260 days Voyager and still alot of questions


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First of all, thank you all who created this game and all who supported this game by purchase.

This is one of the best games i ever played. And i played alot of games the last 20 years.

I can play this haunting and amazing game on a 10 years old PC with close to max settings.


I play Voyager, day 270 atm. My exploration route has been ML (fully looted, main base) -> MT (fully looted) -> ML (awefull transition back with alot of loot, but learned alot of how to handle climbing and living in the cave between the climbing spots for 1 week) -> PV (partially looted) -> TWM (only rest stop) -> AC (goldmine rush) -> TWM (rest, food, water) -> PV (secondary base, fully looted).

My aim atm is to get 5 important features while preparing to set up another base in FM to use the forge. I got the hammer very late in PV. If i get all my 5 desired feats, i will start again on a custom settings to bring me closer to my idea of difficulty, which will end up between voyager and stalker.

Now i have some questions which i didnt find any information about. Eventually i didnt search enough though.

My questions are the following ones. (I hope my english is good enough)

1. Does walking on snowfree streets encrease walking speed? Because i could swear i am faster on snowfree streets (PV).

2. How is the (basic?) chance to get an injury on steep terrain if i am not fatigued (totally full meter) and  not overburdened?

3. At level 5 cooking it seems that the only problem is not to forget that 0% food will vanish if stored in containers?

4. Is anyone using multiple stormlanterns just for the stackable warmth bonus?

5. Does it make sense to break down simple tools if i have enough quality tools for each base i will establish? And if so, does it make sense to use those simple tools first until they are close to break and only then i break them down for scrap metals?

6. Do you ever break down guns? I already broke down 2 out of 7 rifles i found because i thought i only need 1 home defense weapon each base and those i broke down were only at around 30% condition. (Strangely i found much more rifles (7) then revolvers (3))

7. At which % do you repair you clothing? (Some clothing repair with 50%+ and some only 30%+ and for now i only repair wastefully if i go for long adventures, cant stand wasted cloth, even though i could build 100 snowshelters by now)

8. At level 3 cooking, do you still carry a canopener just to avoid using your knife or other tools?

9. Which tools or items do you always break down if you found multiple ones?

10. Does the rock cache count as an actual indoor container? (because where to put some of those canned foods which like to be indoors (sardines, soda etc), if i am in a outdoor base, like cave or similar)


To be continued.

Thank you for reading and any comment much appreciated.


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Wowser, that is one helluva laundry list of questions...

1. yes walking on snow free streets is faster than walking across snowy fields
2. the jury is out on this one, as sometimes the sprain mechanic seems to be a bit wonky.  but when you see the prompt.  stop and take a breath...
3. you can eat moldy food with impunity... it will disappear when it finally goes bad.  surprising on how long it takes though stored outside vs. inside
4. considering the carry weight of the lantern(s) and limited fuel supply, no, but if it works and that's all you got...
5. Considering how much scrap metal there is in the game, you can afford to keep them repaired to 100%.  just leave a set in every base camp.
6. I'd never break down a rifle.  Repair to 100%, there are plenty of cleaning kits in the game.  Load it and leave one in every base camp.
7. I personally repair whenever my clothing drops below 75%.  repaired clothing is warmer than worn clothing.  Plus there is an abundance of cloth in the game
8. Can openers insure maximum calories per container opened.  other than that, it's just extra weight in your pack.  use your knife... your not starving anyways
9. Why break tools down?  repair them and leave them in every base camp.  there's plenty of scrap metal in the world.  waste not, want not...
10. The rock cache is an excellent container.  but food items will still decay and eventually disappear.  

There's a lot of loot on Voyager and it's fun to try to gather it all up and drag it to one location.  I did that a few times myself... If you have time, check out my post in the general discussion thread, called "Setting up Shop at Camp Office."  I think you'll get a kick out of it.
Now a days however, I like to establish one or two base camps in each region.  complete will all the items I need for extended periods. 

btw, have you found the prepper's caches in both Mystery Lake and Pleasant Valley?  Depending on which variety you find, there's still more loot to had!

Good luck in your gamplay! 

"Don't just survive when you can camp out and thrive!"

Edited by piddy3825
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At level 3 cooking, do you still carry a canopener just to avoid using your knife or other tools?

Yes. It doesn't really weigh anything. The problem is the stupid change they made where you can no longer select your tool for opening cans. If you can live with the wear on the knife, then use it. For me it's a bit too much.

