PV Community Center - Not just for Bingo anymore


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Last time the old community center was used the were calling Bingo on Thursday nights.
With a new local administer, the ole community center is now a Search and Rescue Center
which also sponsors various backwoods survival training courses.  
Let's go inside and check it out!


In the foyer there's a small cache of supplies typically necessary for rescue mission.  Here you can find an assortment of tools, fuel, lighting systems 
and first aid kits.  



Looks like the administrator is in his new office.  
It appears they are settling in well.  We'll leave him be for now as it looks he is busy...


Peeking thru the door, looks like the hall is full tonight.  
I wonder what they have going on tonight?


Welcome, come on in!  Looks like there are still  a couple of empty seats for tonights training session.


The training topic tonight is on: "Rabit snaring made easy!"
I see they have laid out all the supplies for the training session.


I see the guest lecturer tonight is Fleece Cowl Man from the Three Strikes Farm!  
He is the areas foremost expert on snaring and trapping.  He supposedly makes all his
own clothing from animal hides and pelts.  Rumor has it he doesn't wear any underwear...


From the looks of the attendees, Fleece Cowl Man is a pretty boring speaker.  Everyone appears to be leaning back in their seats with their arms folded.
Either they are really bored or it's bloody cold in the hall.  I guess the fire just isn't enough to heat the entire room?


blah blah blah...  Snare...  blah blah blah,  best deployed in groups...  blah blah blah
make one out of...  blah blah blah  contest...  blah blah blah
winner gets a skill book... blah blah blah


ohhhh, I could use a couple of these!
I haven't read the latest edition of "Guns, Guns, Guns!"  Have you?


What's up with all these rabbits?  I guess they might be part of the program?  I suppose if you're gonna snare a hare, you probably should
know the fastest way or ways to butcher it.  I hope we get to eat this later!


Looks like the administrator has some soups and teas cooking.  
I'm hoping they have some cream for the coffee.  Been so long since I had cream in my coffee...


Kitchen is looking a lot cleaner since the new administrator started.  Looks like he took down the old wooden blinds.
Lots more light in kitchen without those big bulky blinds.  


Wow, I can't believe it.  Toilet Paper!  
Thanks, Administrator!  Your the best!


Playing with mods really opens up the sandbox as far as survival mode goes.
I've featured a number mods in this creation, which without them this fantasy would not have been possible.

I hope you enjoyed my little vision of remaking the community hall.  
If you have enjoyed what you've seen or would like to know which mods have been used, please comment below.
Thanks again for playing!

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Glad to see you've taken up the idea for renovating the community hall! 

What mod did you use for making the clothing look like people? And I agree with another reply, fleece cowl man is a little creepy! Wish I'd been in pv, would have definitely come by to join in this little competition

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8 hours ago, Catlover said:

Glad to see you've taken up the idea for renovating the community hall! 

What mod did you use for making the clothing look like people? And I agree with another reply, fleece cowl man is a little creepy! Wish I'd been in pv, would have definitely come by to join in this little competition

Place anywhere!  Such a great mod don't you think?  It can be a little tricky to get some things placed, but being able to rotate objects in the 3 different directions does allow for some creative placement of items.    Fleece Cowl Man is kinda wraith like, the empty cowl only need a couple of glowing eyes to be truly horrifying.  

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8 hours ago, manolitode said:

Nice one, you really made the community center come alive :) first time I've felt a longing for multiplayer.

Glad you liked it.  btw, from what I hear there is a multi player platform for pc players.  I haven't checked it out myself, but form what I understand
you can see some of the game play on YouTube.

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"I see the guest lecturer tonight is Fleece Cowl Man from the Three Strikes Farm!  
He is the areas foremost expert on snaring and trapping.  He supposedly makes all his
own clothing from animal hides and pelts.  Rumor has it he doesn't wear any underwear..."

ha ha ha ha!!!

Fleece Cowl Man goes commando!
He make all his own clothes but apparently he can't craft himself any underwear!!!!  
That's rich!   

I think Fleece Man needs the Northfolk clothing mod.  At least he can make some bear skin leggings, eh?

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3 hours ago, twyn1 said:

Well Done!!! Fleece Cowl Man!

The book shelves and posters remind me of setting up for "Book Fair" day at my school.

