Ice Hole

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Posts posted by Ice Hole

  1. A Day that Will Go Down In Infamy


    By petition the summon Deer Decoy was changed to summon Deercoy.  Truly beautiful.  Very important. 

    For a Long Dark reverence it happens when we look for some poor deer to offer to a chasing wolf.  Then poof behind a tree a deer sticks its neck out.

    Bam!  Deercoy!


  2. Battery has been delivered.


    Nineteen days of porting fun.


    Having Battery altogether means mobility will improve. 


    Backpack == Batterypack




    New destinations for the gang are being planned.  For now I am off to build the ecto-containment unit.

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  3. I have looked in the Raven Falls ravine and the flare pistol was not there.  This was back before the Elegy update.

    The wiki indicates there is another flare pistol.  Wonder if it appears as well in the Hopeless Rescue.


    Distress pistols can also be found near frozen corpses such at Peak Cave in Hushed River Valley even if it, in this case, spawns rarely.

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  4. More than fifty cups of coffee are prepared.  The plan is to lug Battery all at the same time.  The previous method took at half day to port Battery to the destination.  

    The identified problem was the return to base sprint.  Not using coffee meant that exhaustion set in quickly. 

    The distance from the store to Misty Falls is quite far.  Battery must be walked until getting to the cavern when it decides to jump into the backpack.  Returning was the only time to sprint.  The time to recharge the sprint bar I would just walk.  This is where porter optimization is improved.

    The idea is then to carry Battery gang as far as the sprint bar can take me which then becomes a check point.  Walk Battery while the sprint bar recharges and then set Battery down, sprint back for Battery.  After the Battery gang is at the check point the exhaustion level will leave me to rest for a full night.  Also drinking coffee to help sustain the sprint. 


    The Battery gang has made it to this new cave and the time to take Battery here has improved greatly.

    The destination of Misty Falls caverns will be the setting for an experiment involving the containment of ectoplasmatic entities.  In the new Thompson's Crossing neighborhood something strange is going on.  Reports of endless steaming pots, levitating objects and self illuminating trophies.  Could be a business breakthrough, just needs the right advertisement. 



    Should make use of the new phone lines and go ahead and call out to the you who's out there.  Maybe have a catchy jingle too. 

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  5. There has been major changes happening around Pleasant Valley.  It all started with this plane crash.  Survivors were rescued from the crash site. After some time they built a little town.  Called it Thompson's Crossing.

    They approached me one day offering vegetarian meals and bingo nights.  The suspicious side in me perked wide awake. 

    Seems the Plumbous'R''Us store is not fitting in with there urban development plans and they are claiming the store for themselves.  They plan on selling vegetables locally grown.  Personally I think theses people are all crazy; do they not realize it is freezing and snowy.  How do they plan on growing vegetables?

    Plan is to move away from all these people.  So I packed up Battery and set off for a new home.  Goodbye Plumbous'R'Us.


    P.S.  I think Eric Handcartman was right these hippies are smelly and they don't respect any authority!



    Almost two weeks porting Battery.  The route was surveyed planned modified, and still inefficient. The needs to be an increase in porter optimization.  The solution might lay in brewing several pots of coffee.


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  6. The cabinet that is inside the Community Hall is not searchable.


    The left cabinet is searchable.  Realizing with deductive symmetry that that another cabinet should be on the right. 


    It was dis heartening after breaking down tables to find the cabinet but it was not able to search.



    Also the stag head mounted over the fireplace has an eerie glow and kinda freaks me out a little.


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  7. On 11/12/2019 at 9:33 AM, KinoUnko said:

    Auroras must be pretty localized and probably limited to higher latitudes. the one that hit McKenzie took out all the electronics on the island. The airliner probably didn't take off from somewhere further south of the island until several hours before it crashed on the island. So presumeably much of the world isn't affected by the Auroras like the island.

    Aurora Borealis!

    At this time of year,
    at this time of day,
    in this part of the country,
    localized entirely within your kitchen.

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  8. These are Long Dark Stories....


    On 2/20/2019 at 8:56 PM, FunkyFuggerson said:

    Raphael when describing the Old Island Connector stated it was a burned down forest. Presumably some sort of electrical fire happened and lit the entire forest and all the houses up. It makes sense, seeing as all the trees are either felled or have a lack of snowy foliage. The fire most likely came from the second earthquake knocking down all the electrical poles, the same can be most likely said for the coastal town. The blocked road also came during the second quake, the guy in the light house said the roads up here hadn't collapsed like the ones further south or what not. Not sure why they would charge a toll, would that even be legal? But then again we haven't seen any sort of police or military presence so far, Great Bear is a hypothermic, lawless land! Kinda makes you wish to see some sort of Mad Max fights in CH, perhaps with sleighs and sled dogs? Blowing each other up with rifles, bows, and wolf cannons, id say "Someone should mod that," but then the Admin would get mad at lil' ol' me :(

  9. 16 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    It's a disgusting failure of the healthcare industry, worldwide, but especially in the US, a First World Country, that has the funds and means to do better. If Big Pharma profit was taken out of the equation. 


    Both my parents are type II diabetic.  Never been tested yet but I used to feel the symptoms regularly in the past.  Currently Cannabis has been federally legal here in Canada and more research should be carried out on the endocannabinoids system.  This study keys into the application of cannabis and maintaining insulin levels.


