you never forget your first time


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the excitement just doesn't get any better than this





The bellow of anger that erupts from this blood lusted bear when he first impales himself on the newly crafted bear spear really gets the adrenaline
pumping and ratchet s up the excitement level to another notch as I wonder if this spear is gonna hold!  The multiple onslaughts instill a doubt, will this 
really work?   Doubt instills a little fear, things could end badly, but the spear endures and I still stand!  

What was your reaction the first time you fought the bear with the spear in story mode?  

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First time I was in the dark on how it would work, But as soon as the popup tip told me how to use the spear I started to imagine how it all would go down. I imagined the wolf scene from the movie "300".

First charge from the bear got me off guard as I wasn't ready for it.
Died from blood loss before I could even do anything about it. Lucky thing Wintermute has the very forgiving save/load feature.

Second time I was able to put the spear in place and thought I'd nail the bear once and for all. I struggled. Then the bear ran off. I was a bit stumped that the bear would even survive the engagement.
I was surprised that I had to repeat this. Thought to myself: "WHAT??? I have to repeat this? ... how many times? Should I run off? Am I missing something?"
Then the second charge from the bear came and I was barely able to get into the stance with the spear in time. "Whyyy? Is the bear really this stupid????"
Just recovering from the second struggle that got me injured too. I was no longer able to hold the spear. "Holy *****!!!! I need to patch up before the bear charge me the thi.-..." *bear charges again* ... *dies again from blood loss*.


Third times a charm. right?

Loads up the last checkpoint. But before I charge in to rinse and repeat, I prepare more bandages, collects few more pills and another flask of disinfectant.
First charge: flawless. No damages to me.
Second charge: Some minor Injuries and torn clothes.
-"Holy cow!.. .this bear really torn up most of my clothes."
I retreat so that I don't have to engage the third time before I patch up. Then proceeded to patch up and repair the leftover clothes that still can be repaired. That is when a blizzard hits and I have to seek shelter. -"#$¤&¥##*moarprofanities*"

After almost two days of blizzard I emerge from a nearby cave seeking up the spot I engaged the bear on. Bear is now gone. Huh... I wonder if I have to redo everything all over next time I engage the bear. Well.. onto the second radio tower nearby and get the quest item.

While I traverse the terrain I see a bunch of wolves. (Not the timberwolves though) I take the chanse of using the spear against the wolf that is snarling at me. It immediately wimper and scurries off. 
-"Wow... this thing is an efficient wolf-deterrent. Hope I can keep it after dealing with the bear."

I then proceeds to the third and last radio tower forgetting about the bear. There I see it again. This time I'm better prepared.
Rinse and repeat. But this time with all charges from the bear with no injuries to me. Just a few minor torn clothes. Easy to repair/replace.

Heads back to hand in the quest... but that is when I get stumped of not being able to exit the area. (I keep having the spear out).
Is it a bug??? Why??? I try over and over... When i put away the spear, the next cut scene takes over. (No spoilers)
-"Ooooh riiight. That was odd. The next cut scene would not trigger if I had any weapon out. Maybe I should report this lil bug."

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@SysGhost, I agree that first onslaught of the bear killed me more than once in story mode as I was trying to get set to battle the bear.  After my third death by mauling, I finally got set up with the spear firmly planted and the resulting battle at the broken antenna tower was epic!  This is my second playthrough and this time I left FM without going for the final third transponder.  Wielding the bear spear now back in ML and loving just playing in the sandbox!

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Oh I'm so glad to know I'm not the only person who died so many times at the signal towers, lol!

Also lots of spoilers, obviously

My experience with the bear was basically a rush of paranoia throughout the episode as it took me a while to figure out that the bear had designated spots to pop up and wasn't actually stalking me. Felt like an idiot when I figured that out. 

I was also confused when the bear spear didn't kill the bear like it was meant to. Then I noticed I was maybe 60% or so through the story and dreaded having to do it again. Though there were fewer battles than I'd expected 

I struggled a little with the last part of the cave chapter, though the rest before was surprisingly easy, and I'll admit to watching a yt video on how to get back the bear spear

Went over, killed the bear and was mostly just relieved to have no more predators stalking me. It was a pretty cool death scene though, and I was not disappointed

Loaded episode three, saw the timberwolves, and was just like 'Here we go again'.  

Edited by Catlover
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