The spear will come out with the test - Extraction: part 3?

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I have an idea that the updated bear spear will be added to the survival mode with the release of the Prey Challenge - part 3. I would like to ask you what you think about this?

I would be glad to hear your opinion on this matter:)


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I would absolutely love the chance to grab the boar spear and go out bear hunting in a survival game. When I first started playing survival, that was one thing I was genuinely looking forward to, because I wanted to get better at actually doing that after those few little moments in Wintermute. I was a just little disappointed when I couldn't find the spearhead anywhere, but by then the game had me anyway, which more than made up for that small letdown.

To be honest, I would be kinda surprised if they actually added it to survival at this point, but your idea really does make sense. And it could even sorta explain why it hasn't been added before now - if there's any chance that the boar spear could be in play again for the last part of Hunted, bringing the spear to survival when that challenge drops would seem kinda natural. And Hinterland have certainly surprised us plenty of times before, so I might just be keeping my fingers crossed.  ^_^

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Yes, the bear spear would be nice to have in the game. It could be a good weapon to use against the Cougar when it is added to the DLC, for the Bear, and possibly for the Moose. A defensive weapon, not really good for hunting- it can't be thrown. If it is implemented like it was in Wintermute Episode 2, it can be planted and set when one of them is charging you or leaping at you. Mess up and plant it and set it in he wrong place or take too long to get it set- you get messed up just like you could using it incorrectly against the bear in Wintermute Episode 2. 

We know the crafting recipe for the spear tip at a forge exists, and the assets exist. We know the animations for using it against the Old Bear exist. But new animations would need to be created for use against every other critter it could be used against in Survival Mode. It would also need to be reworked to show gloves on hands and matching sleeves (matching what our character is wearing in Survival mode). Decay-on-use rates would need to be determined, crafting the spear in full (tip and shaft) would need to be added, etc. A good bit of work. 

Maybe in The Hunted Part 3? Maybe it could be one of the rare items the Trader will have in TFTFT Part 6 with a new Skill Book that levels up your accuracy and damage with the spear (but how would this work for folks who don't own the DLC?). It would be an awesome weapon against the Cougar, for sure, but I am not going to bet my last dollar that it comes with TFTFT Part 5, though it theoretically could be part of the update that HL is not tipping their hat on yet. I am not terribly hopeful, but I haven't given up all hope of seeing the bear spear added to he game.

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14 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

We know the crafting recipe for the spear tip at a forge exists, and the assets exist. We know the animations for using it against the Old Bear exist. But new animations would need to be created for use against every other critter it could be used against in Survival Mode. It would also need to be reworked to show gloves on hands and matching sleeves (matching what our character is wearing in Survival mode). Decay-on-use rates would need to be determined, crafting the spear in full (tip and shaft) would need to be added, etc. A good bit of work.

Aye, this is the main reason I can't really see it being added, much as I'd like to see it. It seems quite a lot of work for something that may have limited appeal to most players (tho I could be wrong about that). And honestly, I'm not terribly sure the spear would actually be all that much use for anything other than bears. I don't think I ever tried using it for a wolf in Wintermute - tho it wouldn't be too difficult to try that out - but it does seem a bit big & unwieldy for something quick and moderately sized like the cougar, and using it against a moose would still put you in very easy reach of those long legs. Unless you scored a critical, I guess you'd still be in for some busted ribs. I'd still love the option tho, even if it's only good for bear hunting.

And I hadn't even considered the recent addition of hand/arm coverings (likely because I probably hadn't even thought about the spear since long before Tales was even announced). Actually, that's a thing - were the accurate arm coverings only added to Survival, or are they in Wintermute too? Been ages since I played it, but it's entirely possible that this particular issue has already been addressed, and I just don't know about it because I haven't played Story mode in so long. I think that update just said that the new coverings had been added to the game, not just to Survival mode, which does seem promising.

Y'know, I might just have to pay Jeremiah a wee visit sometime this week, just to check a coupla things out.  ^_^

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For me, the Bear Spear is the only weapon I'd still like to see added to the Survival Sandbox (because Hinterland had spoken in the past of perhaps reworking it to be one day added to Survival).  

On 9/17/2020 at 10:04 AM, ManicManiac said:

I guess for survival mode I'd envision it working as a purely defensive weapon, only useful against a charging Bear (*Maybe/possibly a charging Moose).  The player would get roughed up in the struggle and take some damage (torn clothes/bruises/bleeding wounds/sprains - basically anything we might get from a standard wolf struggle).  Even though the struggle might be potentially longer and/or more difficult than the standard wolf struggle...  if the struggle was won, there would lay our impaled foe.  (I'm thinking about that scene from the movie "The Edge" as I write this)

So... while not a necessary addition, I think it could potentially be an interesting one.  :)
And, as I mentioned before... I only really give it consideration in the first place because Raph spoke in the past about it's possible inclusion in to Survival Mode.

