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Everything posted by Ahatch

  1. Ok I'm at the cannery and I would like to make bullets using lead and when I click the workbench it says it requires an active fire. So is bullets something I make at the forge or what am I missing here????
  2. So there is no pistol in Interloper I take it so need to visit the milling machine then??
  3. Keep us posted thinking about taking my 500 day run bored Interloper survivor to Bleak Island to make some ammo. But how are these wolves versus arrows , might be a lot tougher hitting a running moving target.
  4. I could see the region maybe scaring a few folks away in Interloper for sure. But I know players that never go to the Riken to forge , always the Spence Farmstead either . It all depends how bad you want the loot. I wouldn't go there myself without level 5 archery though to deal with the timber wolves.
  5. I have a small question , I know in story mode you could drop the odd timber wolf but can they be harvested like other wolves?
  6. Yes it does seem odd the Molly dragged Astrid to the farmhouse after she escaped the tunnel collapse. Is it possible that Molly is a liar and was associated with the prisoners somehow and was somehow in Milton then brought Astrid who was sleeping all the way through some unknown region to Winding River then to farmhouse.
  7. Anyway my run is still going , this will be my last thread on this section if the admins want to move it that is OK . I'm still alive ... barely on Desolation Point and I have taken the plunge and ate some wolf meat but only morsels enough to not let the parasite risk get too high. Luckily a deer spawned and I was able to cook it all up . Plan is to kill one more wolf and try to hang on here long enough to get the wolf coat. I have plenty of matches so I can hang on here but will be making for Mystery Lake to look for the Magnifying glass at some point. Playing Episode 3 on Wintermute lately so only pay this fella a visit once an evening for a short while.
  8. Yes I guess it could be moved there ....
  9. Desolation Point is truly an apt name for this region, the last few days have been at times a struggle to find enough to eat. After looting the lighthouse and returning to the stone church to munch on rabbits I went back through the mine and spent a day near the bear cave as there was 1 kg of deer meat on the carcass there. I also beach combed a rainbow trout near Hibernia. I have had thoughts of risking it all in Scruffy's cave just to get my hands on some more deer meat but luck was enough that 1 lonely deer spawned near the Riken. I used the fuel from that deer to finish crafting one set of deer boots and 1 pair of deer pants. So now I'm back at the mine again and just finished checking near the stone church NOTHING not even 1 bunny so have to look over to Katie's Quiet Corner and around the road here for something .... anything. I have 1 kg of cooked wolf meat on me but I am just too scared to eat it as I know all too well this run would go into the toilet pretty fast with a bout of intestinal parasites.
  10. My current interloper run is still going and I have not gotten the courage yet to leave Desolation Point and enter the Crumbling Highway. I used up the remaining deer meat from the first 2 deer so I decided to head for the mine by the road and pop out near the church. I killed 2 wolves that were hanging around Hibernia. Using the tree along the road I killed 1 more wolf then finally another deer . I went to the lighthouse as planned and forgot the crowbar so had to make a second trip there and the lockers were empty anyway . So currently at the lighthouse, plan is to try for another wolf from a safe ledge and get the forth hide needed for a wolf coat. I have enough deer hides to make boots and one pair of pants. Going to need another deer spawn as cooking skill is at 4 currently. I have been harvesting and cooking meat in 0.5 kg intervals to boost the cooking skill. I'm not going to test fate and eat any wolf meat just yet. I have been harvesting the meat of the wolf kills but not cooking it . So once I hit level 5 cooking I will have some meat ready to cook and eat safely. Still may have to leave here though if deer spawns take too long.
  11. This run is still plucking along, closing in on 30 days Cooking/ Harvesting Skill at 3 each . Killed my first bear from the top of the Riken he fell over by his cave so I just harvested his hide as there was wolves nearby and I dared not start getting any meat (can't eat it yet anyway). I did bag two deer near the little island which is getting me by at the moment. Just got the well fed bonus and now some tough questions for myself. I can get the heck off this map sooner rather than later as I'm not so confident in the deer spawning. Just my clothes still kinda suck and I have to try to get to Coastal Highway. My condition is improving so thinking if it reaches 100 I should make a break for it. I'd like to visit the lighthouse as well but had to turn around earlier as there was a wolf coming my way out of nowhere and I had to turn back to the safety of the ship. I did however find some birch saplings near the exit of the mine and have those curing at the moment. I would like to have some extra stalks and a few more arrows than 3. Have lots of saplings back on Coastal as well.
