New Animals


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I'd actually love to see the inclusion of squirrels or even foxes. The squirrels could definitely be a source of food or a substitute for rabbits. Not as warm or durable though. Foxes could be another predator and their hide made into another kind of bedroll.

I'm genuinely surprised that at least squirrels aren't a part of this game.

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6 hours ago, mizel103 said:

If they add squirrels, they should also add one of those cute hats with a squirrel tail for you to craft with them

How about taxidermy? I've never dabbled in the world of mods for TLD but I'd bet there's a mod for that lol. If not they should add it in game to spice up a base.

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  • 2 months later...

Beavers, beavers have those nice fat tails you could cook down for cooking oil**. and their fur is water proofed and double layered for extra warmth, great for hoods and gloves, or coat linings.

Squirrels could have stashes of acorns as well, so you get the squirrel meat, fur, and a chance of getting some acorns by checking around the area you killed the squirrel for the possible stash. 

Raccoons and Foxes could be a new element: Thieves that get at any unattended food you leave laying around outside. They might steal dead animals from traps, destroying the trap in the process.  

** On a side note, getting fat from bear, deer, moose to make into cooking oil should be a thing. animal fat can be used for lamp oil, or making candles and soap*. Tallow can even be used for medical ointments and creams, meaning you could finally treat burns and abrasions with salve.  

*Soap is made from tallow and ash, (usually from ash trees for its antiseptic properties. You could carry one light weight multi-use cake of soap as apposed to the big heavy bottles of antiseptic, and unlike the moss bandages, or burdock tea, which are finite, tallow and ashes are renewable. 

Edited by Nikikeya
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On 11/21/2023 at 3:26 PM, Nikikeya said:

Beavers, beavers have those nice fat tails you could cook down for cooking oil**. and their fur is water proofed and double layered for extra warmth, great for hoods and gloves, or coat linings.

Squirrels could have stashes of acorns as well, so you get the squirrel meat, fur, and a chance of getting some acorns by checking around the area you killed the squirrel for the possible stash. 

Raccoons and Foxes could be a new element: Thieves that get at any unattended food you leave laying around outside. They might steal dead animals from traps, destroying the trap in the process.  

** On a side note, getting fat from bear, deer, moose to make into cooking oil should be a thing. animal fat can be used for lamp oil, or making candles and soap*. Tallow can even be used for medical ointments and creams, meaning you could finally treat burns and abrasions with salve.  

*Soap is made from tallow and ash, (usually from ash trees for its antiseptic properties. You could carry one light weight multi-use cake of soap as apposed to the big heavy bottles of antiseptic, and unlike the moss bandages, or burdock tea, which are finite, tallow and ashes are renewable. 

I like where your head is at, this is great stuff!! You should submit this to Hinterland.

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I’d like to see skunks and porcupines.

 Skunk musk would be a great bear and wolf deterrent, but would give a headache/vision problems in return.  

Porcupines would be good for meat and an added clothing extra for protection.  Similar to the body armor from the prison.  The balance would be that it only fits in the extra clothing section, forcing a choice between the rifle holster, crampons, etc.  

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On 11/23/2023 at 2:57 AM, James Hickok said:

Oh yes new animals ! That would be sooo cool but we want soooo much from Hinterland and they cant deliver all of our great ideas...unfortunatelly. 

Foxes - food and new clothing / passive animal

Badger - food and new clothing / agressive animal

And now correct me if im wrong but i can hear possom sounds in the evening in game for years now.... but other than some food i wouldnt see a purpouse for that animal to be in game. 

and final one - Seal ! Food, oil/fat, new clothing / passive animal hard to hunt (skiddish) / Only in coastal areas on the ice near the water line. 


We’ve also been hearing loons in the evening, another huntable bird with high fat content.  

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