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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. This game, by far, has consumed the most time I have ever played a single game. I've been playing PC games for 36 years. Ya know what still makes me take a pause and just appreciate? The aurora nights and how they light up outside. I'm currently standing on the porch of the Hunter's Lodge, looking at the aurora and the effect it's having on the man-made structures surrounding me. But the most wondrous effect, the sky....thank you @Raphael van Lierop and Hinterland for bringing this to us.
  2. I have to admit, I found an exploit on this one. Notice the arrows in the back? I shot him from BRR Hunter's Lodge at the top of the rope climb. After the 1st shot, he got stuck so I volleyed him. My archery is lvl 5 too. Despite the arrows, I still had to climb down and let time bleed him out.
  3. This one took a few hits...
  4. I've found them in both old and new sandboxes - same with syrup albeit MUCH less common, just like in the event.
  5. As far as I know, the mods I used were open-source.
  6. Yes, the random one shows the same map icon. I'm pretty sure this is fairly new because before I was using spray paint to mark the locations of the PCs.
  7. Please, Please, Please! There was a mod for this so the coding should already be available to use? Example: While harvesting Fir and Cedar Limbs, remember the last tool I used for the break down.
  8. While in the backpack, allow sort order to be saved at the category level vs. the global level. For example, I want my Food to be sorted by Condition, while my Tools to be sorted alphabetically and remember those sort preferences.
  9. I hadn't thought of that...an underwater sub emerges during the aurora and if you can catch it, takes you straight to the cannery!! Genius, HL!
  10. I shot a deer with my bow at Deer Clearing and it ran away. At the end of the day, as I sought shelter in the cave there, I conveniently found the deer I had shot earlier!
  11. I guess I meant, you don't have to pick up everything.
  12. First and foremost, I'd like to thank HL for putting out this type of content for us. They're not obligated to, which makes me appreciate it that much more. I'll link my other post on some feedback I gave.
  13. hozz1235


    An abundance of cat-tails!!
  14. I have a 1500+ day run and have yet to see any matches "spoil".
  15. Hello HL @Admin, Any ETA on the fix for the longer save times introduced with: ?
  16. They do not decay but do dercay. 😜
  17. Gotta do what you need to do to survive (Donner Party).
  18. Good Point! Who's to say I didn't strip the body of meat as well? 😋
  19. Once we loot a dead body (that is being circled by crows), please have the crows no longer circle the body. I believe this already works for animal carcasses.
  20. This is right about where I'm guessing the flashing was coming from. Nothing here but snow and ice.
  21. Yes, but the washed out trailers are more to the left, hidden by the hill on the left side of the bridge. This vid was taken from the lighthouse.