What are the best feats to pick for an interloper run? And any other tips for new interloper runs.


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You can pick 2 feats for an interloper run, and since the new update hits tomorrow, I won’t be able to play on my old voyager save, (160 days in rip and on Xbox) so I’m going to start a new interloper run. Do you guys have any recommendations about my new run and the feats I should pick?

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From what I've heard about forsaken I'd advise staying on voyager!😁

But seriously though cold fusion is one I'd recommend.    And if you've not played loper before you might die a lot!!  But I hope you don't .good luck👍🙂 

And welcome to the forum🙂

Edited by Leeanda
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Thanks for the luck, I have played interloper before and died a bunch but finally got a good run (48 days so far) where I forged tools and made a bow, and then traveled to coastal highway. I will be starting a new interloper run so I can try to get to 500 days (hard but I’ll eventually get there I hope), and force myself to not end up living in the Quonset garage like I normally do lol. I’m fairly new to interloper otherwise so that’s why I was asking for tips since people like you Leeanda have definitely played more than I have. ( I Also haven’t played this save in a year so I imagine I’d be a bit rusty coming back ).


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5 minutes ago, SuperStriker16 said:

Thanks for the luck, I have played interloper before and died a bunch but finally got a good run (48 days so far) where I forged tools and made a bow, and then traveled to coastal highway. I will be starting a new interloper run so I can try to get to 500 days (hard but I’ll eventually get there I hope), and force myself to not end up living in the Quonset garage like I normally do lol. I’m fairly new to interloper otherwise so that’s why I was asking for tips since people like you Leeanda have definitely played more than I have. ( I Also haven’t played this save in a year so I imagine I’d be a bit rusty coming back ).


I like your save run names!😁.    To be honest I haven't played loper ,stalker from pilgrim was a challenge but I did survive much  longer than I thought I would. I do watch a lot of loper runs on ytube though and nearly all use cold fusion.   

@Zaknafein has some good tips on his videos  and there are plenty of lopers on here if you get stuck.  You'll get back into it quickly enough .🙂 


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29 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Lol😁.   And the Help me?😂

That is because when i was starting out, i had no clue what i was doing, and it showed initially, like when i jumped off a cliff after not being able to climb down a rope due to having no brain and not dropping the 50 books i carried 'just in case' and also starving my poor character because i always used to sleep 12 hours no matter what. and a bunch of other rookie mistakes i made back at the beginning of that save, though i'm still alive somehow after about a million close calls for 160 days. 🤣

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4 minutes ago, SuperStriker16 said:


That is because when i was starting out, i had no clue what i was doing, and it showed initially, like when i jumped off a cliff after not being able to climb down a rope due to having no brain and not dropping the 50 books i carried 'just in case' and also starving my poor character because i always used to sleep 12 hours no matter what. and a bunch of other rookie mistakes i made back at the beginning of that save, though i'm still alive somehow after about a million close calls for 160 days. 🤣


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I use Cold Fusion because it is a no-brainer. The second feat is Blizzard Walker because while being extremely situational, being able to walk faster against the wind is the only situation where I can see myself getting a good benefit worth a slot (cause it might save my life). Usually, I would have used Efficient Machine as my second feat but I have way too much food all the time anyway. Out of all, I would definitely never choose Fire Master tho because you can get a Mag Lens and thus Level 3 Firemaster in a day.

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Cold fusion is mandatory, there is not a single reason to not pick this great feat! 

Despiting what most players will advise, it is NOT advisable to pick the campfire feat. Yes, nv3 firestarting can help early but leveling firestarting it's incredible easy and fast. Also you can use Books to start fires early game for the extra %.

You should always pick an usefull feat for every scenario, picking niche feats like blizzard walker or book devourer isn't very advisable. With this in mind, the best overall feat it's efficient machine!

If you find yourself sprinting a lot, the feats related to it can be an alternative choice for efficient machine. This enchances sprinting in all game stages 😉

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2 hours ago, SuperStriker16 said:

What about Expert Trapper? I heard you can basically live off of the passive income of your snares, but i've never used it in a run.

Very niche, can be worth picking if you live in a base with a lot of rabbit dens nearby, like trapper cabin. It is worth to note that snares can't produce an infinite spawn of rabbits, on harder settings with longer animal respawns, you are gonna experience most of the days without trapping anything even if you have 50 snares. The feat just makes the task more efficient, but does not offer an endless food source.

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I'll say right up front that I do love that we have feats that we can earn... (I'm admittedly an avid "Merit Badge" collector)

However, what I love most about the game is the struggle, so as a long-standing personal rule I don't use them.
The way I see it, if I'm already going to for a more harsh experience on Great Bear Island (by going Stalker or Interloper), the last thing I want is to make life easier for my survivor. :D 

I find that long-term survival on the extremes of Interloper (even while forsaking the forges) is still very doable with no feats at all.
If you're looking to add a little extra flavor to your next run, consider going "featless." 


Edited by ManicManiac
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Thanks for the responses, I think i'll go with Efficient machine and Cold Fusion due to the minor but permanent buffs to cold resistance and reduced food consumption. Yes ManicManiac, i saw your post but I think surviving 500 days on interloper is hard enough already for someone like me.

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Cold Fusion doesn't seem like much, but the difference is huge. Early on many interiors are just a degree to cold to be warm. CF pushes you over that. There is also a large difference between the temperature arrow levels (e.g. 2 vs 1 arrow down). CF can buy you much more outside time before freezing. Earlier on you may even be barely warm in one of the warmer regions like ML.

For the second one I take Snow Walker. Efficient Machine isn't that important. There is plenty of food and consumption is pretty low as it is if you aren't eating all the time.

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30 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

If you're happy to do it and have the time then yes. I'll be happy to read it🙂


21 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

Either choice is good.  I thin there are a fare number of folks who enjoy reading along and engaging with the adventures (or misadventure) that people have shared. 

I didn’t think anyone would care if I did keep it posted, but I could post clips and screenshots for you guys from the interesting (or terrible) things that happen during the run.😅  Thank you all for welcoming me to the Hinterland Forums as nice as you all are😁.

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1 minute ago, SuperStriker16 said:


I didn’t think anyone would care if I did keep it posted, but I could post clips and screenshots for you guys from the interesting (or terrible) things that happen during the run.😅  Thank you all for welcoming me to the Hinterland Forums as nice as you all are😁.

It's not the long dark if terrible things don't happen😁.    

The forum is a great place and full of nice friendly people.

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I go with cold fusion and the calorie consuming one (I forget what it's called lol). I had a good Interloper run die to starvation and I started choosing it ever since. Hunger also seems to be an issue for a lot of my runs. 

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4 hours ago, SuperStriker16 said:

Do you guys think I should keep the forum posted about my 500 day interloper survival challenge? I could create a dedicated post on survival mode for that. @Leeanda@ManicManiac@Serenity@Glacia @conanjaguar @Laika Ivanova

Feel free to do so if you wish! Everyone enjoys a good story 🙂.

Edited by conanjaguar
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