Do You Want The Trader? (poll)

Do You Want The Trader? (Poll)  

23 members have voted

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A lot of us don't care for the idea of a trader, especially if it's an actual NPC becuase it would ruin the loneliness of the game a little, but others want the trader desperately.  What's your opinion?

  Feel free to write more specific answers as a reply, or suggestions for another question.

(I already know that @ManicManiac doesn't want it 😁)

Edited by Third Try
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I'd prefer not.  I much rather the idea of having to manage carefully what I can find myself (or what washes up on the ice by happenstance).  I don't like the idea of a trading post... and I really don't like the idea of Human NPC's in my survival sandbox.

However, as I've mentioned before, I wouldn't want to take the trader away from anyone else who might really like the idea and very much want it to be part of their experience on Great Bear Island.

If it was an option that could be toggled, then for me that would be ideal (as I could just turn it off)...  but if not, it's something I would just likely avoid (and pretend isn't there).


Edited by ManicManiac
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1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:


That's a fair point, and I agree... I too of course would want to give it a chance and see how it actually feels/impacts the gameplay.


At the moment I'm on day 600+ and I'm nearly out of fire strikers and low on stump remover etc to make ammo so they would be welcome . Even more so as I still have at least 400 days to go and hopefully both forsaken and the next new map to explore.. I want to go to both with enough gear . 

There's also not much new to do at the moment.. 


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1 minute ago, Third Try said:

Good heck!  600 days? 

@Leeanda, tsk tsk, you're playing on a much too easy of a difficulty! (lol, jk jk, you do what you want😁)  My record is 70 something (maybe 80)

I like the pilgrim loot 😁.    I have played stalker for 160+ until I died because I teased a wolf,got mauled then got lost in a blizzard..and forgot I had a stim lol..   I did recently do a loper run but hated the need water and fire every five minutes grind so I got eaten by a wolf on purpose after 3 weeks😅

My longest run was over 750 days but lost it to a failed to save bug so I wanted to try again to get to 1000...

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My first run over 30 days was lost to a save magically disapearing ☹️  #Compassion  (It was a cool custom setting -- pilgrim, timberwolf mountain, except wolf population really high and absolutely no wolf fear.  If they saw you they would attack unless you could kill them.  No wolf fear is scary...)

I get the dislike of the constant needs of interloper, like water, but you need fire, so you need matches and fuel, and to get a hatchet... We all know how it goes 😁

It was literally a couple months ago when I realized I could use stims to heal 😂but once I learned that I gave those very high priority.  Always have one on me, and use it in any tight spot (although, the exaustion afterward has proven to be more than annoying a few times)

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3 minutes ago, Third Try said:

My first run over 30 days was lost to a save magically disapearing ☹️  #Compassion  (It was a cool custom setting -- pilgrim, timberwolf mountain, except wolf population really high and absolutely no wolf fear.  If they saw you they would attack unless you could kill them.  No wolf fear is scary...)

I get the dislike of the constant needs of interloper, like water, but you need fire, so you need matches and fuel, and to get a hatchet... We all know how it goes 😁

It was literally a couple months ago when I realized I could use stims to heal 😂but once I learned that I gave those very high priority.  Always have one on me, and use it in any tight spot (although, the exaustion afterward has proven to be more than annoying a few times)

I have both on max and no fear but still passive..I do get the very rare one growling but no attacks.. 

Honestly on loper I chose to just freeze most of the time lol... Pilgrim I hardly ever make fires and if I do it's for bulk cooking and water ..  all my bases usually have a few gallons and some meat but my main base looks like a slaughterhouse 😅

Stims have their uses but yes the after bit is very annoying sometimes.. I only really use them for climbing if I'm not near somewhere safe to sleep first and I'm low fatigue.. I never once thought of using them on stalker or loper lol... 

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  • 1 month later...


On 11/9/2023 at 2:15 PM, Third Try said:

A lot of us don't care for the idea of a trader, especially if it's an actual NPC becuase it would ruin the loneliness of the game a little, but others want the trader desperately.  What's your opinion?

  Feel free to write more specific answers as a reply, or suggestions for another question.

