More Feats


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Looking over the currently existing selection of feats, I can think of a few that would be a decent addition to what's available:

  • Increased carry weight - (Over-encumbrance is easily achievable in TLD)
  • Weapon affinity feats - (Usage bonuses for particular weapons such as: more rifle stability, a balanced "snap" functionality for the revolver, being able to use the bow crouched, etc)
  • Insomnia - (While not a good thing, there could be a feat that provides a theoretical bonus for having it but with a drawback)
  • Herbivore tracking - (A feat that can provide an ability to more easily track down herbivores)

Feel free to add any ideas; but these are a few that come to mind for me.

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I know one: strength over death 

It takes 100 hours of being outside too low health to do much 25% health or less and it gives you immediate well fed on your adventure and cold does 2% less damage per hour  and you have advantage on wolf struggles and can hold the rifle up for a second longer than usual it might seem like much but remember what you need to do to get it and if your just spending time outside you will heal so it's hard


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On 3/7/2022 at 8:54 PM, Neko-san said:

Looking over the currently existing selection of feats, I can think of a few that would be a decent addition to what's available:

  • Increased carry weight - (Over-encumbrance is easily achievable in TLD)
  • Weapon affinity feats - (Usage bonuses for particular weapons such as: more rifle stability, a balanced "snap" functionality for the revolver, being able to use the bow crouched, etc)
  • Insomnia - (While not a good thing, there could be a feat that provides a theoretical bonus for having it but with a drawback)
  • Herbivore tracking - (A feat that can provide an ability to more easily track down herbivores)

Feel free to add any ideas; but these are a few that come to mind for me.

I like these ideas especially the weapon feat. 

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Not sure about the first one. Since Release we already got 3 ways to increase the carry weight: moose satchel, tactical backback and the well fed bonus. That gives us +15kg and increases the limit to 45kg. And this is not a hard limit. You can carry up to 20kg more (but will receive more fatigue and a malus on walking/running speed)

Edited by Karl Grylls
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2 hours ago, Karl Grylls said:

Not sure about the first one. Since Release we already got 3 ways to increase the carry weight: moose satchel, tactical backback and the well fed bonus. That gives us +15kg and increases the limit to 45kg. And this is not a hard limit. You can carry up to 20kg more (but will receive more fatigue and a malus on walking/running speed)

I didn't want to be the one to say that, but also, with the weapon affinity idea. You already have that just by leveling up the skills related to the weapon. If you mean, have high weapon when starting, as feat, that makes more sense, because most of the things you mention are achievable by leveling up the skills. I do agree with the insomnia one and partially agree with the tracking. I like the idea of having a penalty for staying up too long or maybe having too much coffee, or something similar. With the tracking, I think it would be nice to have either larger blood spots for a more damaging, better placed shot, or less for a bad shot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A feat that just came to mind relates towards well fed.

A feat that gives you an additional 5% to your maximum condition when well fed. (So 110%)

It's small, but it's a good slot filler on easier difficulties, and that extra 5% can make that condition bonus a bit more useful.

(I can't think of a good name for it.)

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All figures are approximate and require balancing:

big guy / +10% health/ - survive 200 days at maximum difficulty

savage / +30% health/ - survive 500 days at maximum difficulty

yeti /+50% health/ - survive 1000 days at maximum difficulty

glutton /calories are burned 50% slower/ - consume 3000000 calories

camel / thirst comes 50% slower/ - drink 3000000 liters of water

marathon runner / endurance decreases by 50% slower / - walk 3000 kilometers

Santa's deer / bonus +5 degrees to the temperature / - live 50 days in a row without clothes at maximum difficulty

sleepwalker / fatigue decreases by 25% slower / - live 15 days in a row without sleep at maximum difficulty

pyroman /the possibility of crafting matches from cedar or spruce firewood and gunpowder/ - use 1000 matches

meticulous / the probability of finding a box of matches in the car visor/ - inspect 1000 visors in the car

alchemist /the possibility of crafting a decoction that restores 10% of health from rosehip + reishi + birch bark + water / - drink 500 mugs of rosehip tea, reishi and 100 mugs of birch bark

chemist /possibility of crafting tablets for water purification from charcoal and painkillers/ - purify 100 liters of water

pharmacist /the possibility of crafting a first aid syringe from 50 painkillers/ - use 100 syringes

