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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. 10 minutes ago, monsieur_cronky said:

    Thanks for the detailed info. So does that mean going through all the previously-searched drawers, cabinets etc in locations you've been to?

    No, visual appraisal only.  Searched containers have been unaffected.  All new items have been found placed out in the open.

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  2. I'm currently in the middle of doing a re-sweep of all previously explored regions, making a point to visit every structure, although I am skipping explorable caves and the entirety of TWM because there are no cars, and it would make no sense to find sulfur and stump remover up there.  Although there is that cargo plane....hmm...I may have to backtrack and hit up TWM again.

    Anyway car batteries abound, and pretty much everywhere you find a car, you can find batteries.  I've also found stump remover and sulfur in many locations, as well as cans of gunpowder in the ML and PV prepper caches.  Even traveling light with just the bare essentials to harvest lead, relying on food stores left behind, I'm currently overburdened, and looking like at least two trips up and down the ropes back to BI.

    So yeah.  Maybe if you're book hunting, start over, but there's quite a lot to be found with existing games. 

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  3. Not going to rehash things that have already been discussed, but A: I think the climb should remain, and B: I think there should be something to prevent a player from immediately accessing the whole region by (through metagaming or pure luck) visiting the region for the first time via the Ravine transition, with a rope in their inventory.  This could be as simple as a locked gate barring access to the radio tower, which can be bypassed using a bolt cutter stored just outside the cannery.

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  4. 57 minutes ago, dbmurph22 said:

    If you're running a bit short of ammo maybe you could do some free exploring before your next goal in story mode?  I was able to find a fairly significant haul of ammo, rifles, revolvers, flare guns and such.  And I didn't seem to encounter them too, too often when I was just free ranging.

    This is the way to go.  In Story mode, timberwolves are always scripted, so you can kind of learn when to expect them.  The only times I've encountered timberwolves are at various stages of the main questline.  If you take out all the side objectives first before you ever talk to the priest, you will be able to get yourself outfitted with some really good gear, and nearly 100 rounds for the revolver, without ever once encountering timberwolves.

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  5. 3 hours ago, ChubbyBeaver said:

    Hi, I was wondering if with the addition of new items with Errant Pilgrim if I should start over entirely so I can find these items or will they start to appear off-hand in my current (old) save?

    I've found car batteries in Milton, and from what I hear others have found fertilizer and stuff in other regions.

  6. I've been able to harvest car batteries from previously explored locations (Milton specifically), however stump remover and fertilizer do not appear to spawn in previously explored locations.  I've found only a handful of those in Bleak Inlet, so it appears that my existing game will not have much long-term potential where ammo crafting is concerned.  I've found precisely one gunsmithing book in Bleak Inlet, so it appears that if I want to max out that skill, I'm going to have to sacrifice a lot of my existing ammo. (Harvest ammo for parts, craft crappy ammo, accept my failures, repeat until the skill is maxed out.)

    Fortunately between revolver and rifle rounds I have over 600, so I should be able to pull that off without much trouble.  And since fishing is my primary source of food...whatever.  I can easily eat these losses.

  7. I've never been randomly attacked in a show shelter, but then again I never build snow shelters in the middle of wolf or bear territory.  I have tested whether or not you can use a snow shelter to escape an attack after a predator is already aware of your presence, and you cannot.  They will drag you out of your shelter and maul you.

  8. 2 minutes ago, vidholf said:

    Woah! I didn't even know it was possible to do more than piss the bear off with the revolver. Thank you!

    About a week ago I was surprised by a bear that crested a hill (nearby waterfall masked the bear sounds) and in desperation I pulled out my revolver and hip fired all six rounds into the bear, but it wasn't enough.  (Even at level 5!) So I started basically circle-strafing the bear as I reloaded the revolver, somehow moving just fast enough that the bear wasn't able to "lock on" and we were basically orbiting each other around an empty center of mass.  I was able to put another 3 rounds into ol' fuzzy, shooting from the hip, and he finally dropped.  For all intents and purposes I killed that bear in melee, and I have NO idea how he didn't maul me.

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  9. 23 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

    I soent 3 weeks waiting for a snare to catch a rabbit and gave up on that quest. lol. 

    Yeah for best results you really gotta spam snares.  I like to put down ten in one spot.  That usually completes the quest in a day.

  10. 15 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    In theory .... yeah, maybe. But wouldn't it just dull down the game if there was a simple way to just avoid wolfes by taking a bath in advance? No, to actually balance that they'd have to put in some sort of penalty if not bathed properly, even if it is - in the end - sold to the player as a benefit when complying, not as a punishment when failing to. I think your idea is the right one if HL actually decided to make this work, but I'm not sold.

    Oh it wouldn't think it would be a huge buff.  Maybe 10% reduction in detection radius.  Well Fed only boosts your health to 105, and while that's unlikely to make or break a run, it helps.  Something that just takes the edge off.  Not unlike the small wolf-scare chance a wolf coat grants.  You can't rely on it, but every little bit helps, and all these little microbuffs add up, so if you choose to invest the time and energy into taking care of your survivor, you're a heck of a lot tougher than if you really are just scraping by on scraps.

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  11. 1 hour ago, ManicManiac said:

    I just meant to convey that if fishing were ever to have a passive option (like with rabbits, in that you can either actively hunt or snare) that a tip-up would seem to me to be the best solution.

    Absolutely.  I think this would work quite well, provided it doesn't actually make fishing easier.  It just serves as another passive method to catch food.  Once you get established, sure you could set up like 20 of these things and just get free fish like a friggen maniac.  That would make it no better or worse than conventional ice fishing, which is already pretty much free food after that initial investment period of leveling up your skill.

