Ice Hole

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Posts posted by Ice Hole

  1. On 7/13/2019 at 10:10 AM, BareSkin said:

    So maybe there was a way of telling the player you wouldn't get the knife. Like, a line from Hobbs explaining you wouldn't get the item anyway, or a broken useless one, smtg like this. I killed the dude with no hesitation, even if I didn't think about having the knife. Honestly. Seems I'm a psychopath, good to know.

    You are not a psychopath, but you play one in a video game.


    Surely this was inspired by Police Squad.

  2. The idea of sanity is an interesting topic.  

    The one thing I have taken away from The Long Dark is nature does not care about you.  Nature does not care if you are warm or frozen; well fed or starved; dehydrated or slaked; rested or fatigued.  The sanity or lunacy is another factor The Long Dark Nature does not care about and any type of sanity condition will need to reflect this concept.

    My thoughts are the developers are examining this Mental health idea within story mode.  The "choice" for Hobbs is clearly testing grounds.

    There was an interesting discussion over here on this very topic.


    This wish list has so many topics with similar ideas and is in desperate need of categorization. 

  3. 1 minute ago, TropicalSurvivor said:

    I did it by climbing that hillside above the cave in that "region" between the picnic area and the path to Mystery Lake.

    Note: It was about one year ago, before the REDUX. I tried to do it after the REDUX and I couldn't, I believe that it's not possible anymore.

    Deathwalls abound so climbers should be wary of this area.  I found the Gray Wolf Mountain pass and had safe passage.  

    The area is very much the same as before.  The arch was the only thing I noticed walking further down the road.  I suspect this leads to the Pleasant Valley transition area.

  4. Forum Member #1:  Leaves subtle hint about a mod that most members did not know about.  Good chance nobody got the reference.

    Admin: Please do not mention mods.

    Forum Member #2: Was there a mod mentioned?  What mod was mentioned?   

    Admin: Nothing to see here.  Move along.



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  5. 52 minutes ago, Pillock said:

    the question still stands as to what value the current 'lone-wolf' type actually has in the game in the longer term

    The only reason to have them around is to be the eyes and ears for the alpha. So if you manage to evade the alpha and one of these pack members manages to spot you but instead of attack this wolf then heads back to the alpha.  Maybe giving us a chance to intercept the messenger or prepare for the upcoming battle.  That brings me to the question of how to prepare against the wolf pack.


    To me the dirty dozen shown here would camp outside howling and wait for you to poke you head out.  You will be surrounded and pursued.  At nights the pack is heard off in the distance getting louder as they approach. 

    This alpha wants you gone from this island to restore the balance.  There must be a brutal confrontation or a wonderful deception to escape.  The revolver seems the best choice but interlopers will need to be crafty.

    Placing camp fire just might not be enough when an alpha is around.  The fires might need to be bonfires to have any impact.  The fire doesn't scare any of them and just keeps them at a distance.  The alpha is the one to focus on in order to disperse the pack.  That means fighting a bunch of these pack members in order to confront the alpha.  The use of bribery bags laid out for Boo-Boo might give an interloper the edge.

    These pack members are the pawns on the battle field and the scouts on the range. 

    This is all of course speculation.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Can you tell the difference between these two black birds. 


    The Long Dark has a timberwolf being introduced in an upcoming update.  My suggestion is add theses larger black birds and make them more dangerous then the crow.  Instead of help you locate a fresh kill the raven chases off the crows and then start to consumes the carcass.  Maybe have them track the player waiting for an opportunity to take from a players stockpile.  This animal could even be affected by the aurora and attack the player.

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  7. Just last night I was on pilgrim found loot in a pipe.  Not once but twice in the same area.


    22 hours ago, Pillock said:

    I have a vague memory of breaking down cardboard boxes

    Cardboard boxes are now on the hit list too.


    1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

    I actually plan on visiting Vancouver Island next year. Somehow I expect to meet you there in the wilderness, wielding car batteries, dressed in newspapers, sitting on a pile of trashed crates.

    I will be there in spirit.  Find me up in the mountains or ask my friends down at the playground they know where to look.

    10 Goat Playgrounds That Will Make Your Kids Jealous

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  8. Just ran into something similar last night.  The location is the Train Unloading in Coastal Highway and is found between the wood fence and a log pile.  The character stops on what appears to be a log.  





    This path can be traversed in the other direction without a hangup.  This would be a juicy topic for Long Dark Memes.  Too bad I am crap at making them.

  9. I have delivered newspapers and books, gathered Battery, now for something completely different.

    Killer Crate


    Your title was not that far off.

    3 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    Maybe this could be the start of a new challenge: "See crate, kill crate."

  10. Screen shots are used by a large majority of the player base.  The filename created "screen_772ecb06-6f5f-4812-a618-d89f0fb2306f" and "screen_6f900529-2f2a-4a2a-af67-f3ac96d20c4f_hi" can be difficult to distinguish one screen shot filename from another.  The debug screen shots have different filename structure "screen_(-5, 2, 0)_714f52de-e400-4ecd-abc9-342b031e3285".