(I already know that @ManicManiac doesn't want it 😁)

I feel like a broken record sometimes but I will reiterate nevertheless, we have so much agency over how our individual runs go from the custom settings to how we actually play the run, often I end up bringing this up against complaints that “there’s too much stuff” or “this or that item makes things easier” but it still holds up, if you don’t like  a mechanic you can usually turn it off if you can’t you can literally just not engage with it but why go out of the way to complain about something that hasn’t even been implemented yet, i think it will be a nice addition and it’s not something that they just decided on recently it’s been planned since literally day 1, on the side they have basic consumables like recipe stuff it will be nice for the long players that aren’t going for a loper run and on the chance they bring new skill lines or unique items like flint and flintknapping even better, I hope they are random and that we find them by either the radio or by stumbling across their travios trail or infinite fire while they are in region and not have them be just stationary and in the mountain pass permanently or something like that 

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2 hours ago, diggity said:

Because the OP asked our opinions that's why - why go out of your way to complain about something that you can just not read?

Because it’s frustrating to see threads  complaining about things that haven’t happened or shitting on the planned content in general, yea op is “just asking a question” but the question is “I know a lot of folks don’t want it how about you” like damn people, have a little gratitude weve only had to spend  60$ ish in total on this game in 10 years and they’re pouring their hearts into tales crushing off a ton of items from the original road map and the entire time it’s  folks whining that “this isn’t what the game is supposed to be” like it’s one thing to gripe about bugs or the hassles with existing saves every update but it’s another to just out and out complain to complain like the most recently the travios they said in no uncertain terms don’t take it on steep slopes and narrow areas day after it drops and boom a hundred complaints that you can’t take it everywhere like 176lb backpack, complaints you can’t repair the Chem boots or flask complaints out the ass about the new region y’all are the reason we won’t be getting any more dlc hinterland goes above and beyond for us for this kind of reaction?

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13 hours ago, Enigmaecho said:

Because it’s frustrating to see threads  complaining about things that haven’t happened or shitting on the planned content in general, yea op is “just asking a question” but the question is “I know a lot of folks don’t want it how about you” like damn people, have a little gratitude weve only had to spend  60$ ish in total on this game in 10 years and they’re pouring their hearts into tales crushing off a ton of items from the original road map and the entire time it’s  folks whining that “this isn’t what the game is supposed to be” like it’s one thing to gripe about bugs or the hassles with existing saves every update but it’s another to just out and out complain to complain like the most recently the travios they said in no uncertain terms don’t take it on steep slopes and narrow areas day after it drops and boom a hundred complaints that you can’t take it everywhere like 176lb backpack, complaints you can’t repair the Chem boots or flask complaints out the ass about the new region y’all are the reason we won’t be getting any more dlc hinterland goes above and beyond for us for this kind of reaction?

Yup, the complaining about things that are fully justifiable choices Hinterland have made are very wearing in this otherwise joyful and positive community. Complaining about things that we don't even know what they are yet (scurvy, the trader) is not only wearing but also makes no sense to me at all. I don't have an opinion on the 'trader' because I don't know what it is, and nor does anyone else. We have just been told one word, that is literally all. There is simply nothing to complain about.

I'm not ragging on the OP here, though, the question was posed as speculative, and speculation is understandable and can be fun.

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19 minutes ago, diggity said:

That is way, way over the top.  No one is "whining" or "complaining" or "sh*tting" on anything here, on this thread.   Why exaggerate?   A question was asked and some say yay, others nay, no thanks.  That's it, the end.  What they should really worry about is indifference, that means people have stopped caring. 

I agree that this thread isn't an example of the kind of complaining that bothers me. I also understand why @Enigmaecho said what they said here. The frustraation is cumulative, and there's been so much lately, my compassion for it is wearing thin. And while the comments in this topic have been of a more speculative and less pre-emptively complaining nature, it is a topic that I would worry invites that (the title more than the actual question). So I get it.

I wouldn't mistake not yet having an opinion for indifference: I'm not indifferent at all, I'm very excited, and I can't wait to find out how it works and whether it is something that I'll want to engage with.

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29 minutes ago, diggity said:

That is way, way over the top.  No one is "whining" or "complaining" or "sh*tting" on anything here, on this thread.   Why exaggerate?   A question was asked and some say yay, others nay, no thanks.  That's it, the end.  What they should really worry about is indifference, that means people have stopped caring. 

