Ice Hole

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Posts posted by Ice Hole

  1. He is on the west coast in Alaska as well.  Not far from Vancouver (just a quick sleigh ride) the place where the setting for the story takes place.

    It is uncanny, the visual resemblance and method of talking just fits.

    Just after playing the REdux when meeting him in Milton I then find his channel in my feed.

  2. 12 minutes ago, MueckE said:

    I didn't want to judge anyone here, in the end it's just a game.

    Couldn't agree more.

    Ross you choose to play whatever and however you choose.  I think it is a great idea that you play with morals. 

    All avenues in a choose your own adventure book are valid.

    To me I saw him dead either way.  The doc that could have saved him has been chased off.  Hobbs wanted a quick death and goaded us.  The anger Will felt about Astrid missing caused him to act passionately.

  3. 58 minutes ago, admin said:

    improved the Old Bear’s pathing when in the cave system during the What One Man Can Do mission in Episode Two

    Damn have not gotten to that part yet.  Just about ready to get back to it too.  Now there is another update.  

    A FESTIVUS miracle!

    Thanks Hinterland.


    Somewhere in the world right now it is already FESTIVUS eve.

  4. 2 hours ago, Anarchyantz said:

    "only cut her a bit". A bit? enough for her to be able to write in BIG letters in her own blood before escaping.

    Who said that was her blood?



    Did Dodgeball reference the Simpsons?  This is first season and the Dodgeball movie came out in 2004.


  5. 33 minutes ago, Nervous Pete said:

    also put down a can-opener next to Grey Mother and some tins next to fire, a stack of wood by the couch and matches within easy reach. In the kitchen everything was piled and sorted for her. I doubt she'll survive winter, though I tried to give her everything I could find

    I wanted to bring up the comfy chair for her.  That wooden chair is not the most comfortable.

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  6. 14 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    Only players of this game could experience a moment like that, face a choice like that, and then worry about why they didn't get to "keep the knife" after. :) 

    Calvin made us do it.   


    He said it had something to do with "snow-persons".

    I killed the bastard too!  The only thing was I just wanted to make him suffer while laughing sardonically.

  7. Came by for the title but it does not make sense that the jerry can disappears.  Happened to me and I remember long back ago I thought that it was odd too.

    8 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

    do not ever recall seeing a 4-liter jerry can in reality

    old WWII army jeeps is where I saw one that looks like the in game model.

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  8. Another hidden cave that offers shelter from the elements. Windproof rating of 95% and place for the bed roll.  No snow shelters allowed.




    Just make sure there are no critters hiding in the crevice.


    Close to this cave is a cranny worth noting because it supports a snow shelter with a fairly wind proof fire near by.  This is a very useful cranny to rest before a labourious  journey.   A bed roll can also be placed to a fire that offers more wind protection.




    Close to Commuters Lament


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  9. This installment has two caves.  One cave was a disappointment and the other cave was fantastical.

    The first cave looked promising as it appears to be an excellent wind break but no bed roll can be placed nor a snow shelter.  I even tried to place the bedroll outside on top of the cave to have a heated floor but that did not work either.  




    Close by was another potential spot.  This area was magical though so a circle of salt might be needed.

    Fire can be built that seems wind proof and a bedroll can be placed.  No snow shelter was attempted.


    This area is by Broken Bridge 

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  10. The X Nook is not a problem for Mountain Goats to reach this hide-a-way.  The strange markings on the rocks make this an interesting point of interest.  The fire is almost windproof.  No snow shelters allowed.



    Above the Derailment going towards the lake.


    This Hobo Cranny might be a life saver.  The train no longer passes by but this area is fairly wind proof so keeping a fire going is not a problem.  The snow shelter does not fit here.




    Above the Derailment, lakeside of the tracks

    The Long Dark Thomas's English Muffin.


    This catalogue should be about caves but where to draw the line. 

    The factors relevant are:

    has a roof

    somewhat windproof

    fire can be placed

    After these are met I consider it acceptable for the list. 

    The nook and cranny as listed above meet the criteria.  The Via nook is something special and should be listed with the caves. 

    Caves are larger than nooks.  Nooks are larger than crannies. 

    • Like 5
  11. On 8/27/2018 at 12:27 AM, stratvox said:

    Clothes Bunker;

    Oddly my Pilgrim and I have also come across the bunker for the first time.


