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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. the bunnies aren't dead. they are all alive as well , just lower to the ground and far enough away that it may appear so at this resolution. shortly after I took that pic ole Mr. Bear making his rounds and in just a few minutes in game time later , all the deer and rabbits had scampered or scurried away and outta his path!
  2. Mystery Lake is considered by many to be a beginners map. Trapper's imo is one of the better locations to establish a long term base as it offers just about everything a player needs without a lot of wolf activity directly outside of you door as compared to other locales. Considering that you have easy access to wood for fuel supply, rabbits that spawn directly in your back yard, an ongoing deer population that inhabits your front yard almost daily makes this an ideal home base from which to branch out. Also it is one of the areas know Moose spawn points and you also do get an occasional bear that may saunter into the area, but the wolf population typically doesn't come anywhere near the cabin. ML is also home to one random spawning prepper's cache/bunker which will further improve your odds for survival providing you're willing to seek it out. Mapping helps to put locations in perspective, particularly as you are learning to navigate during the early stages of game play. not necessarily a goal for many players, however there is an achievement award for mapping the entire island if you choose to do so. As to the bow and arrow, yes to crafting the bow and arrow. You may find a few broken arrows and perhaps a few intact ones in ML, but at some point you will need to venture forth and seek out one of the three forges on GBI to fabricate arrow heads. Unfortunately that does come with some risk of running into wolves, but the risk can be mitigated by not carrying any meat as you travel. Considering how much loot can be found on each map, a good strategy is to set up multiple bases as you travel and explore the island. When playing on the ML map, I like Trapper's with its proximity to FM and MT and Carter Hydro with it's proximity to Raven's Ravine. The ole Camp Office being my fallback in case of inclement weather or when I need to fish, either for food production or lamp oil production.
  3. Yeah, it sure does look a whole lot more impressive from this viewpoint for sure!
  4. Red skies at night Red skies at night Red skies at night Red skies at night Should have taken warning, it's just People mourning Running, hiding, lost You can't find, find a place to go, so it's Red skies at night Red skies at night Should have taken warning, it's just People ignoring Running, hiding, lost You can't find, find a place to go, so it's Red skies at night Red skies at night Red skies at night Red skies at night Someone's taking over And it look like they're aiming Right at you Someone said we'll be dead by morning Someone cries leaving Red… The Fixx
  5. These are my rifles. There are many like them , but these are mine. My rifles are my best friends. They are life. I have mastered them as I have mastered my life. My rifles, without me, are useless. I must fire my rifles true. My rifles and myself know that what counts in this world are not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit... and hit.... and hit...
  6. right?!? the only missing would have been a roll of duct tape!
  7. Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a match? hmmm, I wonder if these two might like each other's company?
  8. some of the one shot kills are pretty amazing. I like the bear dancer going around in circles, that was a pretty good bear battle. for some of the others, though, reminds me of an old saying that even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
  9. too bad it's all make believe digital currency... that last jackpot would have netted a cool 2 million!
  10. omg, would you have it?!? Luck strikes again as I hit the jackpot for the second time on my aurora powered laptop! never had this kinda luck back on the mainland... now I'm rich and can't spend the money!
  11. Now that is indeed a very useful observation. looking forward to reading about your results regarding fuel specific fires. I usually just use the time of day as a reference to time lapsed considering that indoor fires burn very consistently over time, but this would allow for leaving the cabin for wood gathering and such while making water and still getting back in time to avoid boil off.
  12. the payout would have been 670,000 USD! After taxes, I'm sure that would have been a lot less... but if I did, I would give it all to Hinterland so they could complete episodes 4 & 5 from home while we continue to wait out this pandemic!
  13. perhaps rearranging your sitting area so that the source of the glare is on the other side of your screen? let the glare provide the backlight or perhaps a nice pair of room darkening curtains. nothing ruins the gaming experience more than a wicked glare that impedes your ability to see your screen unobstructed, right?
  14. no, actually, I'm glad you left it on. as a player, I could relate to the image and feeling of the moment... hunkered down, carrying an overweight rucksack, icy wind blowing steadily in my face as I watch that spectacular light show playing out before me. Dead tired on my feet but still warm enough to continue watching as the song plays itself out in my head. well done, well done indeed!
  15. I think you should make another post, not on screenshots per say, where you showcase all these beautiful panoramic aurora shots. I think it would be make a good coffee table book!
  16. yeah, there's that. another reason for me to avoid returning to the region after I have harvested as much of the birch and maple saplings that I can. having to use a work bench to craft arrows and the bow not to mention animal pelt/hide clothing are pretty much my main reasons for limiting my time in HRV. I do like the fact that I can repair my clothing fortunately, but the fact that I do have to leave the region to re-stock my depleted arrows and ruined bows leaves me with less desire to return, you know? Good to know. I've never found one myself, so the next time I decide to venture into HRV, I will do my best to see if I can find one. Any particular area on the map I should seek out?