    Can the screen shot be titled differently?  Maybe include the save file name associated with the screenshot.  Allow the player to initialize the screen shot file name string in the settings panel and tack a counter to keep the filenames unique.

    Also could screenshots be placed inside unique folders associated with the save slot being used.



    Bonus points if anyone can figure what the code indicates for the current filename structure. 


    The filename is "screen" an underscore then five groups of hexadecimal numbers delineated by dashes.  The first hexadecimal group consist of thirty two bits then the next three groups are sixteen bits followed by a beast ninety six bit group.

    The debug screenshot filename has the coordinates in parentheses after the word "screen". 

    The "_hi" tacked on at the end of the filename indicates the screen shot is high resolution.

    What are the numbers representing?


  11. Find loot post it here.  Some crates have loot inside them.

    The first time I noticed there is loot inside crates was at TMW inside the plane.  The crates can contain peaches; lighter fluid, matches; rope, scrap metal.

    Another area that has loot crates is at the forge in FM.  Here the loot is dog food; lighter fluid, matches.

    In Milton at the plane crash there are small loot crates that can contain clothing or lighter fluid.

    These items all appear on interloper.

    Post loot found, where and what difficulty level.


    Thank you HL team for allowing loot boxes in game and not as a means of milking your customers.


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  12. screen_6f900529-2f2a-4a2a-af67-f3ac96d20c4f_hi.thumb.png.d872670d95f64c0ab8d41aa1ff826294.png

    These wires are coming out the wall and looks like a custom job.  It definitely looks suspicious.  In fact this looks almost like a trap.  If those wires are connected to the metal hand tuck and during an aurora could deliver a zap.  

    Concerning crossing during an aurora, it does not seem possible.

    If you come across Battery and tells you it is safe to cross the electrified wires, just take some advice and do not believe.


  13. Finally made it back!

    Been caught up in some weird place.  Trying to charge Battery and wham, was zapped.  I remember there was lots of smoke and flying off to some other odd reality.  

    Described as a parallel universe.  Maybe?

    This video might explain things.


    On 6/22/2019 at 11:50 PM, ajb1978 said:

    Dude you are like nine kinds of crazy, but I'll buy you a scotch any day.

    Hope it tastes better than the rocket fuel I have been sipping.  

  14. On 6/13/2019 at 12:08 PM, stratvox said:

    However, the wires in the long corridor between the upper dam entrance and the turbine room are not possible to work around

    The best solution to avoid sparks would be to use this broken window.


    On the other side is a ladder and chair, so maybe this could be a future mechanic to assist in going through from the other side.


    From here the rope climb brings us down to the Lower Dam door. 


    This route towards Winding River should avoid the electricity if new mechanics are introduced.

    Returning from WR means entering the window and this leads to additional hot spots.



    While waiting for the hides to cure an aurora began.

    Battery suggested to go and see the sparks.


    During an aurora the sparks started to excite Battery.


    Battery did not seem to change.


    The burns almost killed me.


    Placed Battery down on top of the wires. 


    Battery told me it was safe.


    Crossed over and died.



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  15. @ajb1978  Lead tipped arrow just doesn't seem dangerous. 

    Reclaiming plumbous and casting tips might be a thing if brass casings can be collected.  Little special powder in between the plumbous and brass and now that item could be dangerous.

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  16. This should help anyone to have a look.  The roof is accessible by walking on the fence. 

    Initially the idea to get on the roof top was to use the fence.  Tried for some time and did not make much progress.  So plan B leap of faith was used.





    To know Battery is to love Battery.

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  17. Took a few more tries to get the correct house to spawn.


    Target now acquired.



    Mission accomplished.





    In my humble goat opinion these appear to be solar panels.  The panels seem top be fashioned on top of the roof and not flush with it.  A skylight low profile helps to prevent leaks.



    Probably fit a Battery or two in this hidey hole.

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  18. I smell a goating challenge.

    Hold my beard ...


    Going to try to get a close up of the panel by goating to the roof.


    For some reason my house does not have a solar panel and instead burns pro-pain.

    The attempt did not end well.


    The attempt did in fact land me on the roof. 

    That's good.

    Now there is a dead goat on the roof.

    That's bad.

    Start a new game and the house is demolished.


    Failed to reach.

    Tried again.1806074760_screen_(11762631638)_9492e802-84ab-4978-a550-8b30337f8f29.thumb.png.a96a68d05e3a21388dded09478bdd207.png

    Same house without panels.



    This time reached the roof and survived.



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  19. New update to PV is incoming and there could another region too.  More saplings are on there way. 

    Too bad there are no long horns sheep to find.

    Here is a method to make a sheep horn bow. 

    The interesting thing is to uncurl the horn it is placed in boiling water to soften.  Similar to bending wood.

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