Could we get a hole for fishing on Monolith Lake? - not a hut, just a hole in the ice


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HRV is my favourite zone in the game. It has no man built structures, and you feel disconnected from the rest of the world. My favourite place in the zone is the area around Monolith Lake. 

The only thing I wish we had access to here was fishing. I would not want a hut, as that would break the theme with no human built structures, but could we have a fishing hole? I don't know if it is technically feasible, but it would fit with the harvesting from nature theme. With no hut or oven it would not be overpowered.

Ideally, in the future it would be nice if we could hack a hole in the ice. Fishing could perhaps need an overhaul in general.

Thank you for a fantastic game!

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I agree with the idea of having the occasional hole in the ice for fishing purposes. However, just being able to hack a hole anywhere would likely unbalance the game, not even mentioning how much work Hinterland would need to put in to make that possible.

However, perhaps we could only chop holes in thin ice? It would seem reasonable, and not so much work for Hinterland.

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8 minutes ago, conanjaguar said:


I agree with the idea of having the occasional hole in the ice for fishing purposes. However, just being able to hack a hole anywhere would likely unbalance the game, not even mentioning how much work Hinterland would need to put in to make that possible.

However, perhaps we could only chop holes in thin ice? It would seem reasonable, and not so much work for Hinterland.

Aye, perhaps making a hole wherever you like would be unbalancing. 

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I don't think such a hole would be unbalancing. On the higher difficulties you'll get cold rapidly, and on easier difficulty a change in the weather would rapidly force you to abort your fishing. 

My main argument is immersion. It seems odd to be on a lake without being able to fish.

Edited by Jotunheim
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8 minutes ago, Jotunheim said:

I don't think such a hole would be unbalancing. On the higher difficulties you'll get cold rapidly, and on easier difficulty a change in the weather would rapidly force you to abort your fishing. 

My main argument is immersion. It seems odd to be on a lake without being able to fish.

I have to agree.  I do also wonder occasionally why  we can't fish from the shoreline. 

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Yeah, I have long been annoyed that you can't hack a hole in the ice anywhere. It also doesn't mean there would be fish everywhere, either. Could be that the locals already have huts at all the good spots; everywhere else gives you next to nothing/too many snags.


Should be able to pull water from any open hole, too. With a greater risk of dysentery, for balance.

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The more I think of it, I think simple fishing holes would make fishing more accessible, without making it unbalancing. The weather would act as a check to the ability to fish. At the same time, it would give you more to do when you are in remote places like Lake Monolith.

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The biggest problem facing more general fishing is the structural problem of no landscape chances.  You cannot just dig a hole or cut a hole in the ice anywhere you want to.

Now the devs could possibly work around that by creating, much like the snow shelter, a specific feature "a hole in the ice" (the player expends enough time and tool condition to make it),  to provide access to the water underneath and the hole would eventually freeze over (unless maintained) and disappear.  There is nothing that requires that any particular "hole in the ice" would be viable as far as fishing goes -  just like putting a snare down on the snow any old place does not mean it will catch a rabbit no matter how long it was in place -  but at least one could make the attempt.  An enhancement to fishing skill, or fishing knowledge, might help in that regard. 

Certain parameters would probably be implicit.  The character walking or running over the "hole in the ice" will get his feet/boots soaking wet and/or suffer the possibility of an ankle sprain.  A bear or wolf or moose or deer running over the "hole in the ice" would be unaffected (to forestall attempts to make a barrier or trap out of the 'hole in the ice' mechanic).  You know people will try it and complain about it not being a barrier so maybe better to say it is not going to be possible. 

Blackrock Mountain (and Keeper's Pass) is one of the first regions that has open water, albeit often fast moving rivers, but the possibility of just throwing a fishing tackle hook into the open water might be worthwhile for a first step.  

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Don't know how technically feasible it would be, but I would like to see ice fishing drills be added and you can drill ice fishing holes anywhere above frozen water.

The downside to it could be a chance that you may drill in a poor spot with little to no fish, and with the lack of a hut, there's no shelter from hostile wildlife and poor weather.