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The following feats require small changes in the game:

iron man / the ability to maim or kill a moose with an axe or knife in close combat / - cure 50 times a rib fracture

rabid /the ability to maim or kill a bear with an axe or knife in close combat / - survive 100 bear attacks

comanche / ability to throw axes and knives/ - survive 1000 wolf attacks

flamethrower /the ability to ignite a jet from an aerosol can to scare away an attacking wolf/ - survive 100 wolf attacks and paint 500 marks with paint

legolas / the ability to shoot two arrows in a row, activated by a separate key / - to hit the target with a bow 1000 times

cowboy / the opportunity to kill an attacking animal in close combat with a shot at point-blank range from a revolver / - to hit the target with a revolver 1000 times

voroshilov shooter / the ability to fire a rifle twice in a row with accelerated reloading between shots, let's say 1 second / - to hit the target with a rifle 1000 times

de caprio / the ability to sleep in animal carcasses, a wolf - 4 hours, a deer - 6 hours, a bear and an elk - 8 hours/ -  to fully butcher 300 wolves, 200 deer, 50 bears and 20 moose

raw food eater / the ability to eat raw meat without consequences/ - eat 5000 kilograms of raw wolf or bear meat

steel guts / the ability to cure food poisoning with the help of coal from a fire and water/ - cure 1000 times food poisoning

cook /the ability to make canned food from raw meat and empty cans / - open 5000 of any canned food with a can opener

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A couple of days ago, at a very heavy level, I killed 4 bears in a row with one arrow. And only after that she broke down! I lived in the Valley of a quiet river for 40 days and cleaned it completely (even pebbles) with just two arrows! Therefore, if you throw two knives and an axe to kill a bear, it will not affect the existing balance in any way. It will just be an alternative to archery. It is also possible to shorten the distance for throwing and the conditions for obtaining a feat. For close combat, you can make mandatory conditions - to have 20-25% protection. Otherwise, death! This is done so that the players do not cheat, do not take off their clothes before the fight with the bear. It is unlikely that someone will climb to tear clothes and get injured when there is a bow in their hands. I remind you that all the figures for obtaining the feat are approximate and require balancing.

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16 hours ago, Pablo_Loko said:

The following feats require small changes in the game

Well... Those are big changes.

And I don't want to say that they are necessarily bad or gamebreaking, but...

It would be a shame if they were gated by hours upon hours of senseless grind (as all feats are).


Here's an example.

16 hours ago, Pablo_Loko said:

cure 1000 times food poisoning

1000 food poisonings?! I've played for 400+ hours and I can't say I've had even 50 of them.

Or this one

16 hours ago, Pablo_Loko said:

open 5000 of any canned food with a can opener

Even if instead of 5000 there was a different reasonable number, how would one approach achieving this feat? There's no strategy for finding more canned food. And it's not like players usually ignore the cans they find. So (and this is the case with most of the feats), you will get it eventually, but there's barely anything you can do to get it sooner.

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I repeat once again that all the numbers require balancing.

Food poisoning can be provoked intentionally by eating raw meat. Meat from one bear or moose can technically give you 40 food poisoning. Therefore, you need to kill and devour a total of 25 bears or moose to get this feat. For one survival it is quite real!

My personal opinion is that feats should be given with difficulty, especially those that make life much easier for the player. Moving towards the goal is more important than the result!

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1 hour ago, Pablo_Loko said:


Food poisoning can be provoked intentionally by eating raw meat. Meat from one bear or moose can technically give you 40 food poisoning. Therefore, you need to kill and devour a total of 25 bears or moose to get this feat. For one survival it is quite real!

I have to say, I don't like the fact you have to grind for your feat ideas. I like earning them as I play, feels more rewarding, yet how am I going to accidentally get food poisoning that much? 

And a couple of yours do feel somewhat impossible such as:

On 3/31/2022 at 6:33 PM, Pablo_Loko said:

Santa's deer / bonus +5 degrees to the temperature / - live 50 days in a row without clothes at maximum difficulty


20 hours ago, Pablo_Loko said:

iron man / the ability to maim or kill a moose with an axe or knife in close combat / - cure 50 times a rib fracture

rabid /the ability to maim or kill a.ear with an axe or knife in close combat / - survive 100 bear attacks

On 3/31/2022 at 6:33 PM, Pablo_Loko said:

glutton /calories are burned 50% slower/ - consume 3000000 calories

camel / thirst comes 50% slower/ - drink 3000000 liters of water


Perhaps this one is possible, but only with a lot of grinding. I like how the feats ingame are possible to get through just playing the game, though some take a while it's certainly doable. Eating three million calories or drinking three million litres of water would just take forever. You have to take into account that though a feat is meant to be hard, it has to be doable.

