Environment Improvements: Cave exploration


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There are essentially 3 types of caves in TLD. Normal grey stone caves, coal mine caves, and blue ice caves (this does not count for the dlc). normal and coal caves generally look the same with some subtle differences while ice caves stand out with its own appearances. This isn't really a problem, what I'm considering is that all these caves function the same. You navigate corridors and stumble onto something when you get sidetracked. They mostly just act as transition areas between different regions. But what if they were more interesting, what if there was more too these caves that help them stand out from one another as interesting places to discover.

1 idea for normal caves is to add some different rock variants. Stuff like diorite, or basalt, or even mudstone. This would make caves look more realistic, like your actually exploring the inside of a mountain.

For coal mines, I always wondered where all the mining equipment went? Where's the drills, or pickaxes, or actual clothing that a miner would wear. Its almost as if these caves were abandoned for 100s of years. Would be cool if these caves had functionality, like what if you can wear a miners hat which gives high defense, but has terrible warmth stats. Or maybe there's a large coal deposit that can be harvested. Maybe there are lanterns/torches on the walls that can be ignited with a lit torch or flare.

Even though the climate is freezing, it would be interesting to see water droplets come from the ceiling in ice caves. Just a small detail that hints that ice caves are dangerous when the climate gets warmer. Maybe you can place a can/pot below a drip, wait long enough to collect potable water.


Edited by Cyclone35
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I agree. This is another area of the game that offers an opportunity for growth. Adding a pickaxe with different minerals and mineral veins could be great. One of the new areas for the Far Territory DLC is supposed to be a mine so maybe they have some of this planned already. New minerals can be used to create stone tools, stone arrowheads, improvised whetstones, improvised fire strikers, etc. Plus, a miner's helmet with a built-in light would be cool too. 

Maybe they can also introduce an underground cave system that acts like a connector between certain regions.

Adding dynamite to the game could maybe clear a path to a new transition zone/region in between Blackrock and Milton. 

Maybe the underground cave system, certain caves, and shortcuts can't be used/explored until dynamite is gathered and then used to clear rubble. (Something only available mid to late game.) 

Signal Void also makes it sound like there can be underground facilities with experiments going on throughout the island. 



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I wouldn't think there would be a huge variance in caves within a localized area (geologically speaking, I mean). 🤔
Sure, perhaps more variety is neat... but in the case of the caves, I don't see that it's really all that necessary.

I'd say the caves themselves are fairly unique... I mean it's not like all the caves are the same in terms of layout and features.  You know, not just the same transitions copied and pasted over and over. 

Granted, the shallow caves are more same-y... but those are more or less just "shallow" recesses, so I don't really see that as an issue either.  


Edited by ManicManiac
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On 6/16/2023 at 8:18 AM, hozz1235 said:

HL has been adding some diversity - look at Blackrock mine as well as Cinder Hills.

As @Leeanda says, I've been asking for YEARS to be able to hacksaw through those and explore the deeper portions of the mines.

There's nothing wrong with the new caves that have been added. I'm just saying that there are caves in the game that have been left untouched (since wintermute Chapter 3). It would be nice if some of those old cave designs got some improvements, similar to how they updated pepper caches.

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