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yeah, never gonna happen...
I've been asking for a fishing hole in HRV ever since they added the region to the game way back when.  
It just makes sense that you should be able to chop a hole in the ice using an axe, but then again not many things in this game are based on common sense.
Maybe when TLD 2 comes out, then some of the obvious things the community has been asking for will finally be incorporated into the game.


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1 hour ago, Stinky socks said:

...there are so many things I wish they changed.🙄😞🙃

maybe we'll get lucky and some modder will create a fishing hole mod for those areas that don't have fishing holes.  Like when I'm in Ash Canyon and staying at the Angler's Retreat, I'd really expect to find a fishing hole nearby, not have to travel halfway across the map to find the one and only busted up fishing shack...
well at least they left it with a working stove...

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Grabbing from all those comments…. Make the interface like placing a snow hut, it would require finding the correctly “coded” spot that would accept an ice fishing hole.  

Perhaps limiting it to rivers where there is always flowing water and the ice won’t be as thick as the lakes? I mean, you know the coho salmon are moving up the river by the hermit cabin in CH…

Code the areas at the inlet and exit point of river/lake transitions to cut down on the required amount of areas to be programmed. 
That would still open up a lot more fishing opportunities in each zone. 

Add a hand drill as a random object to be found in fishing huts.  Would require machining from time to time for condition loss.  

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37 minutes ago, Semple Fi said:

Grabbing from all those comments…. Make the interface like placing a snow hut, it would require finding the correctly “coded” spot that would accept an ice fishing hole.  

Perhaps limiting it to rivers where there is always flowing water and the ice won’t be as thick as the lakes? I mean, you know the coho salmon are moving up the river by the hermit cabin in CH…

Code the areas at the inlet and exit point of river/lake transitions to cut down on the required amount of areas to be programmed. 
That would still open up a lot more fishing opportunities in each zone. 

Add a hand drill as a random object to be found in fishing huts.  Would require machining from time to time for condition loss.  

that is very good idea!  although I'm kinda on the fence about having spots "coded" per say, but, i get the point that by making coding easier we're probably more likely to get a mod made sooner than later.  As for the ice drill, I'd rather see that as a craftable object or better yet just using the hatchet and/or the crowbar and the player just chops a hole in the ice since we are already doing that anyway.

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On 8/28/2022 at 8:54 AM, APixelatedLemon said:

Don't know how technically feasible it would be, but I would like to see ice fishing drills be added and you can drill ice fishing holes anywhere above frozen water.

The downside to it could be a chance that you may drill in a poor spot with little to no fish, and with the lack of a hut, there's no shelter from hostile wildlife and poor weather.

Once a decision is made to implement the rest become details. 

For instance, my "hole in the ice" suggestion could include either use a hatchet to chop a [small] hole or a [to be introduced] hand auger to drill a hole and thereby generate the penetration through the ice.  In the implementation, the new tool "hand auger" would be something found or crafted, would weigh a given amount (say no heavier than the rifle [I have no experience with them]) and must be carried to the place where the "hole in the ice" is to be placed. 

All these details - a lot of backroom work - would have to be settled by the devs before the implementation could go live.  They could even decide that creating a "hole in the ice" does not confer any expectation that fish can be gotten from it.  But it could be done.  

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7 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

They could even decide that creating a "hole in the ice" does not confer any expectation that fish can be gotten from it.  

and wouldn't that just be a subtle slap in the face?  We finally get a fishing hole update complete with craftable tools.  All the players rejoice and everyone sets out to gather materials and craft their ice auger.  Only to later realize, none of the holes they've drilled all over the map yield any fish...

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2 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

and wouldn't that just be a subtle slap in the face?  We finally get a fishing hole update complete with craftable tools.  All the players rejoice and everyone sets out to gather materials and craft their ice auger.  Only to later realize, none of the holes they've drilled all over the map yield any fish...

And if You drilled Your hole just at the camp office shore, it would be rightfully so...

I would love the option to fish anywhere but I can imagine, that the balanced introduction will be somewhat difficult. Maybe it should be an option for custom games or below interloper only.

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