I guess we see it differently, polls are used to gauge things and based on ops own words they believe “a lot of folks don’t want it” it’s not hard to conclude op wanted big numbers in the nah/only with xyz restrictions to then tag Hl and be like “SEE ITS A BAD IDEAAAAA DONT DO IT” beyond that what purpose does the poll serve, what is the point of speculating on the negatives when again it’s just as easy to have self control and not engage with a mechanic then to complain it shouldn’t exist because you don’t like the idea of  it. “This isn’t survival” or “this isn’t what the game is supposed to be” are the most frustrating complaints because if you’d been around since the beginning you’d know that actually yes all this and more WAS in fact planned from founding. Idk when someone tells me they are really proud and excited to work on something cool for me I don’t think oh this part or that part sucks you shouldn’t do it at all or change it now, I think wow I can’t wait to see what you’re working on and if I don’t like it for personal reason and not over technical or bug issues I will keep that criticism constructive, and xanna is right this frustration isn’t at any one person just this constant line of comments complaining about the dlc and design choices that are all over threads 

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38 minutes ago, diggity said:

For me the positives of the game still outweigh the negatives.  I play it, I like it. When that balance changes I'll stop - why play something you no longer enjoy?  And I think a trader would not be on the positive side, it deviates too much from the solo aesthetic and the general ethos of survival which, above all else is alone.   But I'm willing to be proved wrong.  If they want to introduce it in a separate multiplayer mode or in story mode though, who knows, that could be interesting since then total solitude is obviously off the table, although I don't play story mode. But for Survival, I vote no.

This basically just comes back to what I was saying of complaining just to complain, you enjoy the game you will likely continue to enjoy the game but then you make false biased assumptions of what the game should be and come here just to gripe?

this is the original roadmap there are 3 separate mentions of NPC things in the sandbox, npcs, survivor persona characters, and freakin full on ai communities 

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There's no point getting upset and arguing with each other... I'm sure htl know what they're doing,they haven't failed us yet and I doubt they ever will..

I get people are fed up with others moaning or nit picking but this isnt going to help anyone.. why argue over something that's not even out yet.. after it's here then is the time to have your say, preferably in a good constructive way..

It is only  a game,no offence hinterland,it's an awesome one, but at the end of the day it's not a major problem.. there are much worse things in the world believe me.


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I definitely want the trader in survival mode because it makes sense to me. While there has been no living being in the game yet which created the solitary atmosphere, the game was never supposed to be a solitary experience from the beginning. The world building clearly wasn't meant to be "just me" as Wintermute shows. Besides, I don't think the Trader will knock on your door every morning, say hi and give you stuff. Pretty sure it will be a seek out feature so if folks don't like it they can ignore it and pretend they are alone. Simple as that really.

About the implementation: Everything is speculative at this point. We might see him in person like Methuselah in Wintermute, we might just use the handheld shortwave for communication, or literally anything else. So no point complaining about that.

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20 minutes ago, diggity said:

No problem with you stating what you want,  but on that quote - do you have a source?  That seems dubious to me.

On the contrary the official site says this:

"There are no zombies — only you, the cold, and all the threats Mother Nature can muster"

Yes the original roadmap from hinterland from 10 years ago like I said yesterday, hope this clears things up for youBE70DF3A-1B3A-4010-8B61-C4EA8538F48F.thumb.png.f4682317718ae33e67ccb08da81ee708.png8E94429C-4A63-4386-BB3E-6C27EB2F8800.thumb.jpeg.ce800f0d67dc0bfb91466d2e756051c4.jpeg61BEA182-667C-4C10-B0FE-088704CBF5F4.thumb.jpeg.7c632287a137d9b18257cbaf87202e4f.jpeg3650A127-F191-4F8C-B67B-E38EB9D3F659.thumb.jpeg.c38515b0ef6c72965d104fa28050cfc4.jpeg

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Just now, diggity said:

And like you said yesterday, that source was from 2016, almost 8 years ago.  And those projections seem way off.  Horse? Canoe?
Where's the recent mentions of those?  Looks like you need a recent source.  Hope that clears things up for you.

I don’t need a recent source this is the design plan that they laid out subject to change as all dev roadmaps are however it is blatantly obvious this document still holds meaning and purpose to them as over the years they have continued to release items from this roadmap in tales alone so far and planned and released there’s, long distance travel, improved first persons, safehouse customization, improved fishing and cougar going through the entire list you can pin numerous things throughout the years of development to the year and update they came out,  just because you do not like what that facts are doesn’t mean they are wrong 

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