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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Excellent choices, all! You might wanna get Place from Inventory to go with Place Anywhere. Those two mods in combination allows to take items right outta your pack and place them without having to drop items on the ground first. And for fun, you should get the Fox Companion mod. Such a cute little bugger, does nothing to change any of the game play mechanics, although he does get in the way every so often, lol.
  2. lol, hardly the expert, but I do like trying out the various mods made available by our outstanding community of mod creators. I'd definitely recommend Place Anywhere and Place from Inventory in combination at the top of the list for a must have mod(s) considering the amount of versatility these two mods provide a player in organizing their home base. As to substandard, the one that really pops into mind is Bleak Bridge. Honestly I was excited when it first came out, but was so disappointed that I immediately uninstalled it as soon as I could. what a waste, it coulda been so much better with a little more effort. As to the "cure in place" glitch. Yeah, still alive and kicking! Just takes a lot of effort to make it work. Interesting side note, if you don't mind me rambling for bit. But back when this glitch came to light, I posted a pic where I had used the glitch to place dozens of rabbit pelts on the peg board in the quonset garage. It literally took hours of game play to stage this for the single screenshot that I posted. Only to have it be removed by admin claiming it had been done created by using unsanctioned mods! lol It took some effort and lots of protesting on my part but after messaging Raph himself, the dev team finally conceeded that I had done no wrong. Whew, we sure have come a long way since then...
  3. indeed! I too excited when I see the plethora of available modding content for this game and yes I've learned the hard way too. Nothing's worse than getting excited about trying new mods for your game only to have the game crash in the midst of playing or not having it launch at all. So now, if you don't mind sharing, which of the many fine mods have you choosen to use in your game?
  4. Just curious if there's any event planned for Halloween this year? The TLD community on reddit is buzzing that there may be something in the works? obviously creating a lot of interest, but I got the feeling that with the cosplay contest going on and all, probably not. Am I right that nothing is going on? I'd sure love to be wrong... ps. I'd love to see another event like 4DON or something similar!
  5. outstanding! the first rule to modding is to be sure you've got all the basic contingency mods in place first. then, only add one at a time just to make sure your game launches correctly before moving on to the next one. That way you can always determine which mod is causing you any problems. It isn't so much of a problem in this game as compare to some other games I've modded. Here you don't have to worry about load order as you would with some other games.
  6. I am all for modding when it comes to quality of life mods, particularly ones like Place Anywhere and Better Stacking. Those types of mods do nothing to alter the games survival mechanics other than to improve the look and feel of the game itself. My game play satisfaction has only improved with the introduction of the various mods made available from TLD's amazing modding community. Mods are helping to breath new life into this game, addressing many of the wants and desires that are typically posted on the Wish List thread. It wasn't so long ago that the only way a player could hang a pelt on the wall of their home base was to exploit a glitch in the games curing mechanic/algorythm, now just referred to as the "curing in place glitch." shout out to @ajb1978 for discovering that little exploit. That alone changed the game for me keeping me playing when others had already lost interest. That being said, choose to mod your game or choose not to mod your game. It's your game afterall, play the way you see fit.
  7. actually, you are wrong. a bird's eye view is technically - a view from a very high place that allows you to see a large area, and not something you're looking through... However, since I was flying at the time I took the shot, yeah more of bird's eye view from that perspective.
  8. and wouldn't that just be a subtle slap in the face? We finally get a fishing hole update complete with craftable tools. All the players rejoice and everyone sets out to gather materials and craft their ice auger. Only to later realize, none of the holes they've drilled all over the map yield any fish...
  9. thanks @ajb1978 I'll suggest he reload an earlier save and see if he can progess the story that way. Good luck on your next story mode adventure!
  10. Has anyone who's recently played story mode episode 3 run into any game glitches where your either stuck in the community center or your side quests cannot be completed because the game thinks your still in the community center? Just curious, as I'm trying to help my nephew figure out what could be bugging his game.
  11. actually that is where you've got it wrong. You've were around when it was early release or have you just conveniently forgotten that the game was always about the story. From the get go when this game was released as an open world sandbox, it was known that the stroy mod was a work in progress and everyone who purchased it as early release knew the terms and conditions. get your facts straight before you act all butt hurt and indignant.
  12. that is very good idea! although I'm kinda on the fence about having spots "coded" per say, but, i get the point that by making coding easier we're probably more likely to get a mod made sooner than later. As for the ice drill, I'd rather see that as a craftable object or better yet just using the hatchet and/or the crowbar and the player just chops a hole in the ice since we are already doing that anyway.
  13. maybe we'll get lucky and some modder will create a fishing hole mod for those areas that don't have fishing holes. Like when I'm in Ash Canyon and staying at the Angler's Retreat, I'd really expect to find a fishing hole nearby, not have to travel halfway across the map to find the one and only busted up fishing shack... well at least they left it with a working stove...
  14. yeah, never gonna happen... I've been asking for a fishing hole in HRV ever since they added the region to the game way back when. It just makes sense that you should be able to chop a hole in the ice using an axe, but then again not many things in this game are based on common sense. Maybe when TLD 2 comes out, then some of the obvious things the community has been asking for will finally be incorporated into the game.
  15. I've actually duplicated the "error/glitch" multiple times and also using the lantern. I don't see it as a problem necessarily because when you click on anything, say to pick up an item or to open a container or open a door, the light source immediately appears in my characters hand. Might be problematic however if the player were outside and subsequently was thrown into a wolf stuggle. I may just have to go test that sometime.
  16. Outstanding angle! I really had to wrack my brains for a quick minute trying to figure out where this was. Well done!
  17. For my submission, I am playing the part of the wolf. In the language of my people - There's no place to hide, we will find you... all of us!
  18. Nicely done! I got goosebumps on my arms looking at your pictures. ...the only thing missing was some bullets holes in your walls...