Ice Hole

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Posts posted by Ice Hole

  1. 14 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    Being attacked by a wolf on Pilgrim is one of the more surprising things that's ever happened to me on this game, TBH.

    Same here.  In pilgrim mode I feel like a referee and can prevent acts of aggression.

    George the rabbit was scared and he ran towards Mr. Fang.  In desperation I tried to prevent George from being eaten.

    I was astonished when the wolf turned on me.

    The camera was rolling during my experience so I posted it to utube.  I have to agree being attacked by a wolf whilst playing Pilgrim mode is on the short list of Long Dark surprises.


    Whilst has the same meaning as while.  Whilst is pronounced while-ist, not pronounced will-ist.  Only a spinning ball monkey would get this wrong.

  2. On 7/31/2019 at 3:44 AM, JujuBear said:

    I'm wondering now too if we're going to get some kind of new system to fight off a "pack" as opposed to the 1v1 struggle system we currently have - when the situation comes down to it of course. Or do you think it's going to be just a more advanced version of playing "evade the wild wolves"?

    My hopes are a new fight the alpha wolf will be upcoming.  The pack is there to support the alpha.  

    Thoughts of being in a house with constant howling and wolves scratching at doors.  The horror of a Long Dark night is amplified when you start to realize you are trapped.  Even if this is your main base with all the supplies still theses beasts are waiting.  Maybe there could be a chance for a few of the wolves to enter which makes resting even more of an issue.   Manage to escape only puts off the inevitable, the pack will track and pursue.  Only a confrontation with the alpha could turn the tide and then the pack is in disarray but soon another alpha takes over and the hunt begins anew.

    Evasion of the scouting wolves should become priority and hunting them will need to be done stealthy.  Moving around the island and not backtracking will become more important.  Hunting large game certainly would leave all sorts of clues for the pack to chase so eating off the land becomes difficult.

    This is total wish list material but would it not be cool if the timberwolf cloak enables us to gather our own pack of svens.

  3. On 5/11/2019 at 3:56 PM, Doc Feral said:

    The other is quite sad to think about, getting stuck with a sprain and no bedroll or first aid at the bottom of the Broken Railroad ravine. That truly is a depressing perspective.

    This might not be that dire of a situation.  Firstly bandage can be obtained from any clothing.  Just rip up socks or mittens or hat and create a bandage for the sprain.  Or if need to sleep that might call for desperate solution; snow shelter made from your clothing.  Near the rope climb there is a spot for a fire that is fairly windproof also a snow shelter fits that is warmed by the fire.

    The odd things I noticed about injury and the auto save is if when having a fire being placed (pressing key '4') even if the icon is red the fire pit will be placed in the world when reloaded. 

    It might work for placing other items. 

     It works for Battery! 


  4. The path after the cave transition from ML to Milton has two waterfalls and these used to make clothes wet, just standing close to them.  Made a post about this when Milton was released.  Now it seems these waterfalls have lost this feature.

  5. On 7/25/2019 at 3:31 AM, bush_amb said:

    older builds of LD it was possible to hear wolf steps

    Yes it is still audible.  Happened not too long ago and at the time I was wearing headphones.


    Climb a fallen tree will discourage a following wolf.  Crouching in the tree will cause the wolf to lose interest.  This evasion tactic was something very important in the first iteration of Milton. 

    On an interloper survival start at the crashed plane meant an encounter with a wolf.  Usually the wolf would sneak over by the plane wreckage while looting.  The nearby trees around could be scaled and this action would deescalate the situation.  Stones might have made this area much easier.

    Now there is literally a wall placed in between the spot where the wolf patrols and the plane wreckage loot.  

    • Upvote 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Khan_Drichthyes said:

    any cast bullet would just be lead

    I like the idea of rifle fouling.  I would also like to see backfire or other issues.  There are so many firearms that can be found. The idea to turn some into junk is great.  Maybe elder stalkers or pilgrims will use bow and arrow more often.

    Antimony is added to the lead that is found inside Battery.  This resulting alloy is supposed to be less soft and less malleable.  


    8 hours ago, Khan_Drichthyes said:

    Now, on the other hand, I would certainly welcome a black powder rifle

    The black powder was known for creating large voluminous clouds of smoke.  This could add drama while discharging, what you were aiming at is obscured.  

    The improvised round is not exactly the same as the factory manufactured ammo we find.  This makes found ammo that more precious.

    The gun books in game could help by improving recipes or firearms.  Maybe the books could be distinguished.  The ten hour research book could offer the munition/firearm skill advancement.  These books would need to be in inventory in order to have access to these recipes.  The additional ingredients will need to be sourced.

    Instead of adding another firearm maybe have the option to remake the current firearms to accept improvised rounds.  Once altered this equipment cannot use factory made ammo.


