I want to be "Revitalized"

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Up until the last year or so, I put an exorbitant amount of hours into TLD (2,000+) - more than an game in my 30+ years of gaming.  But something changed...maybe it was me, or the game, I can't pinpoint which.  My "play-curve" has gone down dramatically since then.  I don't have the same drive to play TLD I once had.  I'm really hoping that the trader and safehouse customization will rekindle my interest in (obviously) one of my favorite games eva (as my daughter would say).

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Have you had a good look round sundered pass already?  It's a great map,and quite different from the others...  Even the goating is a deceptively different experience 😊

Is it just tld though ,or other games too?

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My advice is "try something new". Maybe learn a new board game, like backgammon (you can play it online). Download an old video game you haven't played for years and forgot all about. Read a book.

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Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm staying entertained - I have a huge Steam library!  Currently, I'm trying out Tunguska & Ghost of Tsushima.  I pick up TLD now and then, but just can't get into like I once was, hence my OP.  Yes, @Leeanda, I've fully explored SP and completed the Tale.

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1 minute ago, hozz1235 said:

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm staying entertained - I have a huge Steam library!  Currently, I'm trying out Tunguska & Ghost of Tsushima.  I pick up TLD now and then, but just can't get into like I once was, hence my OP.  Yes, @Leeanda, I've fully explored SP and completed the Tale.

Maybe just need a bit of a break from it then..  if you've been playing since the beginning then you've already been there,done that several times over I imagine...        You can have too much of a good thing... apparently lol..

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I do think part 6 will add a lot more excitement to the game; the Trader and Safehouse customization should have lots of replay-ability. Features that can be used multiple times in a run. The tale and the regions were great for part 5, but once you play it once, the next time is less enjoyable. SP is a great region, but when its so far away and brutally dangerous, it's not a region you'll spend as much time in as lower Great Bear. Part 5 lacked a bit of replay-ability. 

The absence of the cougar definitely takes some of the excitement away. But I bet when it's back it'll revive part 5 as a whole. 


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On 7/24/2024 at 1:46 AM, hozz1235 said:

Up until the last year or so, I put an exorbitant amount of hours into TLD (2,000+) - more than an game in my 30+ years of gaming.  But something changed...maybe it was me, or the game, I can't pinpoint which.  My "play-curve" has gone down dramatically since then.  I don't have the same drive to play TLD I once had.  I'm really hoping that the trader and safehouse customization will rekindle my interest in (obviously) one of my favorite games eva (as my daughter would say).

I have exactly the same problem.  I have 6,000+ hours of playing TLD, and thought it the best game ever.  I have hesitated to say it, but I haven't particularly liked TFT.   My pet dislikes are all the hassles with acorns and searching around for those buried litle caches that usually contain little more than a few flares.  I like the exploring and putting up with the harsh conditions but complex baking is not so exciting.

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2 hours ago, peteloud said:

I have exactly the same problem.  I have 6,000+ hours of playing TLD, and thought it the best game ever.  I have hesitated to say it, but I haven't particularly liked TFT.   My pet dislikes are all the hassles with acorns and searching around for those buried litle caches that usually contain little more than a few flares.  I like the exploring and putting up with the harsh conditions but complex baking is not so exciting.

You always have the option to not use something if you don't like it,or need it...   I have tried acorns once out of curiosity,and done one but batch for cooking but aside from that I just ignore them..

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6 hours ago, peteloud said:

I have exactly the same problem.  I have 6,000+ hours of playing TLD, and thought it the best game ever.  I have hesitated to say it, but I haven't particularly liked TFT.   My pet dislikes are all the hassles with acorns and searching around for those buried litle caches that usually contain little more than a few flares.  I like the exploring and putting up with the harsh conditions but complex baking is not so exciting.

Ya know what I think killed my "play streak" was the last save game reset.  I had a save where I had done "everything" and it just didn't feel the same anymore after that character was gone.  As I said (and @Pencil), I am hoping Part 6 will reignite that spark.

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  • Hinterland

Not that I'd want to lose your voice in this community, @hozz1235, but after thousands of hours, it would be completely natural that you are just burnt out on the game. I don't know of many games that can hold someone's attention and be enjoyable for that long. Maybe it's time to take a longer break? If you step away for 6 months right now, when you come back everything will feel more fresh at the same time as the Cougar, Safehouse, Trader, etc. will have been added to the game, and maybe the cumulative impact of all that new stuff -- along with just, some distance from the game for a while -- will reinvigorate your love for it.

The brain is a pattern-recognizing machine and seeks out new and novel experiences. No game can provide an endless stream of new and novel experiences, not even TLD. Maybe create some new patterns for a while, new neural pathways, let these ones fade a bit, and come back. Your brain will be hungry for the game once again.

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10 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

Not that I'd want to lose your voice in this community, @hozz1235, but after thousands of hours, it would be completely natural that you are just burnt out on the game. I don't know of many games that can hold someone's attention and be enjoyable for that long. Maybe it's time to take a longer break? If you step away for 6 months right now, when you come back everything will feel more fresh at the same time as the Cougar, Safehouse, Trader, etc. will have been added to the game, and maybe the cumulative impact of all that new stuff -- along with just, some distance from the game for a while -- will reinvigorate your love for it.

The brain is a pattern-recognizing machine and seeks out new and novel experiences. No game can provide an endless stream of new and novel experiences, not even TLD. Maybe create some new patterns for a while, new neural pathways, let these ones fade a bit, and come back. Your brain will be hungry for the game once again.

Spot on.  That is what I'm doing.  Last time I touched it was Part 5.  Next time will likely be Part 6/WM.  I'm hoping it can hold my attention longer this time since I really do enjoy (obviously) the game.  It's also giving me an opportunity to catch up on some other great games that have been sitting in my Steam wishlist/library.

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