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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I saw it as kind of a accomplishment (albeit, never-ending) to see how many days I could survive. Granted, after 2400, it was a grind, which is kind of why I stopped. That was the save where I finished all the collectibles (cartographer, cairns, memories, etc.) and used to explore expansions, so I actually kept pretty busy. I do intend to do the same with this new run/save.
  2. An "ending" is kind of what I envision Story Mode as. I agree with @Sgt Socks that I wouldn't want my Survival game to have an ending. I would then be focused on that vs. trying to survive for an undetermined amount of time.
  3. Have to admit, like you @Sgt Socks, one of my favorite aspects of TLD (and any game for that matter!) is collecting stuff. I'm not so much excited about the visors but what clues they will give to the "stuff" at the end of the trail.
  4. I highly doubt this, given how "rustic" Great Bear is. Even if it a robotic trader as you suspect, and HL doesn't let you turn it off, you can always just avoid it - "Pay no attention to the robot behind the curtain" (extra points if you know where that reference comes from!) I am trying to withhold any judgement until I see what that word really means. TBH, I'm just excited for anything new at this point!
  5. After @Admin's comment, thought this could use it's own thread as well! Assuming caches will take the form of ammo boxes like we see in HRV, but may be a rock cache (or other?). I will have to train myself to begin flipping visors again. After years of doing it, I finally trained myself NOT to do it, resigned to the fact nothing was there "Other locations"...oh, so much to be excited about!!
  6. So, potentially, gathering burdock could be a gamble. No one wants to accidentally make a tea from poisonous nightshade plants… Would be cool if we had that diversity of harvestable plants some day in TLD.
  7. Done. Perhaps that emoji wasn't entirely accurate. What I really meant to express was, "No comment" but I did find it humorous.
  8. Perhaps they aren't shipping due to icebergs?
  9. Airfield + shortwave radio = call for evacuation?
  10. Yikes...make a loaf of bread from it and you'd be peeing for a week!
  11. Figured I'm make a devoted thread for discussion on this. So we already have "standard" radios in the game, but as the wiki states, "...and shortwave broadcasts can be transmitted over thousands of miles from a single transmitter...", this suggests receiving international/very long-distance signals. Also, since TLD is a multi-language game, I can't imagine HL would broadcast speech (unless it's gibberish and they subtitle it). More music stations? What does HL have in store for us? Perhaps just for lore? Thoughts?
  12. https://www.healthline.com/health/burdock-root "...diuretic and digestive aid." We have cures for all known existing ailments in the game. Perhaps for recipes gone bad? What/How do you guys think HL will implement this plant?
  13. Keep in mind the loot refresh. I would actually like it if HL mixed everything up!
  14. Keep in mind all, our old saves will work in the time capsule! So if you ever want to go back and visit an old friend, you can. No reason to kill them off - I don't plan to.
  15. There are some pretty helpful youtube videos, if you're still interested in trying.
  16. I need something to accomplish in a game. I'm old-school, wherein there was always a "quest" to do. I've managed to keep myself busy enough to keep playing, but lately, kind of run out of "quests" to do.
  17. Just the opposite here. I have literally done everything there is to do. Just waiting for the new release now and then I'll hit it hard (have lots of vacation time saved up!).
  18. Thanks for that insightful, thought-provoking comment I'm glad to hear the rest of you are finding ways to continue playing. TBH, even prior to the DD, I really wasn't playing much. I'm sure once the new game is released, I'll make up for it though!
  19. Not sure about the rest of you, but since the announcement that all prior saves will not carry over to the "new game", I've kind of lost my will to play until the "new game" comes out.
  20. The radio station? Do you mean, which classical songs are playing on radios during aurorae?
  21. "For anyone who has the game on Steam, you will be able to continue to use your current Save Games on an older version of the game, using our Time Capsule feature. You’ll be able to keep your “old” save games going using the older Time Capsule build (any build before the Expansion Pass release, actually). But since this is an older version, you won’t have access to any of the new content or enhancements that are going into both the Base Game, and the Expansion Pass."
  22. I want to be able to train deer to haul it for me...or a moose!