Right?  When I first started redoing the hall, my first thought was to do it up as a one room school.  But then, after I filled the foyer with gear, I opted towards making it
more of a  SAR center instead.  Glad you liked it, thanks!

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On 3/26/2022 at 5:06 PM, piddy3825 said:

Place anywhere!  Such a great mod don't you think?  It can be a little tricky to get some things placed, but being able to rotate objects in the 3 different directions does allow for some creative placement of items.    Fleece Cowl Man is kinda wraith like, the empty cowl only need a couple of glowing eyes to be truly horrifying.  

Sorry for the late response. 

Thought it might be the PA mod, great mod ! Can't imagine my bases without it, I can finally put books on bookcases! 

Yes, we need red glowing eyes! I wouldn't dare look bored at his talks.

Can't wait to see more of what you come up with! You could try inside the br penitentiary (I hope that's spelled right). I know it's outside but it is a large space, plus there's that little interior without a loading screen

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2 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Can't wait to see more of what you come up with! You could try inside the br penitentiary (I hope that's spelled right). I know it's outside but it is a large space, plus there's that little interior without a loading screen

yeah, I did take a look over at BlackRock, but it seems that the Remove Clutter mod is a little finicky and does not work in what is considered to be an outside space.  
Probably has something to do with the way items are identified but I'm not sure.  There sure are plenty of other places available to experiment with so I'm not sure 
where and what I'll do next.   My muse appears to be taking some time off...

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On 3/26/2022 at 5:08 PM, piddy3825 said:

Thanks, it took me the better part of 10 days to get it all set up!  Glad you liked it!

Certainly worth the time and effort. It's great to see the mods being used in such a creative way🙂 

All that's missing is a Christmas tree outside

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Just now, Leeanda said:

All that's missing is a Christmas tree outside

Ironic isn't it that there literally are no small evergreen trees anywhere to be found on the island?  Every tree depicted is a massive mature growth tree with no smaller seedlings or saplings as you'd expect to find.  Except of course birch an maple saplings...  Apparently the logging industry there did not have any re-forestation practices in place or else they would have re-planted the areas that they had previously clear cut.   I can see why the Forest Talkers started taking on an aggressive posture towards the business that basically were exploiting the islands resources with impunity.   I'm starting to come around to their point of view...

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3 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

Ironic isn't it that there literally are no small evergreen trees anywhere to be found on the island?  Every tree depicted is a massive mature growth tree with no smaller seedlings or saplings as you'd expect to find.  Except of course birch an maple saplings...  Apparently the logging industry there did not have any re-forestation practices in place or else they would have re-planted the areas that they had previously clear cut.   I can see why the Forest Talkers started taking on an aggressive posture towards the business that basically were exploiting the islands resources with impunity.   I'm starting to come around to their point of view...

I never thought about it until you mentioned it ,but yes  there really should be young ones and saplings around the island. Maybe in the next update or dlc?

I honestly skipped all the side missions so don't know the full story of the talkers but I can see why they would take extreme measures! 

On a side note, has anyone thought of doing a holidays mod?  Not just Christmas but Halloween too? It'd be cool to see some jack o lanterns about the towns!

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Just now, Leeanda said:

On a side note, has anyone thought of doing a holidays mod?  Not just Christmas but Halloween too? It'd be cool to see some jack o lanterns about the towns!

yeah, there is a mod for that, called the "Festive-Pack" and it contains a smattering of items for all seasons.  I recently picked it up and am currently evaluating it to see what items I might be able to incorporate in my own base building gameplay.  There is good jack-o-lantern in there, it looks like they were able to salvage an item from 
the 4 Days of Night event that Hinterland promoted a few years back, but it's mostly a black silhouette, albeit a scary looking one.   

I really hope the mod authors, (looks like three modders collaborated), update it sometime soon and address some of the irregularities in items sizing as they have a good basis in place for improving and expanding on the items they have already incorportated.  It definitely could use a few more items and a bit of polish imho.

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16 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

yeah, there is a mod for that, called the "Festive-Pack" and it contains a smattering of items for all seasons.  I recently picked it up and am currently evaluating it to see what items I might be able to incorporate in my own base building gameplay.  There is good jack-o-lantern in there, it looks like they were able to salvage an item from 
the 4 Days of Night event that Hinterland promoted a few years back, but it's mostly a black silhouette, albeit a scary looking one.   