  12. Well things have turned for the better on this run as I was able to use the deer I killed to get me through these last few days. Cabin fever warning still on but I have staved the infliction off by spending time in the captains cabin in the Riken cooking meat and researching. I used some excess coal to keep the fire going a long time. Once my saplings were cured I went over to Hibernia and got my archery kit done. Run out of deer meat but now have the tools to defend myself and start hunting deer. Cooking skill is still pretty low. Crafted the rabbit mitts and hat so have some better clothing although no wolf coat or deer pants/ boots yet. Plan is to go back to the Riken and bag a couple more deer. I will then leave this area for Coastal Highway as just so many choke points here. The bear has been walking over to my home as well so may have to shoot him and the wolves around here to make my path a little safer. Haven't been to the lighthouse yet and would like to go see if there is some good loot there.
  13. Thank you @Dan_ . I'm still going on this run and I had some tough decisions but I decided that I needed to stick around Desolation Point a little longer. I went back to the mine first and spent the day hunting bunnies and eating the dead deer at Katies Quiet Corner. There was also a birch and maple sapling there as well so that was good. I went back to the coal mine and checked out the old church area then back through the mine and brought back all the coal to the Riken. I then fired up the forge and completed the arrowheads I need and the improvised ax . After finishing all that I looked at my condition and the fact that I was starving. Emerging from the Riken I seen 2 deer so I made a tough choice I crawled up close to the deer and used a flare pistol to bring down the deer. With the forge fire still going I cooked up enough meat to fill my belly and bring my overall condition up. One little hitch though now I need to wary of cabin fever as I'm up to 50% chance of getting it. Not sure what I need to do next but I do need to stay on this map long enough to get my bow and some arrows at least. So I have 2 more flare bullets , might have to use those as well...
  14. Not much time to play this week but I did manage to make it to the Riken . My health is ok but I have no crafted bow or arrow shafts as yet so the stay here will have to be short as food on this region is pretty scarce. I killed a couple rabbits on the island but was only able to keep the forge going long enough for 2 arrow heads and a knife so I need to go gather up some more coal (which I left in the mine nearby) and go forge some more arrows before getting the heck off this map and back to coastal highway for some days of fishing until I can craft my archery gear. That is if I don't starve to death or get ambushed by a wolf before then.
  15. My preference is weapon cache followed by the food, tools, then clothing . medical and last wood. Fire logs are nice but man packing all that wood back is just too heavy
  16. That's the nice thing about playing settings other than Interloper there are the good ol preppers cache's. Always a nice feeling finding the one on your game and spending time searching for them.
  17. After napping a bit the blizzard seemed to hang on so rather than sitting around waiting for it to stop I decided just to run for the cave in the ravine . So that turned out to be a good move as I avoided any possible wolf spawn when the storm cleared. So after sleeping there I went down the rope and found the distress pistol and another heavy hammer. I returned to the cave for one more night and am now back at the little cabin at bear creek canyon. I have some gut cured here so going to grab it and head down the hill to make fishing line. The plan is to now move towards a trip to Desolation Point and the Riken. I'm hoping the distress pistol will keep me out of trouble on the journey through crumbling highway. Just have to make sure I have enough food to make the journey safely.
  18. Well this run is still going and I decided to cross the ravine into Mystery Lake. I found the rope on the first cave in the ravine and deployed it on the other side of the log crossing. I killed 3 rabbits on my way to the cave on the far end of the ravine and cooked them up. After warming up I went into Mystery Lake and slept the night in the trailer. I decided to go towards Allan Cave Hunting Blind to look for the bedroll and luck be darned if it wasn't right there. So great stuff I pulled back to the dam and spent the rest of the day looting. After all that though found some matches but one meezly pack of beef jerky! So not sure what is next but I think I need to make for the ravine again after this blizzard clears up. Hoping a wolf doesn't spawn by the trailers as it will make travel to the ravine pretty much impossible.
  19. I've only played Pilgrim to try to get to know the Hushed River Valley map . I have pretty much switched to Interloper as my main setting.
  20. Well things are looking up a bit in some respects but others.... mehhh . I am still unable to locate a bedroll but I found the heavy hammer underneath the workbench by the fishing huts so I could very well make a bid for the forge but without a bedroll it's not going to be easy. So my thoughts are going to good old Mystery Lake . But I need to cross the ravine to the Hydro Dam then check the Camp Office or the Hunting Blind for the bed roll. Not a great situation as there is a wolf often patrolling the trailers near the dam making that passage dangerous. The other option is to make for the Riken but again no bedroll is going to make that journey unsafe as well as I need to navigate through the mines then sneak over to the other mine and then make for the Riken . Without a bedroll it's not going to be easy either. I am currently held up at Bear Creek Campground munching on rabbits. I found a full compliment of clothing which is nice so I can keep the chill off a bit.
