Does the flare gun kill a bear?


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I've personally never tried it, though I've seen tld streamers and the like manage to bring one down with a flare gun. However, only when they were in close distance and if it was a critical hit, so it's probably unlikely to just kill it outright. However, I'd assume that the flare gun would still kill it eventually. Could be wrong however so feel free to correct me.

Does the bear start to bleed when it runs off? 


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13 hours ago, Levelgrinder said:

Does the flare gun kill a bear? I've hit a few that were charging me, and the flare stuck to them and they ran off.

Do they bleed out and die eventually? Should I chase them next time to get the skin and meat?

Thanks for the question. It's possible, though unlikely. Flare guns do inflict some damage, and if the bear is already wounded it could happen. The circumstances would need to be right, though. 

Good luck! 

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@Levelgrinder yes indeed you can kill a bear with a flare gun.  And one shot is all it takes!

I took a pot shot at the bear during his standup animation from a high perch and struck him in the side.


You can see the blood spatter of the flares impact in the snow and he is glowing marvelously as he runs away.


I followed from a distance as he ran back and forth, the smell of burning bear hair permeating the air


that flare burns for an incredibly long time too


after the flare burned out, I continued to track him and it looked like he was still leaving a faint blood trail. 
I guess the flare cauterizes the wound to some extent as the blood trail was really tiny little dots in the snow.


Not to long afterward however, he just plopped down dead...  

Keeping the flare gun handy in case and furry fanged marauders wanted to engage, I decided to quarter my prize.


39.6 kilos nicely bagged into 8 convenient to carry sacks.

So, do you dare to flare a bear?

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It (like other weapons except the Revolver) has a low chance of killing the bear on the first shot as with the moose, both require up to 4 "good hits" (hits that count as crit chance, typically head and heart). The Flare Gun has no skillup (there's not enough flare shells in the world for that) but as compensation, it's the only weapon with a scare guarantee. 👍

So if you care about what you wear but still want to breathe the open air you should always be aware, and scare the bear with a flare.

Edited by Gun Tech.
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  • 2 weeks later...
31 minutes ago, Nitzy said:

I've also killed a moose with the flare gun and they're tougher than bears cause they don't bleed out. Took 3 shots right to the face. Was hilarious seeing it run around like Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer.

and wasn't it just a grand battle?

I once took out the moose in PV near pensive pond but it took me 7 flares to bring him down.  One went right into his left eye, the resulting image of that buring flare looked like the beast had just been unleashed from the portals of Hell.  Comical and horrifying all at the same time.  

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