    The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults

    Elizabeth A. Penner, MD, MPHa,b, Hannah Buettner, BAc, Murray A. Mittleman, MD, DrPH

    Of the participants in our study sample, 579 were current marijuana users and 1975 were past users. In multivariable adjusted models, current marijuana use was associated with 16% lower fasting insulin levels (95% confidence interval [CI], −26, −6) and 17% lower HOMA-IR (95% CI, −27, −6). We found significant associations between marijuana use and smaller waist circumferences. Among current users, we found no significant dose-response.


    We found that marijuana use was associated with lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR, and smaller waist circumference.

  10. Here is the old map of great bear island.


    There have been changes.  Timberwolf Mountain seems odd.

    There is a road from Pleasant Valley and it follows the river which leads to the tunnel to Milton.  The Episode one location.

    That pink coastal region might be Perseverance Mills. 

    Wonder if episode two and three from this old map are the next two chapters(four and five) coming soon.

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  11. 1 hour ago, ajb1978 said:

    That's just not plausible that Molly would have walked THAT far in search of deer to hunt.

    Was just thinking of this while strolling over to The Long Curve.screen_bc161e50-630d-4497-96c4-248ebcf2b3f6_hi.thumb.png.2338198f7a193c21b65acd8043babbf9.png

    There is a cave across from the Radio Hut and could open up as a cave system like the one to Winding River.  Maybe this cave system transition is a short cut to the Milton tunnel area.  There seems to be a lot of these cave systems similar to the one from Mystery Lake to Milton.  Also this new area could be a predator free zone similar to the Ravine.

  12. 21 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    In all seriousness, I wonder if this would be an effective way to keep a crash survivor safe if Timberwolves are about.  I think the wolf attacks are scripted to occur in specific areas though, and I don't recall if any of those areas were near a car.

    No not really, this is like putting a cake on a stand.

    Pumpkin Cake on Clear Stand | Rose Bakes

    The better choice would have been inside the car.

  13. 21 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    Items had weight, but they also took up one or more squares on the grid.  So items could be small and heavy, or light and bulky. And of course small and light, or bulky and heavy.  This also meant certain containers could have certain grid orientations, further limiting the items that could be stored in there.  For instance a desk drawer might be a single row of boxes, meaning you could stuff things in there like rings, arrows, or daggers...but never a shield.

    This technique offers a realistic approach but in the end it turns into a mini game of looTetris.  With my irl junk drawer if I put something in it the stuff sorts itself out as long as the drawer closes all is good.  Maybe an auto sort could help when dealing with volume.

    11 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    Also enough players already are annoyed even with the improved sprain system, and there will always be the faction of more casual players that think limiting inventory space is a relic concept in the first place.

    The concept of bulk or volume is tricky to portray and have it blend into game play.  A talent that increases as the player becomes more skilled at packing could have advantages.

    The sounds in game do change with inventory carried.  So this could be the feedback for the player.  The loot making sounds should also attract predators.  Think of scent markers, but with loot.  The packaging skill could dampen the sound the loot is making.  Unpacking should also be included as items that are packed tightly take more time to access.  

    The loot we carry should affect more than sprain probability.  Alerting predators seems to be another area.


    10 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    I would expect Perseverance Mills to be in the gap between MT and PV...but Astrid somehow managed to traverse that entire region without encountering the town.

    Astrid was found on the other side of the collapsed tunnel with the bus in Milton.  Molley lugged her back to the farmhouse in Pleasant Valley.   The road that leads to the Long Curve is currently a dead end which should open up.  As for the Big House my guess is the east coast urban area.  The road leads to another road collapse dead end, which might lead to Perseverance Mills.



    In the image the bus can be seen in the tunnel.


    Went back and checked and either there are more than one bus or that bus is suffering from time dilation.


  15. The sprain risk condition that occurs after becoming tired with the weight capacity reduced depending on the exhaustion level I am aware of that.  What I am considering is the bulk of the items.  So for example sticks would be more bulky compared to fir.  Carrying equal weight of both the fir logs, being condensed compared to sticks, take less physical space.  This would make it easier to carry or port around.

    There is an indicator for bulk already in game.  When carrying a few sticks compared to carrying eighty sticks the sound of the sticks changes and becomes more intense with more rattling.  Same goes for water.  The sloshing sound changes depending on the amount carried.  So there could be a hidden game mechanic.

  16. The Probability of a sprain should increase with the amount of loot we carry.  If the items are stowed in the backpack then that weight should make it difficult to walk maybe sending the centre of mass of its kilter and increasing the risk of sprains.  Where if less bulky the risk of sprains should decrease.



  17. The other side of the tunnel is displayed in story mode.

    screen_ef49425c-f2c5-4e9c-9646-45a324c30fea_hi.thumb.png.949370f9b0d79fd7ac0dba50585a1307.pngscreen_5f05b967-5aab-4993-ac4e-8616f21412a5_hi.thumb.png.569092df8b748f487827513305377000.pngThis road should lead to the Long Curve in PV.  Currently Long Curve is blocked off but I suspect it will open soon.  This area where Molly is hunting might be a transition zone similar to Raven Falls Ravine.  I have goated down from Milton into this area and it does not look as above.


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