw distance issue most noticeable with objects that I drop.  For example if I butcher a deer carcass then drop the meat to be picked up later, when I return the meat does not appear until I am close to it. 

    As have I.  I would love the ability to invoke the full potential of my rig by maxing out all draw distances.  I understand that not everyone has a powerhouse set of hardware, but for those of us that do, I would like to take full advantage of the capabilities.

  18. I'm going on day 700+ of a custom run and have had to come up with some personal challenges to keep things interesting.  First my goal was to loot the game world.  Then I went back and mapped everything, filling in every last black smudge.  Then I went and collected all the buffer memories.  Then I went and hunted down every single last cairn.  Once that was done, I went back and made a point to break down every single object in the game, resulting in thousands of scrap cloth, metal, etc.  (I did spare a few things for ornamental or sentimental reasons.  My main safehouse in each region is largely untouched.)  With overwhelming quantities of spare material, I took inventory then made some supply runs to homogenize my stash in each region.  Then I just kind of hung out and played house for a while, until Bleak Inlet was released.  Then I went and made several trips from each region to the Workshop, and used the milling machine to repair all my rifles, revolvers, knives, and hatchets up to 100%.

    Now I'm in this post long term survival state where every region is fully stocked with high quality gear and tons of spare parts and cloth.  So I go on vacations now.  I just hit the road, no bedroll.  Just basic medical supplies, my boxes of rifle and revolver ammo, a revolver, and some provisions for the road.  When I get where I'm going, grab a rifle or bow I've left behind, go on a quick hunting trip.  Maybe go fishing if the region allows.  Spend a few weeks culling wolves and gathering sticks, hit up the Inlet to repair and reload, then move on to a new region.

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  19. I've also tried reishi tea, and my assessment was largely identical.  It didn't taste bad, but it didn't taste good either.  If you want to take it as a dietary supplement, I suggest mixing it into coffee.  I personally don't feel the need to buy any more once my current bag of reishi powder is gone.

    I've also tried rose hip and birch bark tea, and those two I'm a repeat customer on.  Rose hip tea is phenomenal with a little honey and lemon, and birch bark tea straight up kind of reminds me of watered down maple syrup.

  20. I've suggested a shepherd's sling in the past.  In my head I'm picturing it to where you can press LMB and it just quickly launches the stone towards the center of the screen and hitting hard enough to scare a wolf on a direct hit and deliver some non-lethal damage (assuming the wolf isn't already near death).  Or you can hold RMB to spin the sling around a few times to build up momentum, then tap LMB to launch the stone when it's "fully charged".  A stone launched from a shepherd's sling can kill easily.  In the ancient Roman days, a skilled sling user was considered on par with an archer.  It would be a direct-damage, non-bleeding wound kind of deal, but hypothetically you could even hunt with one.  I would think for balance, its damage would be on par with the revolver.  i.e. you might be able to kill a wolf in one shot at close range, but it should take multiple hits to bring down something larger.

    A shepherd's sling would be a lightweight portable defensive weapon, where you wouldn't necessarily need to even carry ammo with you.  If you hear the warning bark, start walking away, scoop up some stones as you go, load the sling as you walk, then turn around and launch away.  LMB quick-launches are freebies, if you hold RMB to start building momentum the wolf goes into its attack run.

  21. It's blown WAY out of proportion. It's a serious cold, that's it.  It doesn't even have half the mortality rate SARS did and they're closing down entire towns because of it.  I blame the proliferation of social media outlets for the unprecedented level of mass hysteria surrounding the phenomenon.

    I mean the local Wal-Mart actually ran out of toilet paper, yet the canned goods and dry goods were still well stocked.  Who plans for a disaster by stockpiling toilet paper and neglecting the pantry?  It makes no sense.

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  22. On 3/12/2020 at 12:36 AM, kristaok said:

    in that game you have a Protein, Fats, & Carbs Meter...

    That (macronutrient management) about as realistic as I think I'd be willing to go.  There was one game I saw, I forget what it was but it had you managing MICROnutrients.  Like..you had to manage your individual vitamin levels.  Whoops, your Vitamin K is too low, now you bleed like a stuck pig.  Too much vitamin D though, hope ya like kidney stones.  I remember my first thought was "What's next, a 'file your taxes' simulator?" lol

  23. 34 minutes ago, Screenshot Pilgrim said:

    For my DLC money -" Voyage to the Mainland".   From Great Bear in a crafted/repaired conveyance.  A boat seems a likely choice, but maybe a hot air balloon?   

    Mine would be "Early Release".  A prisoner from the Blackrock transport bus. Yeah, you've done some bad...do you continue, or do you make an attempt to atone?  Could tell Astrid's story in Milton in a little greater detail.  Or perhaps he was towards the front of the bus during the tunnel collapse, and never met Astrid at all.