I really hope the mod authors, (looks like three modders collaborated), update it sometime soon and address some of the irregularities in items sizing as they have a good basis in place for improving and expanding on the items they have already incorportated.  It definitely could use a few more items and a bit of polish imho.

Sounds good even if it might need some work! I'm thinking of upgrading to PC  myself so it might be worth looking at!  I haven't seen anyone using them though, that's why I asked. 

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1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

 I'm thinking of upgrading to PC  myself so it might be worth looking at!  I haven't seen anyone using them though, that's why I asked. 

Outstanding!  Honestly you'll have so much more flexiblity in your game play when you do transition to PC gaming.  

On a side note, I'd suspect the reason that you don't see any players featuring that particular mod is that most of the items are irrelevant to the 
game and serve absolutely no purpose. 

lol, I honestly can't see any interloper player(s) prancing around carrying a basket of easter eggs...

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32 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

Outstanding!  Honestly you'll have so much more flexiblity in your game play when you do transition to PC gaming.  

On a side note, I'd suspect the reason that you don't see any players featuring that particular mod is that most the items are irrelevant to the 

game and serve absolutely no purpose. 

lol, I honestly can't see any interloper player(s) prancing around carrying a basket of easter eggs...

Definitely has major advantages ,as long as I can use a controller! Seen too many people shooting their feet trying to pick up sticks!🙂 

Lol! I'd pay good money to see that😁   

But I would like to have that tree outside trappers though!

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Very good point about the pine trees. There should definitely be some smaller ones here and there.

And I  definitely would need to add a controller to play on PC -- I cannot hit the right keyboard buttons to save my soul!

But if it meant I could clean up the trash and hang things up on the wall pegs, it could be worth it!

Was pretty much just eating/drinking & sleeping/passing time to get to the end of the Pacifist achievement. I would "sit" on the porch from time to time, but Astrid was mostly hanging in the house in her long undies, sox and a sweater at the end there. I SO wanted to hang up the jackets and other gear in Grey Mother's vestibule instead of leaving it strewn all over the floor. (yes, I play very weirdly)


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9 hours ago, acada said:

I wonder whether there is mod allowing place allowing figures from EP3 to be placed in sandbox. Especially father Thomas. I think he is the only figure which is not tied to the sitting possition. 

Currently there aren't any NPC mods.  So much work as they would need dialogue and animations.  That would be a project of some magnitude and probably
would not be free as most of the current mods are. 
I would want a corpse removal mod or a burial mod.   the first guy I would move is the dead guy in Camp Office!
I'd bury the rest.  Too bad we can't use those stones for something besides throwing them at wolves or making a storage carin.

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6 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

Currently there aren't any NPC mods.  So much work as they would need dialogue and animations.  That would be a project of some magnitude and probably
would not be free as most of the current mods are. 
I would want a corpse removal mod or a burial mod.   the first guy I would move is the dead guy in Camp Office!
I'd bury the rest.  Too bad we can't use those stones for something besides throwing them at wolves or making a storage carin.

Daft question I know but can't you just drop stones on top of them at least partly! I've never thought of trying it til now. Or place anywhere with rocks if it'd work?

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2 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Daft question I know but can't you just drop stones on top of them at least partly! I've never thought of trying it til now. Or place anywhere with rocks if it'd work?

of course you can just drop stones but I was thinking more along the lines of creating a stone burial mound.

A Grave Interest: Leaving Stones on Graves

You could certainly use the place anywhere mod to skillfully arrange stones around a corpse.  I've often just built a stone storage carin over the corpse as well, but the only issue with that is the game only allows for 5 carins per map and often there are well more than 5 corpses laying about.   I'd really just settle for being able to remove a corpse from inside a building, especially if I wanted to overnight there.  Just something creepy about sleeping in the same room with a dead body sitting on the floor or laying in an adjacent bunk...

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I wasn't sure if you could place cairns on a corpse or not actually. But covering up the ones outside seems very fitting! I'm sure I'd cover them that way if i was in that situation.

I reckon a lot of people think the same thing , but I honestly like having them inside. It's that teddy bear I won't sleep near!🙂 

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