On 12/5/2023 at 10:32 AM, ManicManiac said:

For me, those are the two reasons that I like it.
It means there is a real cost and risk if we wanted to use it (re: it's heavy and the struggle is "difficult").  I prefer the idea that it only gives us a chance to make a struggle with a bear "winnable" (even if we are still bloodied and clothes still torn and ripped in the process... at least we're not full-on mauled).




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Posted (edited)


There in the announcement notes for TFTFT pt.1:

On 12/13/2022 at 10:45 PM, Admin said:

Tool Variants. Vaughan’s Rifle, Barb’s Rifle, Curator’s Rifle, Woodwright’s Bow, Spelunker’s Lantern. Modifications of the base Tools, with custom stats and cosmetics.

 What you appeared to be highlighting from part one... we did already get.


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1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

What you appeared to be highlighting from part one... we did already get.

Yes, I highlighted what we've already gotten from the image on the left, leaving:  Knife and Hatchet.

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Posted (edited)

It's also worth noting that sometimes we may get some extra little surprises when an update drops.
Also, there is at least one more installment for TFTFT (beyond this coming one, I mean).

Up to this point, I don't think we've seen anything posted by Hinterland that anything they've discussed about TFTFT in the past as having been cut...
So, I think perhaps it might be a bit premature for speculation on whether or not we will get and additional variant of the hunting knife & hatchet.


Edited by ManicManiac
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Yes but I doubt anyone would like it lol...       I don't want it...  I agree it's probably going to be very difficult for the Devs ,and probably not much real use for us..

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7 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Yes but I doubt anyone would like it lol...       I don't want it...  I agree it's probably going to be very difficult for the Devs ,and probably not much real use for us..

I agree, it would not be a terribly versatile weapon in Survival Mode. It served a very specific job in Wintermute, and played a big role in that part of the story. It was incredibly heavy. Anyone who (like me) prefers to carry a bow and arrows because the rifle just weighs too much, will hate how much carry weight the spear takes up. But...

If it is an effective (or the most effective) weapon against the Cougar (bear spear- DLC locked?) when it launches itself through the air at your head and throat... it could be very useful in very specific situations. And again, it would be a non-firearm defensive weapon that would or should fit into the rules for Interloper players. It definitely would not be useful for hunting or defending against most animals in the game. Moose, Bear, Cougar. With how it worked in Wintermute Episode 2, I don't see how it would be effective against Wolves or Timberwolves- you can't plant and set it at the low angle either of them have when they attack- it has to be for something that is above you, not at ground level. It's not a throwing spear or a shorter, lighter-weight boar spear that might be useful against Fluffers.

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I think adding the spear would be pretty awesome, it's already part of the TLD world, and a defensive weapons against bears / cougars / moose would add a new dimension to "hunting" / confrontations with wildlife. 

Now, as to whether that's easy to implement, or likely to happen, I know not...

Re: variants, I absolutely love the ones that have come out so far and would be very very curious to see what we would get in terms of knives / hatchets, assuming that's still a plan (Jeremiah's knife seems like an obvious candidate)... and lastly, 100% agree with @ManicManiac that there always has been little things in the updates that hadn't been announced, and I'm really excited to find out what that's gonna be this time around 🙂

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16 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

So, I think perhaps it might be a bit premature for speculation on whether or not we will get and additional variant of the hunting knife & hatchet.


Isn't what we do a LOT on this forum is speculate?  Let's look at the recent dev diary.  Last time I checked, this was encouraged.

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Posted (edited)

I have no interest in getting into a protracted argument/debate.  However, I will take this one post to clarify:

I'm not really discouraging anything, just making a counter point. 

As I said before (you even quoted it)... I'm simply saying that it might be perhaps a bit premature to start implying negative suppositions especially when we don't really have any indication or evidence to support what you seemed to be implying.  I'm not saying you can't... :D ...I'm just expressing an opinion that apparently doesn't agree with yours.

It's fine if folks want to be doubtful and/or pessimistic... and it's perfectly fine for folks to express their fears and anxieties... but it's also perfectly fine for folks express the opposite opinion. :D 

As long as folks remain civil and respectful... we can discuss the whole range of opinions.
You seem to feel doubtful of getting more variants (specifically the knife and the hatchet)...  All I'm saying is that I think it's too early to know that with any certainty and encouraging patience.
If we don't agree... that's okay. :) 
Let's move on now.  I think this sidebar had gone on long enough.  Let's either get back to the topic of the thread, or take this sidebar to another topic appropriate thread.

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I don't intend to get into a protracted argument/debate either.  I didn't think it was necessary for you to say my speculation was premature - that is a form of discouragement.  I wasn't implying a negative supposition, simply pointing out other variants/tools we have not gotten yet (which I am looking forward to!).  You seem to have read into my post way more than it was intended.

I do agree this should move on.  You have said your piece, I've said mine :)

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