Got a favorite region or one you want added tell here


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4 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

You're welcome.  I'm also beginning to think the rubbings may be somewhat meaningless right now.  I started yet another test run in Ash Canyon... no rubbings, but definitely a moose present (no stomping this time).  This moose is the one that can spawn near Bitter Marsh, but the usual markings for it are no where around.  In short, I wouldn't totally count out any of those locations where you didn't see rubbings.

Thanks for the heads up. The last few runs have been ok with that . I wondered if it's something to do with maxing them out ,along with the bears and wolves. I did reduce the t-wolves though to try and compensate a bit.! 

I will pass through the known spawn sites  again at some point anyway,just to see whether they do turn up or not!

Glad you didn't get stomped this time!

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Definitely Coastal Highway. I love Quonset, Jackrabbit and Misanthrope’s, ı love both coastal and higher side of region, ı love hang out in fishing huts or waiting for sunrise in lookout. It’s perfect. Quonset Garage is my main base now and ı carried all of my loots, my pilgrim loots!! Vary large,useful and functional base for me.

In my early days on TLD, ML was my favourite because of the Camp Office but ı guess now ı see the value of CH.

PV and DP are also good regions for holding places like PV Homestead, Community Hall or of course the Lighthouse but DP is small and PV is not so pleasant (you know, blizzards)

I had big hopes about Blackrock when ı played ep4 but ın survival mode the region seems very very struggling for me (unfortunately now ı am in Blackrock for finding prepper cache but ı couldn’t find yet)

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By far Coastal Highway is my favorite region. I find it is the easiest region to traverse when I want to avoid wolf and bear encounters. Sight distance over the ice is superb.  Fishing huts provide safe stopping points when traveling. I cache each hut with fuel for approximately 12 hours - vastly reducing the threat posed by blizzards.  Killing the bear from the safety of the cliff overlooking the Fishing Camp cabins could not be easier. It is probably the region with the most cloth; I have accumulated 570 pieces by harvesting all curtains, pillows, towels, furniture and excess clothing. Fishing huts provide food, lamp fuel and  a place to beat down cabin fever risk. Beach combing offers the prospect of finding the birch saplings which I view as the greatest limiting factor in the game.

My preference for Coastal Highway does not include the Quonset Hut and its surrounding structures.  I cannot think of many areas so prone to surprise wolf and bear attacks.  I spent just enough time to load up and remove valuable loot.  Hundreds of days later I returned only to harvest cloth and metal.  Once the last couch and metal shelf is broken down I will avoid this area entirely.


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I agree I like coastal highway pretty close to a forge  lots'o'loot  lots of hunting to be done I like it (except for the time at the bottom  of the ropes to the lookout on whiteout  the bear at the bottom scared my family cuz on the ledge halfway up he glitched a  pawprint and we went down the rope but he as there)

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Coastal Highway is definitely my favorite, for many reasons. The warmer weather, fishing, hunting, rabbit areas -- lots of wood, cloth, food/gear loot & storage -- work benches -- ease of getting to shelter in a blizzard -- variety of housing choices and some beautiful vistas. Also, it's not too long a trek to a forge & to other areas, and coal is readily available as well.

I play mostly on Pilgrim, so the wolves don't bother me, and they will often chase down a deer for me so I don't need to use my ammo or arrows.

I have also come to have great affection for the Mountaineer's Hut in TWM ... it's just seems very cozy -- despite that big hole in the roof 😉

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I can't wait until they are perseverance mills and somewhere that's coastal but has multiple islands accessible only via under water ice caves  bridges and fallen trees the under water ice caves have no wolves but they have a moose in a big part and a few pieces of good loot  but there are temperature is -10unless it's colder outside

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On 3/3/2022 at 1:44 AM, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

The memories of my double moose stomp incident are too fresh.  Interloper moose stomping is no joke 😬

Ah I feel your pain! In my current interloper run, I go stomped twice by a moose after my 2nd and 4th shots at Pensive Pond (second one he ran past the fishing hut, I came out, and instantly turned and smacked me again). 

Then after arriving to TMW, I went to the nice hunting area and lured the deer into the wolf, then killed the wolf. The second wolf had taken the second deer so I went to shot that wolf too, taking a wide berth around the moose, but nope, he charged at me from range and go me, and I stood up and before I could walk away and nailed me a second time. I didn't even have a chance to think about taking a shot. Day 60 in interloper and twice have I got double moose stompings and broken ribs. Luckily, I have kept up the well feed buff from the start of the run, so at 105% I could survive double stompings both times. 

