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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Supertramp! When lonely days turn to lonely nights You take a trip to see the Northern lights And take the long way home Take the long way home
  2. fall animations! I think you might be onto something. Whenever I fall, I just see the sides of the cliffs flash past, but what I'd really like to see is the ground rushing/coming up to hit me. So, maybe a good fall animation, like from a third person point of view where you watch yourself bounce off the sides on the way down, that would be pretty interesting.
  3. smoking some small mouth bass and prepping some medicinal teas Grilling some moose steaks mountain man style with some beans and some tomato soup! yum yum yum
  4. speaking of the recipes to add in the planned updates, kinda makes me wonder if they'll be using any of the recipes submitted by the community for the recipe contest that Hinterland ran last year. As I recall, there were some pretty good dishes submitted using the in game available ingredients.
  5. Methuselah says - Those who do not goat, take the long way home...
  6. Thanks for the kind words @peteloud! I've always enjoyed playing in the sandbox and mocking up those scenes does take an exceptional amount of time and effort. At this point, I can't wait for "remove clutter" and "better bases" to be reintroduced in my modding folder! As to lighting the runway with flares, you just might be onto something there...
  7. Tower, this is Freedom Flight requesting runway instructions...
  8. Oh happy days! Whole slew of mods are back up and running! Just got Indoor fires, Working Clocks, Faster Searching and House Lights! Can't wait to see what comes up next?
  9. lol, at least they gave us one single tower to explore at the prison and you are so right about the Harbinger, that coulda been a great little hideout if only the doors would open!
  10. looks like the images have failed to load these last couple of posts @stratvox
  11. good point. I'm gonna go out on a limb though and venture to guess OP cooked it before he ate it and still contracted food poisoning. If not, then of course it would make sense that he'd get sick and rightfully so, I might add. lol!
  12. All things considered, I'm hoping it isn't a glitch but maybe a little intentional fine tuning of the mechanic. yeah yeah, I know level 5 is supposed to make you "immune" to food poisoning. But when you say, "I just got food poisoning, eating ruined rabbit meat..." Well, then I'm thinking yeah, that kinda makes sense that you just might get sick! I'm thinking it adds an additional layer of immersion into the game. Honestly whenever you're eating ruined meat or a low condition can of sardines there oughta be a little risk involved. Ya can't dodge that bullet all the time, right?
  13. the prepper cache in PV near the transition climbing rope to TWM is an always spawn hatch and is also the cache in story mode. It has been in the game since inception and is not considered as part of the randomly spawn caches normally found in the game.
  14. oh, you oughta see her in her stiletto deerskin boots...
  15. My Astrid just got her nails done thanks to a new mod; Personality v0.5.1 by Waltz you oughta check this mod out. she's totally styling now and ready for a night out on the town!
  16. I'm sure plenty of folks have issued bug reports but just so that you know, we're mostly having fun finding these little bugs and doing the Jedi thing. May the Force be with you!
  17. It was dusk as I saw the soft light flickering from the lonely train depot up a head. I could smell the smoke from the fire burning in the depot so I hastened towards the structure yearning to get out of the wind. As I climbed up the ramp I glanced into the window and could see there were people there warming themselves by the fire. As I reached and opened the door, I heard the bellowing of a bull moose behind me and as I quickly glanced over my shoulder I could see there were two massive beasts and one had begun to charge at me! I quickly darted inside and shut the door firmly behind me. I could hear the clatter of angry hooves as the beast stomped about outside on the platform seeking entry. As the beast stomped about outside snorting with rage, I glanced at the passengers who hadn't moved an inch since I had barged in. That's when I realized they were just empty shells, the clothed remains of the few passengers who had been forgot or abandoned so long ago. I could hear their spirits murmer in the wind as the moose came crashing thru the walls...
  18. I actually love the subdued lighting the new lantern gives off. It's a very nice soft light, actually adds so much ambience you'd be surprised!
  19. lol, we're talking about modding here. Why couldn't you just use the dev console to warp one into your inventory?