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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I don't think a tent should withstand a long and windy blizzard without needing repair or protect from a bear attack for example, but it should provide decent protection from the elements and at least keep a wolf out. I agree it should be "expensive" to make requiring many resources to construct, some deer hides would certainly beef up the final project! Good idea, thanks.
  2. The whole island must be encased in some kinda quantum subspace filament where the normal laws of nature and physics are no longer applicable....
  3. Being a resident of the PNW myself I can appreciate a good hotspring. I certainly find it plausible but I cant quite fathom how that could explain all of the waterfalls across the entire island. Sure, plausible that a few locations could be attributed to geothermal springs, but all of them? But then again, maybe you're on to something? Doesn't the lore refer to some seismic activity that affects the island? That could explain a great deal, the island's part of a volcanic network which would explain an extensive geothermal network. if that's the case, my wish list now includes a natural hot springs pool. be cool to put in hushed river valley. what better place, right?
  4. nope... that would imply a hot springs and pools of hot water which there are none anywhere on the island. not to mention the multiple locations of waterfalls. Plausible maybe...
  5. Every where you go on the island you run into a waterfall or two. Consider the island is in a prolonged deep freeze, where does all that water come from that flows nonstop 24/7 with what appears to be thousands of liters of water per hour rushing down the mountainside. I could see some regular freeze and thaw cycles, but the water still flows even in the coldest dead of night. any ideas?
  6. Nice when they drop within easy walking distance of your base camp...
  7. Surviving in a frozen wasteland means creatively living off the the land. To stay well fed you have to keep a fair amount of foodstuffs handy and this can make meals repetitious especially when supplies are limited. Here's where cooking creatively with the frugal gourmet will help you to vary your daily menu and put the fun back in Al Dente' and Al Fresco dining! Get that stove fired up now and start warming your food preparation area. Today in the Frugal Farmhouse we're whipping up a couple of dishes that bring back the joys of eating instead of just eating to survive. Today's dish is gonna be a variation of a thin crust pizza, featuring a rose hip sweetened red sauce with fresh grilled rabbit hindquarters. We're also experimenting with a reishi mushroom variation of our pizza, except this one is a white sauce base using the sweetened condensed milk and combining the mushrooms for a long slow reduction simmer. The mushrooms are kinda bitter for some peoples taste, but it sure does look good fresh off the cooktop. You're gonna need a few boxes of crackers, condensed milk, tomato soup. First crush up the crackers into as small of pieces as possible. Be sure to first set enough canned milk aside to thoroughly moisten your cracker flour and using the bottom of a pot, press out your dough on top your pie plate. Now get that tomato soup and condensed milk into separate pots if you have them, add the mushrooms and rose hip into their respective pots and start slow cooking the contents down until they get to a thick pasty consistency. As you set aside your prepared sauces, get that stove fired up cause your gonna want high heat and plenty of it. Spread the sauces over the cracker crust add the rabbit chunks and put those pie tins in the oven. You can also go straight onto the cast iron burners on the stove top if you want a crispier crust. Keep an eye out on how done your like your crust and then Enjoy!
  8. who doesn't love a dog? But better yet it's a wolf, now that's immersive!
  9. my experience exactly... I ate and drank to full capacity before setting the times as well. yeah, buggy as hell but not necessarily a deal killer. just got make sure you are carrying 4 kilos of meat and 5 liters of water everytime you wanna make something now, lol.
  10. I've been getting some weird crafting table time warps recently when having to craft items that take multiple sessions. I was crafting a bearskin sleeping back using a forged axe. the total time was listed at 17 hours. I ran a 6 hour stretch and when I bounced back to workbench load screen, it indicated that my crafting time remaining was 15.77 hours? With every subsequent session, I would input for a 6 hour session and each time when the session ended, the time remaining would have only gone down by a few hours. This happens with each crafting session until it finally gets to be under 5 hours remaining to completion. It says 4.93 hours.... I click on the full time, session ends 1.77 hours remaining. I click on full time, session ends .43 hours remaining. lol... i click on the final time and viola I finally have a bearskin sleeping bag. WTH? Right? anybody got an explanation or experience anything like this?
  11. kinda reminds me of one of those Ansel Adams black and white photos he was so famous for. I've seen that view dozens, if not hundreds of times and this pic really captures that remote yet going somewhere feeling like when you know you're almost home.
  12. very nice, indeed. so tell me, what region is adjacent to Hushed River then? somehow I have the impression it's neighbor is TWM? I'm starting to think this island is a lot bigger than it appears. I'm also assuming the island has an oval shape of sorts... yeah, geography not one of my strong suits, i am sad to admit.
  13. Hey, thanks for the link. Although still leaving a little room for interpretation it does look like the road with the bridge in Mountain Town does indeed lead to PV. Kinda iffy on where that road goes with the crashed bus on it. Good food for thought, though.
  14. Outstanding! just how close were you? were you getting mauled in these shots? absolutely terrifying, those glowing eyes are going to give me nightmares!
  15. yeah, i actually might have prevailed if I hadn't knocked over the beer that I had just cracked... shift key on my keyboard is kinda sticky now, lol. oh well, game on!
  16. Yeah, when I saw the five, I didn't know how many it would take to bring me down, but I knew how many the game was planning on using... note to self for future encounters, no open containers of liquid on my desk when playing TLD!
  17. yeah, I counted 5 total. most I'd ever see so close together, too.
  18. So i am playing a custom game where I dialed up the wolf spawns to max and set the sensitivity setting on high as well. Got a great run going so far day 152 and I am making the jaunt through Forelorn Muskeg on the way back to Mystery Lake. As circumstances would have it, I'm just a tad over encumbered and I figure I can always drop gear if I have too in case of emergency. I leave early in the morning near dawn and so far have managed to avoid a bear as I follow the tracks into the fog.... The power lines appear to just disappear into thin air before I can begin to make out the outline of the power pole. By the time I close the distance and reach the next pole, the mist suddenly disappears and then my Ahh haa moment hits me.... hard too.... 5 fryking wolves... the two in front almost immediately dialed onto me and it wasn't very long before three of those mofo's had their way with me. I would have taken a few more pics, but in my furious clicking whilst defending myself, I knocked over my beer and had to abort mission. wolves 1 survivor 0