  21. I'm happy to report I'm still alive , I ended up rolling the dice and made a bid for Jackrabbit Island in the storm using the string of islands as my path. I made it there with a few percent health and I found a box of crackers in the cupboard along with a summit soda. I didn't linger there though after warming up I ran for the other island house killing a rabbit along the way with a stone. (seems easier since the last update) So I did recover some health. After sleeping I looted the two fishing huts finding canned tuna then I made for the town site. All the shoreline houses are burnt so I crept into town from the south and then sneaked over to the Quonset Hut . I found enough food to get my health up a bit but still no heavy hammer. From there I went uphill to the trailer and then the little cabins , killed another rabbit and then finally down the hill and across back here to Jackrabbit Island again. So I am thinking I must go check the car by the fishing huts for the hammer. If it's not there looks like I have to make for the Ravine which I'm very worried without a bedroll will be a BIG problem. So finding the bed roll is my hope to survive this map. Kinda wished I went to the cave by the waterfall on PV looking for it.
  22. So after leaving Signal Hill I went down the hill and made for the Barn , after finding some dog food and granola bar I had a sleep in the truck. Then I made for the rural crossroads where I spent a day looting and munching on a dead deer. I found some cat tails on the river but food is at a premium right now. I left the rural crossroads and made for Coastal Highway as I was unable to find the bed roll on PV. In the mine I picked up a boat load of coal but very little food. I went down the hill to the trailer then skirted the top to the little cabin above the bridge. I was starving and I seen some bunnies hopping around so I went inside to warm up with intentions of killing them and having a nice meal when a blizzard blew in. Well I was only able to scrounge up some mushrooms and rose hips before racing down the hill to the fishing cabins. Things were very dire so I went to the fishing hut and cooked up the mushrooms and rosehips with my health almost spent. I'm currently in the last little cabin and there's no food here and things look very dire as another blizzard has arrived. Thinking this will soon be the end. Going to try to make it Jackrabbit Island or perhaps Bear Creek for a meal.
  23. Well I started another run of Interloper , this time I'm in beautiful Pleasant Valley and wouldn't you know it the weather is awful. I started near the desolate farm at the top of the map. I went down the river collecting cat tails to the Draft Dodgers Cabin. I then made for the farm house. First mistake was I had no light source with me and no bed roll so I opted just to pass time taking a bit of of hit on my health as it was so dark inside I couldn't see where the heck I was LOL. Anyway I found some matches in the basement and looted everything as well as harvesting as many curtains as possible. My health is kind of crappy but I managed to make it to the Signal Hill . I found a nice jacket and some tea and coffee and dog food. Just waiting for a short break in the weather and I have to make for the pond. The bedroll has eluded me so making a trip to Mystery Lake is going to be real tough , see how it goes
  24. Well I was humbled once more on The Long Dark. I had really been struggling find enough to eat . So after searching all the cabins around the lake I spent a bit of time journeying around Mystery Lake . I made stops at the Forestry Tower and all the caves and then I made a trip to the Hydra Dam. I then went into the ravine and got my health back up a bit on deer / rabbit meat. Then I returned to the dam. So on day 15 I decided to make for the forestry camp. I got to the trailers and found a nice pair of mitts then a blizzard blew in. Then the fateful mistake. I left the trailer and made for the creek. I just passed over the hill and sprained my ankle and there on my right was mr wolf heading my way. I started to back away and I lit my flare. Well my timing was off so I wasn't able to scare him. So I kept backing up and I backed myself into a corner unfortunately I did another poorly timed throw but again no good . So I became wolfs dinner sure I tried to scare him with the hammer but no use I was done.
  25. Well when the blizzard passed I managed to scavenge some deer meat along with a rabbit at the cabin before going down the cave and getting some cat tails back on the Milton region. Rabbits didn't spawn the next day so I decided to go to the Unnamed Pond and couldn't collect cattails there because the bear was hanging out. I did manage to find the fire striker in the hunting blind. I went to the nearby cabin and found a moose hanging out there. So needless to say I had to get the heck out of there and I made for the Camp Office and now I'm back in real familiar territory circling the lake and looting the little cabins. Still no toque or mitts to found anywhere. I got a tiny bit of food so enough to boost my spirits and hit points. Now I have some tough choices . It looks like I have to make for the Dam and eventually the Riken or make the dangerous passage through Forlorn to the Forge. I have enough saplings at the Trappers Cabin to make a bow but it's going to be a cold walk to the Forge either which way I make the trek.