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Everything posted by SnowWalker

  1. Yeah, I was at Unnamed Pond once, checking through the hunting blind and no one was around at all....all of a sudden a bear seemed to just spawn near that hill you climb to get to that little cabin. I was looking in that direction and he definitely just popped in, lol. I shot him and killed him from the blind in two shots. I had a gun this time too but I had plans which didn't involve sticking around and trying to shoot/fight a bear, lol. Astrid might be just running away from the death of a loved one. Something she just can't deal with and needs to be far away and alone. Maybe like with the death of her own child? That could really screw with your state of mind, your rationality and judgement. If that's it, the disaster that's about to happen is going to abruptly distract her grieving, at least, a lot of the time. She could find in herself the will to live and survive despite what's happened to her before. The aftermath could possibly, actually, help heal her heart......if that's it.
  2. Thanks. I wasn't worried about getting away though. I've been playing this game for way too long. I was just curious as to how he knew I was there. He never saw me and I didn't have meat, but he definitely kept coming up that hill whenever I tried to move over it, and at first I waited and didn't move at all till he should have been way past me. Anyway, I just waited him out for quite awhile and he finally left, lol. As for Astrid, yeah, I'm very curious about what's her story too and how bad could something be that you'd want to go so far north and remote? All I can think is 'murder' hahaha. What on Earth could make her want to hide so badly? Exciting!
  3. I'm playing right now in Voyager and I've got this determined bear who's trying to get me, even though I hid behind a rocky cliff-side to wait till he passed, but he knows I'm there somehow. So weird. I have no meat on me and he was pretty far away when I hid and hadn't seen me, so I'm baffled as to how he knew I was there? I came out of the game to get it recorded, lol. I had to go way down the side of the rocky cliff because when he got here he started climbing up towards me where I was crouched behind a small ridge at the top of the rocky hill. I waited and heard him get back onto the path so I kinda crouch-shimmied around the side and when I got there, even though I'm still down on the cliff side and crouched and can't see him, he turns around and comes back up. He's not aggro, just normal, but he just won't go away. I can't go down either because I'm on a pretty shear cliff side and high up. Coastal highway is right below me. Good thing it's warm out, lol.
  4. Really? I've not heard that, but then again I don't Twitter. I've got too much on my plate as it is. But wow, that's so, so, so AWESOME!
  5. I'm sure it's that too. I just got to wondering if maybe her name meant more than just a good, strong female name. It's no biggie. I'm female but I never like to play the female character because, and I think I've mentioned it before...the sounds the female makes during game-play always startle me in tense situations. Drives me mad. Within the story though, I'm guessing that Will is the main character and I'm not sure if we'll have the choice to play Astrid in Wintermute, because.....wouldn't that make for two separate story-lines? I mean, that would be awesome. Sort of like Dishonored 2 where you can play either Emily or Corvo. So you get two stories in one game to play, one after the other. The difference is though that in Dishonored 2 it's basically the same story with both characters but with Wintermute, it would have to be two different stories. Wouldn't that be awesome though....we get to play first as Will and when it's completely over, play Astrid's story. What she went through while she was missing.
  6. Yes I was aware of her but still, very few famous Astrid's out there.
  7. SnowWalker


    Such an unusual name. One that you just wouldn't just pull out of your hat, unless you were looking for old Norse female names. Or if you already knew someone named Astrid. I just wonder if the Hinterland team just came up with it off the top of their heads, or does one of them know someone named Astrid?
  8. There's a rifle at Trapper's for sure, lol. Edit: Oh, watching this again, maybe that's not Trapper's after all
  9. I never miss winter when it's gone but when it's been a hot and sticky day like today, come home and relax to TLD, just cools you right down Not sure if 'relax' is quite the right word though.
  10. Me too. Just having a morning cup of coffee on the deck of my new house and enjoying the sunrise before I head out. I got my fave house in TLD. I was so glad it was accessible when I got to CH. I'll be living here for 200 days to get my last achievement. I'll be living here until then or until I die or until August 1st, whichever comes first
  11. Bloodied, wary Some peace in the flames I dine alone.
  12. You could be right. It's been a long time since I've played on Voyager. I have a long time 'Explorer' game going in Pilgrim but I haven't visited that one in ages.
  13. Way back in the beginning you would wake up at night if you were freezing and it would say 'You're too cold to sleep'. They changed that though which I think isn't very realistic. We had a camp that you couldn't get to by road and had no electricity. Just a big kitchen wood-stove like the one at the homestead and a pot belly wood-stove in the living area, oil lamps and an outhouse. You had to get there by train and then cross the lake to the camp. In the summer by boat and in the winter by snowshoe. Anyway, we'd go there in the winter sometimes to ice fish and stuff and you'd go to bed at night to a blazing fire going in the wood-stove and you'd darn well wake up when it was freezing again to stoke the fire, and then hop back into bed. I mean, you're going to wake up long, long, long before you're anywhere near to freezing to death, lol.
  14. Me too. Way back when. It was one of my first longest runs. I'm still wary of it but never fell again. I've wondered if they've made that easier now or if I'm just ultra, super careful going across it now?
  15. Oh man, I laughed! I forgot my bedroll a couple times and I'm real careful about that. I try to never go anywhere without giving the old backpack a once over first now. Once in a storm I made it to the barn but I'd left the bedroll at the Farmstead and didn't know then that you could use the radial dial inside of the truck to sleep or pass time, or maybe we couldn't back then, idk? So I just stood around the fire all night, in real time, till the storm subsided, lol. Melted and boiled a lot of water too since that also speeds up time some.
  16. Hahaha, It's almost as if Great Bear Island was saying 'So, you think you can just camp out on the train trestle eh? Nope!'
  17. I had thought when I played it that it should 24 hours in each place but with a time limit on the overall challenge. Maybe 18 or 20 days?