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  12. While I generally would be opposed to anything that makes fishing even easier than it already is (especially at level 5 when it becomes free food) if this were implemented as a way to ice fish in places that don't have fishing huts, that would be pretty good.  Milton for instance.  The nearest fishing hole is over in Mystery Lake, so if you've set Milton as your primary home you've got quite a trek if you want to fish for food or lamp oil.  But if you could set up a little rig like this on the ice down in Milton Basin, I could get behind that.  The pros: you can fish anywhere there is ice.  The cons: Only one fish can be caught per trap.

    What I'd really like to see is something that engages the player more when fishing, other than watching the spinning donut and clicking a button occasionally.  Something that allows a player to use actual skill when fishing, to increase their chances.  Like how your character may do more damage with a rifle at level 5 than level 1, but you can still reliably hunt at level 1.  With fishing it's nothing more than a roll of the dice.

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  13. 9 hours ago, Yaki said:

    But I don´t know how I´m supposed to kill a deer? I cannot craft a bow and I haven´t found a rifle on any of the maps. Do I have to go on to episode 3 or is there a way to finish this side quest in episode 2?

    Jeremiah gives you his rifle if you advance the main questline.  There is also a flare pistol in Carter Dam, and while certainly not ideal, you can kill a deer with a flare shell.

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  14. 5 hours ago, StoneyWolf said:

    if someone left the music on the radio playing on a loop then it's possible a TV station has an emergency broadcast playing on a loop.

    Or even those SMPTE color bars stations broadcast when the station goes off the air.  Most TV stations are on 24/7 nowadays but Great Bear is consistently described as being way behind the times, run-down, and falling apart.  Actually showing something (anything really) on the TV's would liven up the interiors quite a bit.

    And it'd be fun if radios periodically play ads for Summit soda, or Stacy's Grape Soda, stuff like that.  Little polish items that aren't important, don't really change the game in any meaningful way, but add charm.

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  15. 9 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    So to conclude: In my opinion having to wash myself to avoid being tracked by predators from far away or suffering from permanent condition drop is the prototypical description of a mechanic that is neither fun, interesting or challenging, but is forced upon me in order to succeed at the game.

    I'm thinking hygiene could work if it's handled similarly to how Hinterland addressed the starvation exploit.  Rather than punish the player, they reward them for playing the way they intended the game to be played by introducing the Well Fed buff.  So hygiene, rather than penalize you for not washing regularly, could instead confer a buff.  Reduced risk of infection from animal bites and/or reduced detection radius or something.  So say you're going hunting, you can take a bath ahead of time to reduce your scent, allowing you to more easily sneak up on your prey.  And you're totally free to just ignore the hygiene entirely and play as you've always played, but now you have that optional extra step you can take if you choose to help with the hunt.  Or if you're going on a sapling hunt through wolf territory, that reduced scent might just save your bacon.  Additional options are always welcome.

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  16. 19 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    No I literally found a tin with 20 servings of coffee before.
    And I know I've found ones with 10 too.

    Coffee and tea initially spawn in bundles of 5.  They can stack after you discover them, and those 20-stacks can then be dropped as a unit, and retrieved as a unit. But when you initially find them, they are always in bundles of 5.  I've been playing this game going on 6 years now, and at no point have I ever seen anything other than a 5-pack when you first find them.

  17. 36 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    I have found Coffee tins with 20 servings before.
    But never found a Tea over 5.


    This is something of a technicality.  If you have 20 servings of coffee, what happened is you have 4 tins of coffee, all at the same condition level.  So they form a single stack of 20.  This happens frequently on Timberwolf Mountain when all the items in a container share the same condition % when you first loot it.  It's the same phenomenon as how you sometimes have a stack of 40 cardboard matches.  At some point you had two 20-pack cardboard matches in your inventory, with the same condition rating, and they merged.

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  18. 3 hours ago, Moll said:

    lel, there is not enough power. Aurora is able to barely light up small light bulb.

    Background radiation capable of inducing enough current to inflict burns, and penetrative enough to power elevators even through dozens of meters of rock...there's more than enough power for a simple microwave.  Frankly that's enough power to disrupt biochemistry at the molecular level, so life in general should be impossible during such a phenomenon.  But that's part of the whole "suspension of disbelief".

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  19. 6 hours ago, Moll said:

    you can  do it even with 2  liters of potable water.

    That probably wouldn't be enough for a full-body wash.  Even in the Navy, where you take two-minute showers (get wet, turn shower off, lather up, turn shower on and rinse off) you use about 11L on average.

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  20. 10 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    As excited as I am about this update (and I am VERYYY excited!), I do have a lingering concern/question.  It seems that when new content is added (like the revolver for example), if you have a longer game in which you've looted most (if not all) locations, finding the quantity of new item(s) can be challenging.  Compare this to a new game with the same settings.  With this update I'm thinking of the Marine Flare (and it sounds like there may be other items).  It seems as though those of us with the longer games do not find as much of these new items.  Is there something that can be done to remedy that?  I prefer not to start a new game so as to maximize items gained.

    I don't think this will be an issue this time around, since the Timberwolves only appear in the new region.  It stands to reason Marine Flares will only appear in this region as well.

    Once Timberwolves start to appear elsewhere...then yes this will be a problem.  In these cases it would be kind of nice if existing flares had like a 25% chance of magically converting into Marine Flares, just for the benefit of people on long run.

  21. 19 minutes ago, RegentRelic said:

    I can’t think of the last time in wasn’t at house and used anything but the can to cook beans.🤣

    Wasn't by myself.  I poured half into an enamel mug, left the other half in the can, and heated both up at the same time.  Heated up faster, and we each had our own thing to eat out of!

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