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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. And thank YOU for relaying information. I know a lot of what you do involves apologizing for things you had nothing to do with. And for that thankless job, allow me to formally say: "Thank you!"
  2. Tried fishing just now with multiple different lures. 36 hours at Level 5 Fishing at Crystal Lake....not one single fish caught. Fishing is abso-friggen-loutely busted to the highest degree at present. Edit: For testing purposes I had no bait. I've never needed bait IRL when fishing with lures, didn't think I'd need it here. Especially at Level 5.
  3. I know I've been critical of the bugs because it's hard not to be when they jump in your face and are like "HA you thought you were gonna play a game? Not on my watch, sucka!" But in all honesty when the bugs aren't up in my face, I really do like the new content. The skillet cooking, finding hidden recipes, food providing specific buffs...I've been looking forward to this for ages! While I still maintain the sprint release could have been done better, the actual content was bang on target. Just want to make my stance clear! And I know the bugs will be fixed, and in a month everything will be fine. That's how it always goes. This release was just a particularly rough one.
  4. I'm frankly astonished at the number of bugs with this release. It's unprecedented....I've never seen anything like it. I try to be positive but I'm honestly asking myself "was there any playtesting at all?" Edit: Of course yes there's internal playtesting, I know this, but just.. Wow. How did all these bugs slip the net? That's where I'm coming from. The ones I mentioned practically leaped down my throat. There's no avoiding them. Even the one I thought I was mistaken on, turned out to be legit. I'm just really struggling to figure out how ALL these bugs slipped the net, all at the same time. Like, in all of the playtesting, nobody ever pressed J? Really?
  5. Danke – wo auf dem Damm hast du die Kletten gefunden? War es bei den Wohnwagen oder näher am Fluss? Ich werde das nächste Mal, wenn ich dorthin reise, noch einmal nachsehen.
  6. Finally located my first Burdock root in Ash Canyon. So they are spawning in existing games, just really, really sparingly I guess. I have hope to find a Ptarmigan at some point.
  7. Figured out my issue with the fire barrel and my clothes continuing to get wet. Slight detail I left out, it was during a blizzard. Apparently the game forgets that you're now supposed to be warming up if you just walk up to a fire. You have to drop your clothes on the ground first before they will start to dry. Once you do so you can immediately pick them back up and put them back on and they will continue to dry as usual. The game remembers that you're supposed to be drying off, and at that point you can even leave the radius of the fire and will thaw/dry as normal when you return. Throw it on the ground, pick it back up. Weird bug but at least easy enough to work around.
  8. Whoa wait a sec, so I'm not insane? That was the one I deleted, because I realized I forgot to put my crampons on. (I was boozin a bit.) So ok, yeah, I can confirm this one as well. Climbs did seem to chew up more stamina than usual, but I chalked that up to the fact that I hadn't played the game in a month and my memory is about as ... what was I saying?
  9. In my case I like to test game mechanics a lot, which frequently involves toggling my mods on to set up a scenario, then exiting, toggling the mods off, then loading and playing the scenario in vanilla. Then exit, toggle mods on, tweak the scenario, exit, toggle mods off, re-try the scenario. Rinse, lather, repeat. Restarting the game 15 times in half an hour, those 20 seconds add up.
  10. Hah fair enough! But the fact that others did agree means it was ultimately a good addition, so you're "guilty" of nothing. I'm not saying it was a bad idea, I just want to be able to opt out of all of the opening stuff and go straight to the title screen. I know there's mods for that but I do play on Steam Deck time to time and modding the game on that platform requires a lot of extra steps, so I would appreciate being able to load directly to the title in the base game.
  11. This....is almost X-rated due to the position of his butt and that arrow. I'm hesitant to hit "submit reply" on this one but I'm gonna do it anyway.
  12. I dunno man, maybe the image didn't load. Whatevs, not a real big deal! So back on topic, I didn't find a single recipe in Pleasant Valley...not in the aforementioned location anyway. And as a test I started up a pilgrim run where I found my last recipe and re-checked, and it was gone. So they are definitely on a loot table.
  13. Did you just add that? Because it wasn't showing for me. Well whatever, as long as it's there!
  14. You certainly weren't the only one. They're involved with the community but they're still a business and game studio, I doubt they'd go through that much trouble over a single complaint. The funny thing is I thought it was common knowledge by now that flashing lights can trigger epilepsy among those prone to it. And video games are full of those. My friend's roommate is epileptic and his attitude is basically "We know we're playing with fire any time we watch TV. Acceptable risk."
  15. As of right now it is literally the summer solstice. Basically halfway through the year. Settle down, Beavis. Be patient.
  16. Agreed. I don't normally immediately buy into negative comments, but this one holds a ton of water. I understand making it mandatory the first time as a CYA move, but perhaps an opt-out in the options to disable it? And disable the disclaimer about "we know wolves don't typically attack people" thing too.
  17. Having experienced them, an emergency is the only situation I would eat them in the future! I mean I do like fish, fresh-caught anyway. Brook trout and walleye abound where I'm at. But sardines? Eeeeuuggghhhh. EEEUUUGGGHHH. I'd rather have a vomelet MRE.
  18. I get your point but at the same time, you're exploring abandoned houses and stuff. That one ruined flour you found was probably NOT kept ideally. In this case I'd imagine your character finding a bag of flour that had split open log ago, become infested, etc. But it's survival, so you strain out all the dead bugs and use the flour that remains, cook it well, and it's at least safe to eat.
  19. The skillet I have is NOT usable as a melee weapon! I can carry it by the handle one-handed if it's empty, but it's a struggle. It's one of those 15" Lodge skillets, and while its weight of ~12lb/~5.kg may not seem like much, it's very unwieldy when you're holding the entire thing by just the panhandle. It's like the difference between holding a gallon of milk at arm's length, vs. against your chest. You really do need to use the smaller handle on the opposite side as well. Imagine if HL added a 5.kg skillet to the game. Who would even touch that thing apart from as a collectible?
  20. Next time I'd suggest just labeling the title with a spoiler tag so that everyone that reads/replies doesn't have to.
  21. Just wondering if this is me or if this is systemic.. HItting J to bring up the Journal instead brings up a McClusterF&ck The Condition bar seems smaller While outside, wet clothes continue to freeze even while near a fire and protected from the wind Completely unable to use the RMB via the Radial at all--this includes placing objects from the Radial, or erasing Spray Paint markers Skillet does not appear in the Radial, so you either need to click on an active cook surface to place it, or drop it on the floor and RMB it I have yet to encounter a single Burdock or whatever those new birds are called, and have fully explored Broken Railroad, Mountain Town, Mystery Lake, and Pleasant Valley. Could be bad RNG though.