    There are more Hidden Caves that I am aware of but for the sake of science I decided to thoroughly hunt them down.

    The next few caves I found in the Mystery Lake region were merely wind breaks which will be documented later.

    This next cave I was unaware of and is quite mysterious.




    The mystery can be disturbing and can drive people mad  so it will not be posted and the "you have been warned message" has been illuminated.  For those who are willing, have nerves of steel and are determined to unravel the mystery I bid thee good luck.  This cave does offer some shelter from the wind and a bedroll can be placed by the fire. The large amount of fir, cedar, birch bark, branches and sticks that are nearby gives the location a major selling point.  Snow shelters are not available.

    This location I am naming Via.



    • Upvote 1
  12. The next hidden cave is another hole in the wall but with a remarkable view.  It does offer some wind protection, but with a roaring fire and comfy bedroll this accommodation can be a pleasant refuge.  The location is remote and the hike is treacherous but don't just come to sleep here you need to soak in the heart warming and incredible overlook of the lake.




    Snow shelter accommodations are not available.



     The location is above Mystery Lake close to the cabins at the Western Access.

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  13. 49 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Hilltop Hollow

    I like it and so it shall be known.

    The fire was placed so that the bedroll could be used.  There were not many options.  It is too bad that the Snow Shelter is so finicky to place.


    Went looking for another cave that was displayed on the map

    All I found were a couple of holes in the wall.


    This Hole in the wall does allow a fire and a bedroll and is within reach of the fire warmth bonus.

    The fire is wind proof.  Unable to build the Snow Shelter that is within reach of the fire warmth bonus.


     Mystery Lake near the Lookout area and the Cache.



    This Aperture does allow a fire and a bedroll that is within reach of the fire warmth bonus.

    The fire is almost wind proof.  The  opening allows too much wind.  Unable to build the Snow Shelter that is within reach of the fire warmth bonus.


     Mystery Lake near the Lookout area and the Cache.



    • Upvote 1
  14. 3 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Have you been able to build a campfire in there

    The "tiny cave" (TheladyPancake-> what would you like to name it?) does allow a fire and a bedroll and is within reach of warmth bonus.

    The fire does seem to be wind proof.  Unable to build the Snow Shelter.

    There is a shortcut above the cave to an important location.

    Both caves are already on public maps.


     This cave is located in Mystery Lake near the Clothing Cache.  The shortcut leads to Carter Hydro Dam.



    The Kennel does allow a fire and a bedroll and is within reach of warmth bonus.

    The fire is not wind proof.  Unable to build the Snow Shelter.


     The Kennel is located in Winding River on the path leading down from Carter Hydro Dam to Winding River.





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  15. 6 hours ago, greatwhitegamer said:

    Is this in HRV?

    The clue was that most people would know about this cave which indicates it is on a map that is from a pre 1.0 release

    This hidden cave does have a resource so maybe its location should be documented.  The location will be revealed after a few more days.

    So another clue to tide you over.

    Perhaps the dog food was for the lone wolf.


    With the Lone Wolf,  the water puddle and the dog food this cave should really be named The Kennel.

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  16. Have you ever found a hidden cave?

    These types of caves are usually overlooked and forgotten about.

    Post pictures of cave interiors but do not give away any location spoilers.



    Cave Entrance



    Dog Food Cave


    This is an open cave most people should recognize.   There are two openings but it does block the wind.  There is always a can of dog food inside.  I had forgotten about this cave for quite some time.

    How many people found this cave?


    Pretty sure that these hidden caves are lairs for cougars.

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  17. The dam is almost vertical maybe around 80 degrees.  That would seem to be quite a feat to pull off for anybody else but spederman.  

    The only reason I can think I fell before is that I must have tried to go down with out crouching.

    A deathwall is still too an abrupt death so maybe the character should tumble down the slope and take significant damage.  That might deter would be spedermen.\


    The Bait Wolf Issue

    The idea of dropping bait works but can be exploited. 

    The bait can be as tiny as 0.1 kg and the wolf will take a long time to consume it. 

    The wolf approaches the bait without hesitation and then consumes it on the spot.  


    On 8/19/2018 at 8:20 AM, FunkyFuggerson said:

    And bait doesn't work from medium distances.


    Instead of throwing (which I like the idea of) maybe the wolf continues to pursue until the character is far away from the bait then the wolf returns quickly to the bait and then consumes it or runs off with it depending on the size of the bait.




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