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1) Yes, about 20-25% faster walking speed, more noticeable when unencumbered 

2) Fatigue and weight don't affect sprain chance, the only thing that affects it is if you are encumbered.

3) Basically, you can eat any food (except raw meat) and not have to worry about negative afflictions. 

4) Carrying more than one storm lanterns IMO is a waste of inventory space, unless you plan to move them to another location to break them down for the fuel. The warmth bonus for have one near you is so small, that in cases like blizzards, even having 4 wouldn't change much.

5) There isn't really any reason to break down simple tools unless you need the scrap, or need to repair your quality tools. If you have both, always use the quality tools.

6) Breaking down guns is a waste of time, you don't get much firewood and there are plenty of other ways to get scrap. 

7) If you're trying to get mending lvl 5, repair things as soon as you can so you can level it up faster, but otherwise, below 80% is were I would repair (assuming I have an abundance of cloth)

8 ) Carrying a can opener beyond lvl 3 cooking is useless, if you want to open a can, just drop both your hatchet and knife, and you will smash open the can without any lost food. Just be warned that if you do this, you will not get the can back. 

9) There isn't a reason to break down tools, whetstones are a finite resource, and you don't want to have to go the the milling machine every time you want to repair something, so having extra tools allows you to use them for tasks like opening fishing holes, while saving your high condition tools for when you need them.

10) It counts as an outdoor container, which means it causes food to rot quicker than an indoor container, but slower than on the ground outside. Use it for storing only high-condition food, as if left too long, low condition food will disappear quicker that if it was inside.

Hope this helps!


Edited by SpanishMoss
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As has been stated by others - don't break down things like rifles and tools.  You can leave one of each in each main base camp.  I find it can be easier if I leave a rifle with 10 bullets at the base camps where I like to hunt.  Just like I leave wood, coal and fishing hooks in the fishing huts I like to use.   I leave a tool set at each workbench that I like to use.  that way, they're handy but you don't have to lug them around.  Same deal with pots.  I like to haul them to preferred base camps.  Just leave your meat lying around on the ground.  It won't disappear when "ruined" and if your cooking is up to lvl 5 you can still cook the ruined meat.  re: the rifles, I used to break them down, but then there was this glitch where the rifles would vanish in snow banks if you had a wolf struggle.  They got rid of that feature, but...... who knows they may bring it back on purpose.


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I hope you've tried out STALKER: Anomaly, strelok. Anyways for clothing repair I personally repair them when it's the most beneficial thing to do. Repairing a little before bed, or repairing if I need the extra warmth. I don't have a set % that I like to do it at.

I have never broken down any weapons or tools. It has never come up that it would benefit me to do so so I don't spend the time/calories doing it.

The other questions have been answered or aren't something I can really answer.

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Thank you all for your comments. I have a blast playing this game.

I have to read the wind and the weather. I have to use obstacles to avoid windchill (hug a tree if there is nothing bigger). I have to dry my clothing. I have to avoid carrying to much smelly meat (stalked by 3 wolves while i was carrying 30kg cooked bear meat to supply my outpost). I have to watch my fatigue. I got lost in a fog. I broke into thin ice. I did fall down a rope climb. I was using cat tails for a cat tail trail to find my way home. I read a book while aurora and a bear was running around like crazy (intended?). I was happy of a rabbit nearby because of a wolf stalking me while i was overcumbered (poor rabbit). Once i thought it was a bear, but it was a tree stump. Once i thought it was a wolf but it was a rabbit. I got lost in a cave. I killed my first deer with my first revolver with only having 2 bullets. I survived a blizzard because of 2 storm lanterns and a bearskin sleeping bag and a bearskin coat. I was learning how a simple stone can help you to survive. I had to sleep in a car for 2 nights. And so on and so on.

I have still not a single second which was boring. This is it.

Day 370. Living in the cave from FM to BI. Waiting to hunt a moose which can spawn nearby. 180 feathers waiting for arrowheads still to be forged. After that i want to make bullets out of my around 100 lead in BI. This will be my final adventure after that i think i will have all my 5 desired feats. Blizzardwalker at around 75%. 130 days to go.

@ odizzido Nice you recognized my name for this forum. I choosed Strelok because i love STALKER and i was reminded of it because of the difficulty mode called Stalker in this game. I was playing around 600 hours of STALKER years ago. Specifically Misery and then Call of Misery. One of the greatest games ever played. I lived for days in the NPP and i was hunting chimeras just because i was terrified by them and had to end this.

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