And the moose and bear one though it isn't too hard to get, like @Bearimpaler101said, it would make it easier. And it seems very unrealistic, the fact you can harm or even kill such strong beasts with a knife

Some of yours I do like 

On 3/31/2022 at 6:33 PM, Pablo_Loko said:

meticulous / the probability of finding a box of matches in the car visor/ - inspect 1000 visors in the car

This one seems possible, along with some others, though my point remains the same. In my opinion they need to be hard, but doable without a lot of grinding

Of course, this is all my opinion. Maybe you like the challenge of grinding, but I thought I'd just share my opinion and I apologise if it seems harsh or anything 🙂

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100% agree! My thoughts are that not only do some of these feats require insane grinding, but I personally dont enjoy the drastic changes they bring. I enjoy the small benefits that dont ever change the core aspect of survival, like combat with the bear and moose, that is a significant change. Just my opinion though.

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I just think that feats are supposed to make the game easier in some ways especially if you wanna do interloper but are crap at it (if so I can relate[I only have free runner]) but changing the gameplay like 2 way struggle with bear and moose I think that should be more not feats (only my opinion) but @CatloverI'm sorry but he was saying 300 thousand calories or liters of water not 3million I'm sorry if it seems like I meant any of this rudely I didn't but it's my input

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23 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

I just think that feats are supposed to make the game easier in some ways especially if you wanna do interloper but are crap at it (if so I can relate[I only have free runner]) but changing the gameplay like 2 way struggle with bear and moose I think that should be more not feats (only my opinion) but @CatloverI'm sorry but he was saying 300 thousand calories or liters of water not 3million I'm sorry if it seems like I meant any of this rudely I didn't but it's my input

You didn't seem rude at all. I took a closer look and it has two sets of three zeros which I believe makes a million, or three million in this case. 🙂

And I agree, though what do you mean by it should be more not feats? Do you mean it should be in the game without needing said feat for it? 

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Thank you all for being not indifferent to my ideas, regardless of whether you like them or not!

I am also in favor of receiving an award involuntarily, without routine. I discovered this game 5 years ago, but only recently got almost all the exploits. Except for one thing.
And also against the fact that feats that seriously affect the gameplay are obtained for 5 cents. What did you want? Eat a couple of kilograms of meat, drink a couple of liters of water and get a great bonus to hunger and thirst?! By the way, you will spend 3 million calories and 3 million liters of water at the most difficult level of difficulty, approximately, in 1000 game days...
About the fact that you don't like some exploits, because they seriously change the gameplay... Do not install them before starting! Or just don't do anything to open it!

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1 minute ago, Pablo_Loko said:

And also against the fact that feats that seriously affect the gameplay are obtained for 5 cents. What did you want? Eat a couple of kilograms of meat, drink a couple of liters of water and get a great bonus to hunger and thirst?! By the way, you will spend 3 million calories and 3 million liters of water at the most difficult level of difficulty, approximately, in 1000 game days...

I honestly seriously doubt players drink or eat that much. Of course I don't know, but it just seems like way too big a number. 

And yes, I do want them to be challenging and hard to get, though it just seems like with yours, they border on near impossible with some. Perhaps you eat about 30,000, maybe even 50,000 calories for a lower bonus? Still a large number, but something that is possible to get after a while

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Rechecked more precisely how much water is consumed (interloper). Last time I mistakenly wrote liters instead of milliliters.

So, to completely quench your thirst, you need 0.7 liters. For 7 hours of reading books or 10 hours of sleep, we completely use up our water supply. Therefore, we need 2 liters of water per day (14 hours of reading + 10 hours of sleep = 3 times of complete thirst quenching).

camel 1 /thirst comes 50% slower / - drink 2000 liters of water

camel 2 /thirst comes 25% slower / - drink 1000 liters of water

camel 3 /thirst comes 10% slower / - drink 200 liters of water

Once again, I remind you that the numbers require balancing. Not all of the above exploits have been tested by me and exist in this topic as an idea. Thank you all for your criticism and doubts.

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3 hours ago, Pablo_Loko said:

Rechecked more precisely how much water is consumed (interloper). Last time I mistakenly wrote liters instead of milliliters.

So, to completely quench your thirst, you need 0.7 liters. For 7 hours of reading books or 10 hours of sleep, we completely use up our water supply. Therefore, we need 2 liters of water per day (14 hours of reading + 10 hours of sleep = 3 times of complete thirst quenching).

camel 1 /thirst comes 50% slower / - drink 2000 liters of water

camel 2 /thirst comes 25% slower / - drink 1000 liters of water

camel 3 /thirst comes 10% slower / - drink 200 liters of water

Once again, I remind you that the numbers require balancing. Not all of the above exploits have been tested by me and exist in this topic as an idea. Thank you all for your criticism and doubts.

Those are much better, imo. They'd take a while to get but are completely possible without grinding for hours

And I apologise if I had seen overly harsh before, I was simply stating my opinion and I feel that now you've changed them now to much better levels

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