  7. On 7/7/2019 at 2:25 PM, Sceh said:

    Now, I do realise that it would look hilarious, this hulking bearded man just standong there with about a tonne of equipment strapped to him every which way, 

    Surely @Sceh was inspiration for this art by @Kiom.


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    The idea to have a method for repacking spent shells.  Already we find loose bullets.  These could be turned into empty shells.  Slugs could be recovered from the animals flesh or the projectile could also be obtained from Battery.   This material would then need to be re forged into the proper caliber.  The propellant can also be found but a method to prepare a simple (raw ingredients found in a farm supply store) black powder could be introduced.  The tool to repack will also need to be located.  A good location would be the Hunting lodge.  The amount of live rounds found in the world could then be reduced because now there is a method to replace ammunition.  One more item that should be addressed is the Flare Pistol.  Perhaps the ammo bench can also accommodate this large diameter round.  The projectile could also be upgraded to be more lethal(the current FP is OP IMO).  

    Forging projectiles, mixing chemicals and repacking brass is the proposal.


    • Like 1
  9. Maybe I was wrong about making ravens mean and nasty.


    Perhaps we meet up with a talking one after too many intoxicants.

    "..may be an undigested bit of beef..." Scrooge

    Or maybe both just so brandishing returns.

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  10. Stitches.  Now there is a good reason for finding a sewing kit inside a first aid box.

    These ideas for blood loss are decent.

    Internal bleeding or bruising is another affliction worth considering.  To treat these types of injuries the blood needs to be drained or leeched.  Blood clots or hematoma  caused from blunt force trauma can become very dangerous. 


    Maybe we can find leeches at the skeg.

    • Upvote 2
  11. My guess for the location of the Community Hall will be near Skeeter's Ridge. 

    Who is this Skeeter anyways?  Will we ever meet Skeeter?

    This area has some history.  Several burned out houses and a forest fire. 

    Was Skeeter attacked?

    Between Skeeter's Ridge and Point of Disagreement is my hunch. 

    Were they arguing over who is going to shank Skeeter?

    This area is very suspicious.


    • Like 3
  12. @Kiom This is great.


    The Long Dark jump is something that I have an vested interest in. 

    The jump ability within a game as Skyrim made the concept of climbing mountains seem ridiculous.   Within The Long Dark the ability to scale mountain slopes has been reduced.  Climbing or goating takes skill in reading the terrain not just spam jump key while pushing forward.  The heights I have reached personally would not offer the same reward if a skyrim type jump mechanic were introduced.


    The idea of getting over an obstacle or vaulting is still valid.  The only issue is the action of jumping should have risk.  This reduces the player's dependency as the quick fix goto button. This type of action should also be similar to running and reduce stamina and fatigue rapidly.

    If climbing a car does break an animal's hostility then this is another issue that should be fixed.  An aggressive animal should still maintain visual contact and patrol the immediate area.

    Climbing on top of a car should include risk of slipping and falling.  The action could be automatic just as in the rosehip bramble climbing although personally a manual method would be preferred.

    The areas that have small terrain details that prevent movement should be reported as bugs.  Logs on the ground should be made passable.  The fallen trees that can be climbed used to have limbs that prevented progress.   There is a tree that leads to a cave after secluded shelf at the last rope climb on TWM.  This tree used to be quite the obstacle and would hang me up.  It bothered me so much that I started to look for an alternate route.  In the recent updates the tree is much easier to pass, the limbs are now ghosted.  There are more trees like that and have been fixed.  I am thankful to the HL team for improving tree climbing.

    Did you know goats think it's a great sport climbing trees?

  13. This seems very serendipitous or I am being google-watched.  Never did a search ever for this topic and today this pops into my video feed. 

    King of Random. 

    Seems kinda of focused content to me.

  14. Had a blast today goating in Desolation Point.  While I was mapping the area the I found some new stomping grounds and played parkour goating games.

    Mind the gap.


    Katie's Secluded Corner is on the left.


    Going to need a running start.


    Muttering prayers of the first law of motion.


    Made it!


    Now for the obligatorily screen shots. 


    Remember goats are always watching from above.



    The map is not yet complete and will update later on.

    842490786_screen_(101321995)_455fdd8f-3f93-40ea-99de-5e94c9ba4030.thumb.png.f1c43d22676693ecac3f4e2a9fbb385c.pngscreen_29cbd257-2bde-4f72-9c71-91e8c38db11e_hi.thumb.png.843899d76afee13f0a8ed3891d33fa45.png There is a section on the top left that seems unlickly to uncover. 

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  15. Thought I was collecting Battery for fun?


    AvE is just the right type of crazy canuck the Long Dark deserves.

    In this episode Battery is given an autopsy.  Sorry Battery we need your body for scientific experimentation.  The information obtained is that antimony is added to the plumbous to fabricate the plates.  This is great for the purpose of crafting slugs as the resulting alloy is stiffer than plain plumbous. 

    Now to figure out where to find the ingredients for the propellant.

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