Ice Hole

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Posts posted by Ice Hole

  1. 14 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    I never put it together that the ambient temp would prevent frost bite recovery (especially how warm and toasty I generally am under all my layers)... thanks again for pointing this out.  It wasn't a bug after all, I just didn't fully understand the forces at work :D 

    My experience was getting frostbite risk then going under the covers in bed.  The feels temperature like was positive so I slept and woke to frostbite damage.   That is why I stated that the feels like temperature can be deceptive. 

  2. Just now, ManicManiac said:

      It feels like I am experiencing a bug,


    Sounds like a bug especially if you have a fire. 

    But the question still remains has your air temperature gone above freezing?  If the air temperature does not go above freezing then frostbite remains.  I had a similar issue at Riken. 

  3. 1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

    Well, I've kept myself nice and warm and fully covered for about 5 in-game days and my frost bite risk is still "stuck" at 11%

    The feels like temperature can be deceptive.

    Has the air temperature gone above freezing?  For instance have you lit a fire and brought the air temperature above zero degree Celsius.

  4. 5 hours ago, LostRealist said:

    Maybe the ingame smelliness meter for the character could be expanded to give an indication on the state of goods that are in questionable condition. Certainly a can of peaches that has had something happen to it would smell pretty suspicious upon opening.

    Has a similar idea for wolf and bear encounters.  The smell-o-meter should be expanded upon; great idea.



    What people do for clicks on utube seems boundless.  The botulism is a real threat and clearly this people have not fully expanded upon the topic.  To be clear I am no expert on this topic but the fact i am very aware of is that some toxins cannot be detected by smell or taste alone.  The beef from the 1899 ration had to be like eating a boiled leather shoe; the tasty dinner shoe served with a side of laces shown in the olde tyme picture shows.


  5. The first test is going to be placing items that offer resistance to electricity on top of Sparky.  The item also will need to cover a large area.

    Some items to try are:

    bedroll, windbreaker, cured deerskin mooseskin bearskin


  6. During an aurora Carter Hydro Dam lights up with deadly sparks.  For my travels I just make sure not to pass through at night.


    Has anyone navigated through this area and managed to bypass the electricity?

    Is it possible to place something down to negate the sparks?

    Can certain boots and gloves offer protection from being fried?

    Has Carter Hydro Dam been cursed by Fluffy?


    Might have to science through this to uncover the secrets.


  7. On 6/5/2019 at 7:22 PM, ThePancakeLady said:

    So, yeah. I still hate FM, and it still hates me. But, I had to go in to get to BR anyway. So... we did some sightseeing...

    Felt almost bad when I took Faceplant Fred's hacksaw. Almost...




    All The Long Dark names fit so well and crack me up.  Have not heard 'Faceplant Fred' before but it is definitely going into the top ten.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Battery spent much mojo trying to dispel the Energizer Bunny.



    Not sure if this worked or not.  Might have mispronounced the incantations.  




    "Look closely the shadows seem as if they are holding hands"

    -Bob Marley Ross

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  9. Battery was stubborn and did not want to leave the vehicle. 




    The situation was grim.




    Went to church and prayed for slavage-tion.




    Back in business baby!



    Battery Logistics

    When moving Battery it is easiest to just lug them.  It takes the most in game time and real time.



    The best method to move a Battery group is 'leap frog'. 



    Stand behind and place Battery from the back to the front.


    A variation is the 'side leap frog'.  



    Stand adjacent to the Battery group and place Battery from the back to the front.

    This is demanding on the user but the advantage is this will move a Battery group quickly.


    Collecting Battery


    It is electrifying!


    Battery Tally

    Milton - twelve.

    Pleasant Valley - nine.

    Coastal  Highway - eight.

    Desolation Point - three.

    Crumbling Highway - one.

    Broken Railroad - one.

    Battery Tally total is thirty four.

    • Upvote 6
  10. When looking for Battery there are some vehicles that do not give them away.


    Car with front end damage has no option to lift the hood.




    Truck not only do not give Battery away.  Truck tease you showing Battery.


    The one discovery made is concerning Battery against Bear.


    It is possible to scare Bear away using Battery gang.



    Battery would like to say that is not truthful. 




    To scare Bear does not take four and it takes Battery Five.



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  11. 28 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    How did you get them in your inventory?  LMB does nothing for me, I can only reposition with RMB.

    One does not just command Battery to scurry into your dirty backpack.

    [insert appropriate hobbit meme]

    You and Battery must get to know each other.  You must nurture a relationship and speak reassuringly while carrying Battery.   Make Battery your friend.  Then just as you reach your wits end. 


    Battery joins your party.


    edit:  Over the past few days I have been experimenting with Battery.  Not to spoil my inquisition knowledge gained externally was precluded.  The screenshot that ThePanckaLady talked bout was all the fuel I needed.  Knowing it was possible drove my discovery.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Battery gathering looked grim in Milton today.


    Could not pick them out of any car.  Even the ones that I was able to before.  The model is shifted.


    Went in to pray for salvage-tion.


    Back in business baby!

    • Upvote 4