In terms of my favourite regions, TMW and Ash Canyon for sure, but like others I am disappointed about no forge in the area of the map. I want to just play an interloper spawn out of those two regions, but without arrows and knives it can only go so long. I also love Forlong Muskeg, it perhaps is my favourite region - and the Milton Basin that connects too it. For me, the tough wild areas are my favourite (apart from HRV). I did recently spend 20 odd days in PV though and it is so beautiful, but also bitterly cold (even with full crafted clothes and +25c bonus). 

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How can anyone like forlorn muskeg (no offense meant) it's windy nothing there except a forge and a hunters blind that's a bear den and it has lots of bears and wolves it's as bad as hell on interloper no scratch that  it's as bad as the darkwalkers stomach (you know I wonder if survival mode is just the darkwalkers stomach) (by the way today I shot a bear in the neck with an arrow in voyageur and it didn't die then i t came alert 2 hours still alive [this is broken railroad bear] and then another hour and blizzard then my parents told me to get off but like my moose and 5 wolves it will die in the blizzard and disappear  and it ran away with my arrow [like a con artist he bribed me with something {bear coat and meat} and ran off with man hard earned money {my arrow}]

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On 3/8/2022 at 2:23 PM, hozz1235 said:

BRR has too many wolves for my taste.  I will usually rush through and get out.

My favorite for spending time?  TWM.  Love that hut on the lake.

hozz1235, I returned to TWM and settled in at hut on the lake after a 400 visit to other regions to assemble resources and scour the land for birch saplings.  Upon returning to TWM I immediately repaired stashed clothing. 

Within a day I developed a new appreciation of the Mountaineer's hut on the lake.  The fishing hut provides sufficient food and allows me to stock up on lamp oil. Wolves are ever present on the lake but are easy to avoid.  Wood is abundant and is conveniently located behind the hut, another predator free area.  The bear visits the lake at predictable times and can be ignored if one stays around the hut.  Hunting the bear from the fishing hut is fairly simple, albeit not as simple as at the CH Fishing Cabins' roadside cliff. Rabbits are conveniently available behind the Mountaineer's hut as well.

Since the wolves and bear can be easily avoided I am going to see how long I can thrive at this location without once shooting the bow, revolver or rifle.

Stocking up on cloth and metal is not too difficult if you relay it from the PV Farmhouse to Draft Dodgers-Skeeters Ridge-Abandoned Preppers. Using only animal based clothing should help to minimize cloth wasteage.

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TimberWolf Mountain is by far my single most favorite region of Great Bear Island.

What's not like about a map with only one usable structure on it that also sports a workbench?   
You've got the nearby bear den, two adjacent moose spawning areas in addition to an ever present
deer herd and nearby rabbit warrens as well!  You've got food covered for as long as you'll ever need
plenty of natural resources as well as whatever loot can be salvaged from the wreckage of the downed
cargo plane.   Best to make this a base after you've collected or forged enough arrowheads to last and
yeah, you gotta bring your own cooking pots but when you get there life is good if not golden.

And if and when the shizzle hits the fan, you can quickly high tail it outta there to the relative sanctuary
of the nearby perma bunker after a brief hike and quick climb down a short rope!   

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On 3/12/2022 at 10:04 AM, Blizzard Walker said:

hozz1235, I returned to TWM and settled in at hut on the lake after a 400 visit to other regions to assemble resources and scour the land for birch saplings.  Upon returning to TWM I immediately repaired stashed clothing. 

Within a day I developed a new appreciation of the Mountaineer's hut on the lake.  The fishing hut provides sufficient food and allows me to stock up on lamp oil. Wolves are ever present on the lake but are easy to avoid.  Wood is abundant and is conveniently located behind the hut, another predator free area.  The bear visits the lake at predictable times and can be ignored if one stays around the hut.  Hunting the bear from the fishing hut is fairly simple, albeit not as simple as at the CH Fishing Cabins' roadside cliff. Rabbits are conveniently available behind the Mountaineer's hut as well.

Since the wolves and bear can be easily avoided I am going to see how long I can thrive at this location without once shooting the bow, revolver or rifle.

Stocking up on cloth and metal is not too difficult if you relay it from the PV Farmhouse to Draft Dodgers-Skeeters Ridge-Abandoned Preppers. Using only animal based clothing should help to minimize cloth wasteage.

Yup, and 2 moose spawns close by, to boot!

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