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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. yeah, I can see why they would want to wait, but damn... ...another 4-6 months before I can get the paper scraps off my floors...
  2. I'm currently in FA so it'll take a bit to get back to the main map, but I'll give it a go over the next couple of days.
  3. lemme see, Mystery Lake and Hushed River Valley for sure. I'm drawing a blank on the third to be honest but I think it might have been in Bleak Inlet?
  4. Full swing doors? not that I've experienced. the swing speed is adjustable however, although the default opening speed is pretty fast and seemingly could sweep you aside but then I haven't necessarily stood that close as to be in the way. I'll try it and let you know.
  5. there's no particular order in which you need to discover the bunkers in order to find a stocked one. On the other hand, I'm not so sure they are randomly generated as I found the stocked bunkers in the same location on three separate launches making it feel that the locations are in fact static and not random. I guess it could be the luck of the rng gods to have the same locations on three different games? I dunno... anyways, sounds like you're gonna be golden on the next three bunker finds!
  6. Good advice for sure. Fortunately, I found there is a sufficient amount of firewood, sticks and coal in the cave tunnel system so making a fire is always an option as well.
  7. Thanks, for the reminder. I just hadn't got to marking that out yet. Any pics you'd like to share?
  8. Drift Island, in case you missed it. And no, the cabin itself is unmodded.
  9. I call this one Malice obvious someone was pretty pissed at the owner of this vehicle since they saw fit to shank it with a homemade shiv
  10. I'd agree that would be an ideal solution. only downside is that the dev team would have to completely revamp the merit badge and achievement mechanic so although that might be a somewhat simple solution, probably would be a ton of work. Maybe if there is a TLD II we might see such an option in place from the get go.
  11. yes but there's actually a cave entrance behind the Reclusive Falls water fall where you can access the tunnel system! It doesn't show up on the map as cave which is why I found it so surprising that I could enter and exit the cave system from that location.
  12. ...really shoulda been like that from the get go...
  13. Speaking of HRV Although this might be common knowledge to some, but I discovered that these three marked locations on my map are all part of a massive interconnected ice tunnel system that basically allows you to transit a majority of the map fairly easily. You do have to brave getting wet in the process at least once or twice to utilize one of the internal cross overs, but you're easily able to make fire and dry yourself out in no time. I even found some fresh meat as I made my way thru the interior passage ways. And of course the icing on the cake is now with the signal void quest, there's also a new stocked bunker complete with workbench in HRV! woo hoo!
  14. yeah looking forward to seeing what they come up with. from what I understand, the mod author of Remove Clutter/Better Bases is intentionally holding off from update his work has they also want to see what Hinterland comes up. So in the mean time, I guess we just get to live with a mess... bah, humbug!
  15. I was kinda disappointed to find the perma bunker in the game to have that completely trashed look to it. I always associated that bunker as a scheduled stop over place before transiting to and from PV to TWM. I felt the lore implied that during the islands productive years, hikers and mountaineers would use that bunker as a staging area, resting up and organizing their gear before transiting to TWM. And since it wasn't taken out by the dev team when all the other bunkers were pulled, I certainly wasn't expecting it to look so trashed. I could see some stuff maybe getting knocked around during an earthquake or something, but this feels like vandalism. I don't like it.
  16. I just had this happen to me too. Got the bear and decided to quarter it. after the radial time was done, no meats bags, but I was able to get the hide and guts. But ended up losing 30 kilos of meat.
  17. like I said, the location is probably an inside joke amongst the dev team. It does require some effort to get to it and considering its location, maybe hoofing it to the trailer in MT isn't such a burden after all... Let me know your thoughts on it once you've had a chance to find it. I'm curious to your thoughts and reaction when you do.